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Hallucinogens: A Gateway To The Demonic


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Hidden In Him

Staff member
As this thread will establish, there appears to now be a growing move within Christianity to experience the "supernatural" through things like mushrooms and hallucinogenic drugs, but this is an exceedingly dangerous teaching that must be exposed. It is a satanic counterfeit, and carries great risks spiritually. In Christianity, things like heavenly visions are still being experienced today, but usually only by those who have consecrated themselves unto God through fasting and prayer for extended periods of time. In these new occultic teachings, however, all one needs to do is take hallucinogenics to potentially end up "seeing God," or "traveling in the spirit realm," or "channeling an angel," or any number of other "visionary" experiences. Unfortunately these invite demonic spirits to enter the unsuspecting participant, and are in fact the exact opposite of their Old and New Testament counterpart experiences where drug use is nowhere mentioned. As I will also demonstrate in a later post, drug use IS however, a long held element of engaging in spiritism.

I came to a renewed understanding of this new movement through a prophetic dream sent to me by a friend a few days ago. He was a follower of the late Dr. Michael Heiser, who was an Old Testament scholar and Christian author whose work focused primarily on the nature of the spiritual realm in the Bible.

For those unfamiliar with Dr. Heiser, the following is one of his videos, and he presents a number of heretical teachings here. The saddest part here is that he clearly teaches in 11:40 - 12:33 the need to stay away from contact with the demonic realm. Unfortunately, as the dream that I will share implies, as well as other teachings I will provide, he nevertheless favored the use of drugs in experiencing heavenly visions.

The following is the dream I received, and the initial sentences prove that the dream was apparently related to changes that are coming in Christianity during "the end-times," or in other words, what is described is a trend within Christianity that will continue to grow, with the result being a rise in spiritual deception and spiritual bondage for many.

I started walking down a road in a town while end of the world signs were happening again... I looked around the sky, as I turned around to go back home, and more "signs" were lighting up the sky. So I make it home and talked to people about it.. I ended up at a murder mystery party that is being hosted by Dr. Michael Heiser (he's a theologian that recently died of pancreatic cancer, and had a fairly far-reaching podcast and wrote multiple books in real life.) So there are a group of people there, just having a fun time. We finally solve the murder mystery and someone lights a joint and started passing it around the room. Dr. Heiser smoked some and passed it to me. At first I said no, because in real life I don't smoke marijuana, but then I was kind of starstruck and end up taking a puff from Dr. Heiser. It all ends pretty normal. The class was over. He said we didn't have to come in tomorrow. (I guess it was a classroom), and he walked away in high heels, and everyone joked about it. Laughs, having a good time.

Pancreatic cancer is an exceedingly painful way to die, and the fact that he succumbed to it a few months ago at the age of only 60 means there was likely something very wrong spiritually. My suspicions are that he let demons in through the things he was practicing and teaching, and it led to his death. This is the answer to the "murder mystery party" my friend witnessed in the dream. It appears Heiser got seduced into taking hallucinogens as a means of potentially experiencing the supernatural, and allowed these demons in as a Biblical teacher, which may also have been seducing him in the direction of homosexuality and/ or effeminism towards the end of his life.

I realize the above are strong allegations, but I came across reason to believe they could be true. The following taped interview was of Heiser hosting a small group of scholars in a discussion on the use of hallucinogenics in seeing into the spiritual realm. Notice that the caption reads: "Are God and other supernal beings experienced by people under the effect of entheogens just a product of the brain, or are they entities to be experienced by unhindered consciousness?" This either/ or equation tells the listener he favored "experiencing supernal beings" through unhindered consciousness, ie. through the use of drugs. He makes several statements to this effect in the interview as well, as do some of his guests. Starting around 22:00 through 27:10, one complains about how the church has an "automatically negative reaction" whenever someone proposes the use of drugs in potentially experiencing the supernatural.

On how I connect the above with the infestation of demonic spirits, I will add material on that in successive posts.

God bless,
Hidden In Him
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Before connecting this to demonism, let me cite a few more references on how drug use is being touted as a means to experiencing even things like trips to Third Heaven, supposedly by means of astral projection.

From one article:

How drugs improve Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection
From Robert Zucker's "Spirit of Kabbalah (Qabalah)" copyright 1976

Several natural drugs and herbs can initiate an OBE (out of body experience) or induce an astral projection experience.

Merging the imagery world of dreams into waking consciousness is a major effect of astral projection drugs like LSD, mescaline, peyote, psilocybin and herbs like Datura, marijuana, among othersincluding herbal mixtures, man-made or altered chemicals.

Magic mushrooms and LSD have been the American cultures' choice of hallucinatory drugs. Their illegal designation, though, makes it difficult to conduct any credible scientific study in astral projection and lucid dreaming.

Drugs have an effect on the brain that release chemicals to make that gap less obvious. Hallucinations, dreamlike imagery and sounds are some of the side effect of ingesting mind-altering substances.

