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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

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  • How are famous preachers sometimes effected by sin?

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In the beginning, God created the earth and everything therein were presented as gifts to Adam. Adam was created immortal with endless life. The day he disobeyed God, he lost everything. His body became mortal and he was sentenced to death by God. God cursed him, his wife, his children and generations and even cursed the land because if him. He lost his eternal life on earth as God says " for dust you are and unto dust shall you return". Sin brings curses and death on man

Adam lost the beautiful garden of Eden and became homeless. He fell from grace to grass because of just fruit. Many men have lost their God-given glory because of few minutes sexual enjoyment. As Esau lost his birth right because of porridge (Gen 25:33), so do many men loose their rights before God because of money

Adam lived 930 years, his son, Seth, lived 912 years and his generations lived average 900+ years. Methuselah,the ever oldest man, lived 969 years before he died. But as the world population was increasing, sin became rapid and common practice among men. In Gen 6:3, God reduced man life span from 900+ to just 120 years because of their increasing sins. Verse 6 says " and God was sorry He had made man on the earth and it grieved Him to His hearth(Gen 6:6). From that day on, only the grace of God can make man live 120 years on earth. Sin brings sudden death on man, it reduces sinners life span

Why do we play with sin when God instruct us to flee from sin. Sin is man's enemy but we make it our intimate friend these morden days. Our half-naked dress, our immoral sex, our hidden secret, our evil thoughts, our lies and deceit, gossip, hard drugs, alcohol, bribery

Always remember that Satan was once a holy cherubim before God but lost his post because of his sin(pride). Moses did not enter Canan because of sin, David lost the throne of Israel lost, his children because of adultery. Judas lost his discipleship because of money. BEWARE !!, STAY OFF SIN !!, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE


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