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Harry Potter Series


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I didn't see one of these in here, and I assume this thread is for book conversations of all times... I can't beleive the antics I've heard about these books, I liek them personally, what about everyone else? The contreversy over this is always fun :)
I've been employed at a library as a clerk for 10 years now and have seen many books better written then the Potter books over looked. I always suggest other titles... :roll:
heh, No, i'm jsut expecting it, I just want to know others opinions...

As I stated before, I like the books
I've not read the books, but I have seen the first movie and personally, I didn't see ANYTHING wrong with it. Yes, it had witches, wizards and what nots in it, but the way I look at it is that almost all cartoons have that stuff! I thought the movie was really good! Being a christian, I was afraid to watch it. I felt like I was doing something terrible, but after seeing it, I couldn't understand what the big commotion was.

I grew up watching the smurfs. Well, I still to this day hear people say that the Smurfs was satanic because they had a cat name Azriel (sp?). I think that's another name for the devil or something...I'm not even sure.

Now, my sister in law is OBSESSED with Harry Potter to the point that it's ridiculous. And she was one of the ones that before she had seen it, she told me how satanic and all the movie was. She never has said she's wrong, she just gets mad at me when I tell her that she's a bit obsessed. I can't STAND hipocrites!
*~*~**rolls across the floor giggling**~*~ Ohhhh, I remember the Surf contraversy! I had a friend who told me all about it. The creator of the Smurfs was a socialist guy from Blegium who was all into communistic stuff. Then he made the Smurfs as a political cartoon strip. Some TV executives thought the characters were cute (which I guess they kinda are), so they had him make it a series. But it started this whole dispute. People said that his 'toon was stringly influenced by communistic ideals (which I guess it is sort of. They all live in a sort of commune, and their leader wears red and has a beard, like that communist leader guy who I can't remember LOL) and was trying to brainwash children. People were so paranoid, they boycotted it. Then they said it had subliminal messages, and was ani-semetic, and everyone went bonkers, it was hilarious. As for Harry Potter.... well :splat: I saw the movie, thought it was sorta slow. I liked Lord of the Rings better, plus Tolkien's a Christian. I don't know about all the demonicness, tho
It amazes me how people can come up with all this stuff. The smurfs of all things.

My kids like Strawberry Shortcake. I wonder what kind of evil things they'll teach my kids :lol:

I can't shelter my kids from EVERYTHING. If they see or hear something that I don't agree with or that I know is wrong, then I'll TELL them. It would be a learning experience.

That being said...Fa-la la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la!

Oh! That's right! My kids are going to be gay because they watched the Teletubbies when they were smaller. :lol: :roll:
Romans 12:2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

It is the subtlety of Satan that we see thing as ok it won't hurt you..hahahehe...Just like things that they show on T.V. now that they wouldn't have shown years ago. Where now it is ok to see graphic details in rapes, murders, nudety, and this is on T.V. forget about what is in the movies! and the list goes on. Because Satan has condition us through the years a little at a time to where we find these things exceptable. The subtlety of one of the teletubbies being gay, or the witch craft in the harry potter books is know being excepted my christians and even laugh at as being silly :crying: May God help us and open our eyes to the subtlety of Satan.
Amen, Drake. Look at how wildly popular 'Will and Grace' has become.

Amazing, two words we associate with God, and they use them to make an alternative-lifestyles show from them. Very subtle. :roll:
Well, I'm sorry, but I do NOT tink my kids are going to be gay just because they watched Teletubbies when they were younger.

You seem like a very attentive mother, willing to take the time to explain things to your children. Based on that, I will agree with you. The problem is, there are many parents out there who are not so attentive. These children are then left to their own devices and therefore subject to come to their own conclusions. What seems like harmless fun to us may become a reality of sorts to these kids. Not all children are gifted with the ability to reason.