While using psychedelic drugs to astral project is one way to step into a dream, the other side effect of drugs is the loss of control to the drug.

The power of drugs can control the person who is trying to control the dream.

The same techniques to astral project are used whether using drugs or not. But, the drug user must have strong control of ones consciousness so not to be swallowed into the hallucination and go crazy.

Did you ever have a dream about being high and feel very intoxicated?

Mastering proper astral projection techniques first, then considering experimenting gives the projector more control over the astral plane.

Most often, the types of hallucinogenic phenomena produced through the use of psychodelic drugs are simple and abstract geometric patterns, flashes of color or phosphones, bodily sensations, euphoria, depressive or manic feelings.

A psychodelic drug experienced in a darkened room, especially with music, arouses internal sensations, imagination and latent memories to emerge into awareness...

Astral Projection Books and Techniques & Drugs

Now, here is where things get darker. I did a study on Astral Projection last year, and the practice has been tied to demonic assistance by numerous people. I cite some of them in this article:

There was also a member at this forum who was championing the use of astral projection as a Christian, and made several comments favoring communication with demons. He too would qualify his statements, but there was a tacit admission that he was "in contact" with demons on a fairy regular basis, when he stated:

I can communicate with astral entities. Sometimes with people who have crossed over, but I'll be honest with you about that. I'm not sure they are really the "people" because they sound a lot like demons, and when you channel astral entities, you get a lot of demons. I mean, it's a fact. And they are some lying spirits, I tell you. And so, I now find mediumship to be unreliable at best. And it's not like you have to use mediumship to talk to God or Christ or the Holy Spirit anyway; that's telepathy--or prayer if you will. So, now, unless I have to talk to a demon, and there are times for that, especially in exorcism, I don't channel any longer. And I suppose channeling is just telepathy anyway. Besides, they usually strike up the conversations with me. They're around me all the time trying to sabotage and get me to stop.

I would provide the links and additional quotes, but I don't want to vilify this man in particular. My larger point is that these arguments are increasing within Christianity, and given what happened in the case of Dr. Heiser, I think the body of Christ should be warned that there are very serious dangers involved in meddling with the demonic realm. Not only can believers be increasingly corrupted doctrinally, but they can be led in the direction of sin and potentially be subjected to premature death, and extremely painful death at that.

To sum up, these might seem to be mere conjectures on my part, but to me it doesn't seem like much of a mystery. Tampering with the demonic and with practices long associated with invoking the demonic can have very serious consequences to the uninformed and naive.

Blessings to all who read this and might have something to add.
Hidden In Him

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Ayahuasca is a trendy choice of DMT type potion to open your mind as they say :rolleyes . Even Christians are partaking in Ayahuasca ceremonies administered by a shaman . So crazy , isn't it a big clue that a Christian should have nothing to do with the Ayahuasca when a shaman is in charge !

Link this came from for more info , long read . Ayahuasca and DMT Opens Portals to the Demonic
Found this fairly solid response from Got Questions:

What is the "Jesus Drug" (dimethyltryptamine)?


Dimethyltryptamine, also known as DMT, is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound. Like other psychedelic drugs, when ingested, dimethyltryptamine produces “trips” or hallucinations. What is unique about dimethyltryptamine is that the hallucinations it produces are remarkably consistent. People who take dimethyltryptamine as a psychedelic drug consistently report clear, detailed visions of encounters with strange beings in another dimension. Depending on the person’s worldview, the beings are identified as either aliens or angels/demons. Visions like these also occur with other psychedelic drugs, but with nowhere near the consistency of dimethyltryptamine.

Why is dimethyltryptamine referred to as the “Jesus drug” or the “God drug”? For at least two reasons: (1) some people who have taken dimethyltryptamine believe they encountered God and/or Jesus during their hallucinogenic vision, and (2) after experiencing a DMT-induced vision, some people have drastically changed their lives. Some even appear to have become dedicated Christians, crediting a dimethyltryptamine “trip” with opening their eyes to spiritual realities. So, is there any truth to this “Jesus drug” phenomenon?

The physical and spiritual aspects of human beings are closely intertwined. The spiritual impacts the physical and vice-versa. It is possible that a psychedelic drug such as dimethyltryptamine could temporarily give a person greater access to the spiritual world. God’s strong warnings about sorcery (pharmakeia), mediums, witchcraft, etc., make it clear that such activities do indeed have spiritual implications (Leviticus 19:31; Galatians 5:20; Revelation 9:21). Contacting the spirit world through psychedelic drugs and/or sorcery appears to be possible; therefore, God strictly prohibits it.

What about the “positive” effects of some dimethyltryptamine experiences? It is strange that participating in something God forbids would result in a person coming to God through faith in Jesus. If it has happened, it is only because God intervened and overruled things. But it would definitely be a case of the ends not justifying the means.

