if toxic i highly doubt it. the Love of God is shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Ghost. so the only way true love through Christ can be is empowered by the Spirit. even though that person is toxic and the husband/dad i was talking about is just about there. we have talked about salvation early in months back . of course he says he is saved. not my call say NO he aint.. but discernment-his actions show different . he has no ill feelings toward me. he just has a bad cause of me me what about me. resentment that is another can of worms.. so folks are bitter inside and have nothing good to see or say about anybody. i work with a man like this. . lets take the subject of how to LOVE those who are not a lovable personality . as per 1 john 4:18 having place i dunno.it has a point .but not sure it does come into this discussion . but i ask be respectful on scripture replies {
off topic, john in Hebrew is Yochan. the german yohan is closer to it then the English rendering. my Brother's name is John.
That's not only off topic, but it doesn't make sense and if anything it is biased.} plz stay with the subject lover covers all sins . something we a Christians ( me) needs to apply ..i get fed up disgusted and ready call fire down from heaven on them at times lol