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God Has Called Us To Be The Church Outside Of Church


"God Has Called Us To Be The Church Outside Of Church"
By Zach Wood
Colossians 4:2-6

Because of the Good News God has given to us, we are told to share that good news with those who are lost.
Jesus gives us a mission to fulfill. The Great Commission sends us out to share the good news and teach people about Christ’s Love.

The Apostle Paul talks about how we, as the church, need to live our lives so carefully each day so that others will see the Good News not only through our speech, but also through our actions and the way we live. It's one thing to talk about sharing God's Love. It's another thing to actually do it and get out there to make it real for people.

When we praise God through our tough times, it sends a very positive message to those who need to hear the good news and many become inquisitive. And through those inquisitive times, people are more open to us being able to be the church outside of the church walls. We can minister to people and share God's Love in ways we've never been able to before.

Now, more than ever, people need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. It’s great to have our fellowship within the walls of our church, but God has called us to do so much more.
Very good post but I think you know as well as I do that many believers are afraid to stand up outside of the walls, as you put it. I don't attend services for this very reason. The word and example needs to be out there to draw them in here. What intregs me even more is most who attend services are only obedient there...dressing up and looking like good people when I know plenty who continue to do atrocious things with a bible in hand. Further more its disgusting to see commercial Christians play Jesus/God for attention or exceptance for credit. I hear some men/women say, "I've read the bible many times and I know it all." Thats crap! And these are the same who cheat on their spouses or beat their children with the word as though they are God and demand discipline through torments. My mother is an evangelist and have been one for several years but she hasn't changed anything about herself. She's been a cronic complainer as long as I can remember and she redicules almost everything from her perspectives. In short she plays her part well at church but at home she's a monster. One things for sure, it ain't easy setting an example and God said it very plainly, " If you love me the world will hate you." I think many are afraid to be hated so they stay behind the walls. Chickens!
While I understand what you're saying,'s the work of the Holy Spirit to draw people. The true church will be out there doing the commision....the way is still narrow and few there be that find it.
yes, but if i did that were i work, well car parts wouldnt be on you at work gets me the look from the boss at times. i do it when i dont have anything.
Well, before my smartphone I just sat there looking stupid.... now I can get caught up on email etc. But let's not derail the op. What a great topic. Hope more join in
"God Has Called Us To Be The Church Outside Of Church"
By Zach Wood
Colossians 4:2-6

Because of the Good News God has given to us, we are told to share that good news with those who are lost.
Jesus gives us a mission to fulfill. The Great Commission sends us out to share the good news and teach people about Christ’s Love.

The Apostle Paul talks about how we, as the church, need to live our lives so carefully each day so that others will see the Good News not only through our speech, but also through our actions and the way we live. It's one thing to talk about sharing God's Love. It's another thing to actually do it and get out there to make it real for people.

When we praise God through our tough times, it sends a very positive message to those who need to hear the good news and many become inquisitive. And through those inquisitive times, people are more open to us being able to be the church outside of the church walls. We can minister to people and share God's Love in ways we've never been able to before.

Now, more than ever, people need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. It’s great to have our fellowship within the walls of our church, but God has called us to do so much more.

Great post! :thumbsup

I wonder how many here who agree with you do go out and tell others about Jesus and lead them to the Lord
"God Has Called Us To Be The Church Outside Of Church"
By Zach Wood
Colossians 4:2-6

Because of the Good News God has given to us, we are told to share that good news with those who are lost.
Jesus gives us a mission to fulfill. The Great Commission sends us out to share the good news and teach people about Christ’s Love.

The Apostle Paul talks about how we, as the church, need to live our lives so carefully each day so that others will see the Good News not only through our speech, but also through our actions and the way we live. It's one thing to talk about sharing God's Love. It's another thing to actually do it and get out there to make it real for people.

When we praise God through our tough times, it sends a very positive message to those who need to hear the good news and many become inquisitive. And through those inquisitive times, people are more open to us being able to be the church outside of the church walls. We can minister to people and share God's Love in ways we've never been able to before.

Now, more than ever, people need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. It’s great to have our fellowship within the walls of our church, but God has called us to do so much more.

"Preach the gospel always, use words if necessary" - attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi
You hit the nail on the head here eduardo!!! Thank you for sharing this! You are so very right! And I will admit at times I am someone just like this. I try hard not to be, but many times, Satan pulls me down during the week and I find myself being one person at church and another at work and at home. It's a constant challenge. Thank you for being so open and honest about the concern and your perspective. I'm sorry you have has those experiences to deal with.
You hit the nail on the head here eduardo!!! Thank you for sharing this! You are so very right! And I will admit at times I am someone just like this. I try hard not to be, but many times, Satan pulls me down during the week and I find myself being one person at church and another at work and at home. It's a constant challenge. Thank you for being so open and honest about the concern and your perspective. I'm sorry you have has those experiences to deal with.

Don't worry. God is still performing His work in you and I can see that. How? Because you ACKNOWLEDGE the battle and see how you are outside of church sometimes which means you are no longer blind to it. It is a constant challenge because everyone puts on their best 'face' or show at church. So, there is an illusion of righteouesness there which is not accurate because it is an illusion of appearance and not of the heart. These are trees without fruit, wells without water and clouds without rain. It matters not that you confess the Lord with your mouth only if you do not confess Him with your actions. "Every tree that does not bring forth fruit is cut down and cast into the fire. There will be many 'self righteous' godly men and woman on the day of judgement who will say LORD, LORD, didn't we eat with you, prophesy in your name and do many great things? And he will say depart from me I never knew you, you who practice lawlessness." The were disobedient to the commandment of Christ which is to love others. The Will of God for our lives is that we bear forth fruit by loving others in our daily lives

Remember, in the end, when you stand before God, it will not matter how many times you went to church, how many scriptures you have memorized or what denomination you belong too. The only thing that will matter is how many lives you touched and how you treated others.