Yes, we should be aware of the spiritual reality that surrounds us. However, using the “Jesus drug” or any other drug is not the proper method of spiritual growth and awareness. A psychedelic “trip” is not the path to God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and God’s Word is the light for our path (Psalm 119:105).
So crazy, isn't it a big clue that a Christian should have nothing to do with the Ayahuasca when a shaman is in charge !

Exactly. "Let's go to a witchdoctor so we can experience Jesus," LoL.

It would be funny if it weren't so tragic, though. I was reading up on the Ayahuasca craze, and found this. She's a Christian researcher, and as her piece states at one point:

There were as many ‘bad trip’ stories as there were ‘good experiences’ within this research. The bad trips did echo the demonic on the worst levels I’ve seen in my pastoral career at Bethel Church in California. One person shared how, after all the vomiting (a very common response to the initial intake of the tea), some people were screaming and writhing around like snakes, some hissing, some howling for hours. Another person, on the opposite side of the same room, quietly asked Jesus why he wasn’t intervening to stop the demonic activity happening in front of them; Jesus looked to the one writhing around and replied: “She doesn’t want my help.”

Doesn't sound like a fun environment, even if Jesus was actually there.
I dunno 🤷‍♂️

Hallucinogens are especially satanic but I think 🤔 every.single.drug has serious satanic potential. It’s one reason I’m increasingly antipsychiatry.
Hallucinogens are especially satanic but I think 🤔 every.single.drug has serious satanic potential. It’s one reason I’m increasingly antipsychiatry.

I don't know that I'd go that far, C-E.

A Tylenol or an Aspirin won't present much of a danger. The specific references in this thread are to entheogens, i.e. psychedelic drugs that induce an altered state. That's a much more serious form of drug than mere pain killers.
True. But…

Psychoactive drugs are potentially problematic. Even the boring ones that seem like real treatments…antidepressants come to mind…

Are often just to make people more manageable and docile. They fail to improve quality for most people and many seem to increase the risk of attempted suicide suicide and other acts of violence and aggression…

But their popularity is increasing? At all strata of society and internationally.

Psychiatry is try to take back hallucinogenic drugs. LSD therapy was kind of popular among the upper classes in the 40s to 60s. Fun fact…the popular antidepressant Effexor is chemically related to ecstasy which is regaining ground in the mental health industry for ptsd etc.

Drug based psychiatry is about using drugs to alter mood outlook and behavior. Freud was an enthusiastic coke head. In fact he probably experienced multiple episodes of cocaine induced psychosis. This was when he wasn’t profiteering off the rich with psychoanalytic nonsense that has damaged the world 🌎 especially when one looks at Freudian theory vs Christian morality.
Would suck to have a bad trip. But imagine it's a good one. Imagine you do experience the divine. How will you ever be able to relate to the material world ever again?
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Well that's interesting. It appears here that they are trying to separate out the hallucinogenic effects of entheogens while keeping their mood-altering effects. Yet they still appear to be identifying such drugs as "dissociative," which is a little contradictory, IMO. Maybe they include the term in quotes because they are referring to it as a bit of a misnomer.

In contrast, “dissociative anesthetics,” including ketamine, are considered to act on the glutamatergic system and not on the 5-HT system, and they do not produce the same so-called “trip” as psychedelics, but are still considered hallucinogens (Vollenweider and Kometer, 2010). In the last decade, numerous studies in laboratory animals and humans have confirmed the usefulness of ketamine for the treatment of resistant depression. Research has also suggested potential antidepressant and mood-modulating properties of psilocybin and LSD, respectively, as well as the ability of these compounds to modulate functional brain connectivity (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016a, 2017). Other compounds, including 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), are called entactogens. They produce psychotropic effects, but they do not share the same mechanism of action as hallucinogens (Kyzar et al., 2017). MDMA has been demonstrated to increase sociability in animals (Morley et al., 2005; Pitts et al., 2017; Curry et al., 2018; Heifets et al., 2019) and humans (Mithoefer et al., 2016) and to be useful in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Mithoefer et al., 2011).
Not quite sure I understand the question. Can you give an example?
Well, imagine taking a trip with DMT and experience something amazing. A state of existence that is so far beyond your own, you cannot even imagine it. How do you return to the real world and be satisfied with material things?
Would suck to have a bad trip.
Death by misadventure on your trip , that would really suck , just saying .
But imagine it's a good one. Imagine you do experience the divine.
I would say you were greatly blessed that Jesus had mercy on you and appeared on your trip . Mostly people report seeing the demonic .
How will you ever be able to relate to the material world ever again?
There can be an addiction factor with these "trips" . If you desire to interact with God pray , it works :) .
There can be an addiction factor with these "trips" .
Exactly. Imagine you experience something like heaven. How can you then go back to living in a mundane world? Like... How can I put this. Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen. He experiences transcendence and over time begins to become disconnected and disinterested in humanity and the material world.


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