First, thanks for responding, being you are in the questions' target group.
I asked first! (I assume you are just restating my question and not actually asking a question.)
If it is sustained by God, do you think he necessarily wills every mutation?
Every subatomic particle, every unit of space, is maintained by God. Nothing in this world would even exist if He ceased to tend to it. This is not to say that chance has no place in His intent. As St. Thomas Aquinas noted, God can use contingency just as easily as He can use necessity in His divine providence.
Barbarian observes:
You might as well ask what impact a gravity worldview has on a Christian's concept of God.
Yes, we should have. Gravity is different because no one feels threatened if gravity is a fact.
Barbarian observes:
Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.
Understanding these "invisible things, clearly seen" can only make one's faith stronger. It is a tragedy in modern times, that so many Christians have turned away from St. Paul's words and God's created things.
Agreed: I find understanding and joy in the glory of God permeating his creation.
Your allusion in the last sentence needs clarity; specifically, how have so many turned away from Paul and God's creation?
Those who have tried to make Genesis into a literal history.
Surely you do not believe it is necessary for a person to support the theory of evolution to be able to see attributes of God in His creation, and thus be left without excuse for not acknowledging him as God?
The more one understands how that creation unfolded, the more one can appreciate the power and majesty of God. It doesn't mean creationists don't acknowledge Him as God. It merely means they are unnecessarily limiting themselves in knowing Him.
(BTW, what translation did you use for the Romans passage?)[/quote]
A related question: in the Incarnation, was the "natural process" get disrupted?
Miracles exist and are part of God's activity in the world. They are done not because He couldn't do it naturally, but because it is intended to teach us something.
I realize you have no reason to think I am asking questions in good faith, but I am. Most evolutionist appear to use evolution as a hiding place from the knowledge of God and it is my first opportunity to question an evolutionary Christian regarding matters of faith.
I assume you are asking in good faith.