Honest, I am not trying to be ugly but I avoided this string because i wanted to see.
Jesus was jumped by the Pharisees because Hid disciples were pulling, shucking and eating Corn on the Sabbath Day. I sang Country Music for the wages and, like Hank, I sang the Blues for the love of the spiritual quality of the Black Man' s secular music. My theme song in the country joits was the House Of the Rising Sun and from 2 or 2:30 until 7 or 8am it was Bing It On Home because I was a disciple of Sam Cook.As much as I loved 40 year old Wild Turkey and the Blues, I no longer do those things.
Jesus told the the Pharisees, you thought I was suffering from dementia, that what goes into the mouth of a man does not defile him, what comes out out does. There is an oft overlooked or ignored principal here. I had such a heart for Sam that I often told people that I could never understand why his wife shot him to death... he was only in bed with one woman, not a dozen. Today my heart is sold out to Jesus, He purchased me on that, filthy, cross and when I, recently, great tears welled up in my eyes, so much so my wife thought my pain had increased to a level that I was having trouble with it.
I do remember the music I loved but those of you that have downloaded the mp3 that the admin. has allowed to be downloaded from this site, know that my heart is now poured into the music of my and your LORD. In fact my favorite past number is an elderly Black Grandmother with her new grandchild held on her lap as she sings Amazing Grace. My favorite current number is from the early 1900s and is heard in the downloadable mp3 file, We Shall See The King.
I no longer sing my old theme number and I no longer sing Hank' s Long Gone Lonesome Blues and I do not listen nor do Iust after them. May God pour out on you the same blessings He has poured over me.