Columbine is a perfect example. Eric and Dylan were greatly influenced by the video game 'Doom'. If course, some feel there may have been other circumstances guiding their actions, including mental problems. The bottom line is this: if it can happen to them, it sould happen to just about anyone.
We've had time to allow Potter to sink into our culture a little, what or how do you think think Harry Potter has affected/infected our culture?
I see Harry Potter as just another step to accepting what is evil. No, I haven't seen the movies or read the books and I will not allow my children to either. I know many Christians who say there is nothing wrong with it - it is "innocent fun". Well, so was Bewitched - I use to love that show, but if I had tv, I would no longer watch it nor allow my children to. Anything that portrays real evil occurances as being sweet and innocent is just another way to dumb as down and desensitize us.

I have read stories from people who were really caught up in the Harry Potter series and as a result, turned to Wiccan. Christians even.

The acceptance of homosexuality came along in such innocent ways as well. How many numerous shows and movies have had cross-dressers? MASH, Bosom Buddies, Some Like It Hot, even Jerry Lewis in "In The Army Now". No, those guys weren't suppose to be gay, but I believe it was that little step to accepting it.

A few years ago, I had even seen Mickey Mouse Tarot cards!!! And what about Oujia boards in the game section? Just more ways to make these things seem like innocent fun, just like Harry Potter.

Besides all that, why is it that good classics are being burned, trashed or banned (Mark Twain's writings for instance) but Harry Potter is widely accepted? Some people's arguments are that the Harry Potter series gets kids interested in reading. HELLO people!!! There are much better, healthier books out there to peak a child's interest. Little House series, Chronicles of Narnia series, The Three Musketeers, etc... Or, how about pulling up the Newberry Awards list and pick a few from there: Island of the Blue Dophins, King of the Wind, Sarah - Plain and Tall, Lincoln - A Photobiography, The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle.
What's the difference between Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia? Both potray the stuggle of good vs evil in a fanciful setting. Both contain pretend witchcraft and magic. In fact, many many children's fairytales contain magic, but children understand that it is all make believe. Harry Potter portrays the stereotypical children story witch that has nothing in common with actual Wiccan witches.
There simply is no comparison. Unless you have read the Chronicles of Narnia and have an understanding of scripture as you read them, you may not understand that yourself. For one though, the witch in those stories was evil and in fact represents satan. The Narnia series is all allegorical about scripture, the life of Christ and the Christian walk. LOTR series is also allegorical but the correlations are harder to see.

There is also a difference between fantasy and reality. Some Christians do not let their child read or watch movies that have any magic in them and I can understand that. I had considered that myself but I also see that the type of "magic" in certain stories is all based on fantasy but the magic in such things as Bewitched, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch and Harry Potter is based off of actual evil sorcery that God strictly speaks against.[/b]
Name one way in which Harry Potter's magic is "real" evil magic while Gandalf's magic from LOTR is pretend good magic? Just because the LOTR or the Narnia books are allegorical, doesn't change the fact that they show the forces of good using magic. In the Bible, witchcraft isn't acceptable if it is used for good--it is banned outright. So, either 1) All portrayals of magic in children's stories are based on evil and should be avoided, or 2) Storybook magic is make believe and doesn't reflect the real witchcraft that God abhors. You can't pick and choose which stance you take depending on whether the author is a Christian.
Now, for one, I am not one who has gotten into the LOTR series so I really can't speak for them - but in the Chronicles of Narnia - I don't remember anywhere where the "good" people were using magic unless you speak of Aslan who represents Christ. I dont' see this as magic but as representing the divine power.

It is funny how people tend to accuse people of "picking and choosing" things but can any of them honestly say they don't pick and choose what they see appropriate for themselves or their families? I choose not to have television or celebrate Halloween - but, I do not hold any judgements towards other Christians who choose to do so because these are issues based on their own personal convictions brought on by the Holy Spirit.

Now, when it comes to scripture, there is no picking and choosing, you believe it all or not at all.
cubedbee, you should read the Chronicles of Narnia before saying they are similar to the Potter books. :lol:


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