While the topic of God in control/ not in control is interesting, and I've made my own contribution to that discussion, I'm hoping it doesn't derail the OP. I'm hoping the questions I asked will get answered so we can continue to discuss the OP.
When you're guilty, your're guilty. I have no problem with being convicted of my sins. And that's perfectly consistent with scripture. Particularly Romans 8:1 NASB. Convicted or condemned doesn't have to categorically mean 'damned' if that's the connotation some people want to attach to it, though it might mean that for the person who really is damned.
There are lots of scriptures about Purging yourself to be a vessel of Honor fit for the Masters use. Paul said Judge ourselves so we don't get judged. We are to run our race, We are to lay aside every weight and sin that besets (Gets us off course) from our race............ WE DO THAT.
we have to be careful as there are things "WE" are told to do......... Put our old man under, put our own body in subjection. So on.
Doing wrong, you already knew you did Wrong, else you would not know it's wrong. The Holy Spirit has no reason to "Convict" or mention what you did. You already know, and are told to judge yourself, and not do that again. Repent as you know you did wrong.
It's not a feeling, or emotion. You know you did wrong, you fix it and get right with God. You know you did Wrong because you violated the light you had, not that God convicted you.
Things we need our thinking changed on, and don't know it's Wrong. God sends the Word, and gives us instruction to change those things. First we must get the revelation from God that there are better ways than what we currently know.
An example, two believers living together who never considered or understand your suppose to be married first. Once they get that revelation, then they can make the changes and seperate or marry.
So it's never a conviction of sin. You know right away if you blown it or not, and you were told to judge yourself, make the changes.
If you have goofy ways that need changed (We all do) then God works on those things a few at a time. The more we walk with God, the more we see areas we need to fix that are normal for us but not God's best.
Feeling bad, or having our heart condemn us is not God, it's carnal and we can't be led by feelings. Having a heart that feels bad (Condemned) hurts our confidence in God. (1JOhn)
Believers are use to being feeling led and carnally led, so they try to relate to God this way, and it is not going to work for them.
There are things I have done, and once revelaed it almost makes you sick inside. You think, How could I have done that? You want to run far from it and ensure that never happens again. That is "YOUR" conscience and heart not God.
The Bible speaks a lot about conscience. That is given to us by God to help steer away from things that are bad. We need to keep our conscience clean of all things.
Even those dirty dishes in the sink. It's that serious.