Maybe this might help and shed some light on this subject.
I think we all can agree our hearts are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jer 17:9 ...that means I don't know my own heart, I can be deceived by my own heart, but God knows our hearts inside and out, nothing is hidden from Him.
With that in mind, Paul tells us we are the Temple of God, that our bodies are the Temple of God, that we are to keep our body (Temple) clean, pure and holy.
Since we are living souls that have a spirit and live inside a body and we express ourselves through our will directed by our mind, let's take a very quick look at how we correspond to Solomon's Temple, and remember David added two things that were not in the Tabernacle built by Moses from the plans God had given him on the Mountain.
The Holy of Holies corresponds ------------> to our spirit
The Holy Place corresponds ----------------> to our heart
The Inner Court corresponds ----------------> to our soul
The Outer Court corresponds ---------------> to our body
The two structures David added were the Porch with it's Pillars 1 Kg 6:3 and the thirty Chambers 1 Kg 6:6 built on the outside of the Temple, three stories high and on three sides.
The Porch corresponds------------------------> to our will
The Chambers corresponds-----------------> to our mind, both conscious and subconscious
Paul tells us,
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Rom 12:1, 2
I think we all can also agree that when we were regenerated, born again, the Lord washed us clean from all of the habitual sin we had been living in, but there is more, Paul tells us we need to renew our minds, since the Chambers were for the priests to eat in and store the stuff, they naturally became dirty and needed to be cleaned, so it is with our conscious and subconscious mind, they need cleaning.
This is where the conviction, condemning, reproving, loss of communion what ever you want to call it, comes in from the Holy Spirit, yes my sin is forgotten by God, tied up in a sack and thrown into the deepest part of the ocean, and when I go before Father and say, "Father I have sinned again," He responds with, "Again? I don't remember when you have sinned before," ...but, we remember it! ...and when we remember how many times, one, twenty or how many, we are convicted in our hearts and want to change, but we can't, we cant change our will (because it is something man has added to God's Temple Gen 3:6), but we can change our hearts and if we change our hearts then God has our authority to change our will (God will never change our will without our permission), in so doing, changing our will, we need to clean out the Chambers, our subconscious and that can only be done by God and that is our prayer from the heart, "Lord Jesus, I do not want to continue on like this, therefor I give you permission to clean out all of the junk, filth, crud that I have placed/stored in my subconscious over the years."
We can use Phil 4:8 to repress the unclean thoughts that surface in our minds, but only the Lord can cleanse the subconscious and that is just more of the process of being conformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
This is the teaching that Jethro has stated is missing from the Church today, which causes God's kids to stumble and fall, yes there is no condemnation from God, but we know we have failed, we know we have missed the mark and if we are truly walking with the Lord we will know when our sin has cause the sweet loving communion between our Heavenly Father and us is broken, ...David said it was like his bones were broken and his soul were vexed when he was in sin and communion with the Father had been broken Ps 6, 32, so it is with us, the Holy Spirit is grieved and if we persist in our sin He can be quenched.
Father grants us grace until the time we become mature enough in the Lord to understand when our communion is broken, ...the Holy Spirit will bring a verse to our minds,
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2Ti 3:16
that should cause us to consider what we are doing, but we can resist the Holy Spirit's promptings, which leads to grieving Him that results in quenching Him, which causes Father to chastens us, which we all have experienced, unless we are bastards, Heb 12:6-8.
So yes my heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, and it's only the Holy Spirit working in my life that can/will change it, matter what you want to call it,'s all of grace.