- Apr 22, 2011
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God's Covenant Promises
With Noah to save him and his family, Genesis 6:18
With Noah and his descendants to never again destroy the world by flood. (Genesis 9:9-17)
With Abram to give him and his descendants the land we call Israel today and to destroy the inhabitants of that land because of their great sins (Genesis 15:18-21)
God's follow-up with Abram, changing his name to Abraham, and designating him the father of many nations and millions of descendants, and adding the covenant of circumcision, and promising him Isaac as a son and the inheritor of it (Genesis chapter 17). God made His with Abraham unconditional. (Genesis 22:12-18)
God's conditional one with the children of Israel, requiring their keeping God's law and circumcision, in return for physical blessings (Exodus 19-4). Further terms (conditions) of this covenant were expounded later (Leviticus chapters 25-27; Deuteronomy chapters 29- 31).
With the children of Israel concerning the Sabbath. (Exodus 31:14-18)
God's concerning the Ten Commandments and Holy Days designated by God. (Exodus 34:10 - 35)
God's concerning the bread in the Tabernacle, and later the Temple, to be eaten only by the priests, descendants of Aaron. (Leviticus 24:8,9)
God promised a new covenant in the Bible. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
God, in the Bible, spoke of His unconditional covenant with King David of Israel and of His continuing, unconditional covenant with Jacob's descendants. (Jeremiah 33:19-36)
The most important one is a new testament or a covenant of fulfillment in Jesus and established by Jesus upon His death on the cross. (Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 2 Corinthians 3:6; Hebrews chapters 7 - 10). Paul described the memorial that we are to keep. (1Corinthians 11:23-30)
With Noah to save him and his family, Genesis 6:18
With Noah and his descendants to never again destroy the world by flood. (Genesis 9:9-17)
With Abram to give him and his descendants the land we call Israel today and to destroy the inhabitants of that land because of their great sins (Genesis 15:18-21)
God's follow-up with Abram, changing his name to Abraham, and designating him the father of many nations and millions of descendants, and adding the covenant of circumcision, and promising him Isaac as a son and the inheritor of it (Genesis chapter 17). God made His with Abraham unconditional. (Genesis 22:12-18)
God's conditional one with the children of Israel, requiring their keeping God's law and circumcision, in return for physical blessings (Exodus 19-4). Further terms (conditions) of this covenant were expounded later (Leviticus chapters 25-27; Deuteronomy chapters 29- 31).
With the children of Israel concerning the Sabbath. (Exodus 31:14-18)
God's concerning the Ten Commandments and Holy Days designated by God. (Exodus 34:10 - 35)
God's concerning the bread in the Tabernacle, and later the Temple, to be eaten only by the priests, descendants of Aaron. (Leviticus 24:8,9)
God promised a new covenant in the Bible. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
God, in the Bible, spoke of His unconditional covenant with King David of Israel and of His continuing, unconditional covenant with Jacob's descendants. (Jeremiah 33:19-36)
The most important one is a new testament or a covenant of fulfillment in Jesus and established by Jesus upon His death on the cross. (Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 2 Corinthians 3:6; Hebrews chapters 7 - 10). Paul described the memorial that we are to keep. (1Corinthians 11:23-30)