Hardest things I faced as a Christian....
In junior high, I was a strong believer in a school that didn't even permit religious education.
High sex drive, and sexual sin that I just am starting to learn to control (and run away from) through Scripture.
Witnessing to other people. Yet, I find that if God says for me to do it, it becomes relatively easy to do.
Keeping wrong company in college. Urgh, the amount of drinking, smoking and other debauchery...unacceptable!
Trying to remain set apart as a praise leader.
Being ripped from my church home and my calling because my father didn't like the church.
Knowing that my sister, who has the same church experience as me, cut and started to be bulimic, and keeping that a secret until now.
Belief that God wouldn't forgive me because of all the sick things I watched during my time when I was starving for community with believers, and could never tell anyone about.
God does forgive, I know that. And I'm doing my best to live for Him no matter what

This stuff doesn't matter to me anymore, but, it still feels nice to confess to someone. :shades