(Barbarian reminds Async that Dawkins is talking about the origin of life by chance)
This refrain is getting a bit tiring – but, once more lads, his hearing aid isn’t working too well: Abiogenesis is NOT EVOLUTION!!!!!
Glad you accept that. But go back and check the words you attributed to Dawkins. It's about the origin of living things.
Now here's the pot calling the kettle black! You've been backed into smuggling design (as opposed to chance) into (alleged) evolutionary processes.
Barbarian chuckles:
As you learned earlier, it's neither design, or chance. Evolution isn't by chance, and it isn't designed. It's created.
Let’s have a quote from the scientific literature that says so.
God says so. And of course Darwin said so.
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
You have done so just as your high priest does
Yours, not mine. You declared him high priest.
by attributing qualities of design ability to something that clearly could not possibly possess them.
Nope. Creation, not design.
No sign of design. Just natural processes. Which, as you learned some time ago, are more efficient than design
I could quotemine a dozen evolutionists all saying words to the effect that evolution is a chance process
Barbarian chuckles:
I notice you tried to do that with Darwin, and got yourself embarrassed again. .
Berlinski mocks this by saying that there must be a Head Monkey there making the decisions about whether to retain the letter there or not!
Berlinksi still hasn't heard about natural selection.
I find that quite amusing.
Me, too.
Barbarian observes:
Natural selection, as you learned, can make great changes by making small incremental changes. Would you like to see an example?
If there was any such thing, you’d have brought it up already.
I have. Hall's bacteria evolved a new irreducibly complex enzyme system by random mutation and natural selection. I've shown you a number of times, but you keep forgetting. I wish there was some way to help you remember.
There isn’t, so what are you going to do about it?
Keep reminding you. I'm a very patient guy.
Remember, I’m looking for something that will produce the Cambrian explosion of species, genera, etc etc.
Random mutation and natural selection.
No intelligence is required. Hall's bacterial, for example, evolved a new, irreducibly complex enzyme system, by small steps from random mutations, organized by natural selection.
And this magnificent example produced which new genus or species?
That's much easier. You were shown several directly observed speciations. That can sometimes happen by a single mutation.
Now, are you Darwin's or Dawkins' disciple?
Barbarian observes:
I merely read what they wrote, and see what I think makes sense. As you learned, it's a big help if you know what you're talking about. Read and learn.
Well if you could possibly think that abiogenesis is evolution
But you know better, now. Remember when you told us Dawkins said that the first organisms came about by chance, that means abiogenesis. What happens after that is evolution.
They flatly contradict each other, and you would be lying to say otherwise.
Show us that.
(can't show it)
Barbarian suggests:
Let's say that a hundred coins are tossed and they all fall into a counting machine that counts the heads and tails. But the machine has a defect; it scans the coin, but the scan that detects tails only works every odd coin.
You'll end with a non-random result, biased toward heads, but the tosses were entirely random. Surprise.
We have a machine. Intelligently designed and constructed.
Unless God created it. Then it would be like the laws under which evolution works.
The machine is defective.
Unless the creator wanted a non-random result. Then it works fine.
NS, according to you, works perfectly.
Nope. Evolutionary theory says that natural selection tends to remove unfavorable traits and to preserve good ones. That's all He needs for it to do what He wants it to do.
As you admitted, the counting is biased and unfair.
So is natural selection. Thank you.
Faulty is the proper description. The dice are loaded. I fail to see any non-random process here.
If not, you don't know what "non-random" means.
Everything in it is designed
Nope. This one, God created.
and works to produce a predictable result.
Like natural selection. Very good.
If you went to a gaming table with such dice, you’d be shot.
Take that up with the Guy who created the machine.
It's simple. A random process, like flipping coins or mutations, when acted upon by a non-random process like natural selection, produces a non-random result.
You have smuggled in the Head Monkey again. Not allowed.
God did that, too. Natural selection is just His natural laws at work. Mike needs to take that one up with Him, too.
Good luck, Mike.