Good Friday

As far as the east is from the west, that's how far the Cross removes our sins from us!! Blotted out, wiped away, nailed to the Cross, washed by His blood ...

all those are but the Scriptural statements that instantly pop into my mind, answering your question with a glorious "YES!!"

Usually I like to give Scripture references. In this case I prefer to merely introduce you to the language and concept so you can be alerted to keep an eye out for it as you read through your Bible

Amen. That's really amazing how our Lord works, but which part of my question were you answering yes to?
Amen. That's really amazing how our Lord works, but which part of my question were you answering yes to?


In Him all the promises are yea (yes) and amen.

He has promised to "remember our sins no more."

He also tells us that Satan (our adversary) will accuse us, bringing up that which is forgotten. And that Jesus is our defense attorney who has the perfect defense for every circumstance, having paid the penalty Himself.

Paid with His own Blood, no less

In Him all the promises are yea (yes) and amen.

He has promised to "remember our sins no more."

He also tells us that Satan (our adversary) will accuse us, bringing up that which is forgotten. And that Jesus is our defense attorney who has the perfect defense for every circumstance, having paid the penalty Himself.

Paid with His own Blood, no less

If everything is Gods work, then why does God get glorified for saving people from the mess he created?

Why did God create a tree with lush fruit and then say don't eat from it or you will die. Why even have the tree?
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That tree should be understood. There's a thread specifically on it that I kinda hate to post in, because of the theological errors it contains.

Anyway, not everything is God's work; clearly. That's an important point, and relevant to Good Friday ...
That tree should be understood. There's a thread specifically on it that I kinda hate to post in, because of the theological errors it contains.

Anyway, not everything is God's work; clearly. That's an important point, and relevant to Good Friday ...

Good point. We can't point the finger at God for every little thing when we shouldn't even be blaming Him in the first place.