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Jim R

Hi Everyone - I am a newbe to this forum . My favorite subject is Heaven . I have a wife in Heaven now as well as other family members and look forward to seeing them again someday when the Lord takes me home to be with him . Would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on Heaven.

Jim R
Hya Jim.
3 weeks ago I was blessed to be at my 47 yr old brothers bedside as he passed from this world.

He had fought and suffered since he was 5 yrs old and was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma... he was treated at that time with a massive dose of radiation which cured his cancer but set into motion a lifetime of chronic and ultimately deadly side effects. The very treatment that saved his life 42 years ago ended up taking it 3 weeks ago.

He had been in the hospital for about 3 days fighting a buildup of fluid in his chest cavity when he told us (his wife, my other brother and mom) that "It is happening now"... at that point he spent about 2 hours describing to us what he was witnessing as the veil was being lifted for him.

His most descriptive term he used was "it's the amazing world of YES!"...he then lost consciousness and about 6 hours later his body coasted to a stop.

I know he is in heaven now, not some place like sheol or hades awaiting his crown of glory to be handed out at some future date, but he has received his eternal resurrection body and is dwelling forever with Jesus & the saints in his eternal heavenly home.
That sure knowledge was the greatest gift I have ever been given.
Parousia, I'm sorry for your loss but I rejoice for your brother. He's home now.
John 14:2-3
May our Lord bless you my friend, Westtexas
That's a good understanding, that's what the Apostle Paul taught about those who pass on in Christ Jesus.

But please beware of many doctrines about Heaven today that don't stick to what God's Word reveals about the Heavenly.

Something to think about. Right now, until Christ comes, our Heavenly home is not on this earth. But it will be on this earth one day. That is how the meek are to inherit the earth per our Lord. Something I missed for a long time in God's Word is how Genesis 2 speaks about a River in God's Garden that went out of Eden to feed four other rivers on the earth. That is the same River of Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22, the River of the waters of life in God's Garden of Eden. Genesis 2 is showing us that River was once upon this earth, because that's how it flowed out of Eden to feed four other literal rivers on the earth, two of which are still known today, like the Tigris (Hiddekel) and the Euphrates.

This reveals that God's Eden is where His Abode is. The Greek version of The Old Testament called the Septuagint, uses the Greek word for Paradise as Eden. In the future, God will bring His Abode back to this earth per Rev.21, for the new heavens and a new earth timing. And He will dwell with us on this earth He created. The wicked will not be there.
Jesus told Nicodemus, that "no man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man."(John 3:13) In addition, the apostle Paul wrote: "Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place by the blood of Jesus, which he inaugurated for us as a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh."(Heb 10:19, 20) Hence, prior to Jesus presenting his precious blood to God, no one had ascended to heaven.

Of those who go to heaven, no one chooses themselves, but are selected by God to serve in an official capacity as "kings and priests".(Rev 1:6) The mother of James and John asked Jesus to "give the word that these my two sons may sit down, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom." However, Jesus told her sons, that "this sitting down at my right hand and my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father."(Matt 20:21, 23)

Jesus, in speaking to his disciples, told them that they were part of a "little flock" that was "approved (by his Father) of giving...the kingdom."(Luke 12:32) Revelation 7:4 and 14:1 gives the number "bought from the earth" out of "every tribe and tongue and people and nation" (Rev 5:9) as 144,000.

These 144,000, the apostle Peter says are "living stones (that) are being built up a spiritual house for the purpose of a holy priesthood."(1 Pet 2:5) He further said that these are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation" that has the express assignment of declaring "abroad the excellencies of the one that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light".(1 Pet 2:9)

These, as a group, are called "the Lamb's wife", his "bride"(Rev 21:9), as well as "the holy city New Jerusalem".(Rev 21:2) These are also called "holy ones of the Supreme One (that) will receive the kingdom."(Dan 7:18) Thus, these "holy ones" will rule in God's kingdom along with Jesus Christ, in which Daniel 7:13, 14 says that Jesus, as the "son of man", was "given rulership and dignity and kingdom, the national groups and languages should all serve even him."

These "holy ones" are spoken of as "chosen ones" by Jesus (Matt 24:21, 24,31), for these are the ones chosen by God to serve as "joint heirs" of the kingdom with Jesus Christ.(Rom 8:17) Jesus, in giving the illustration of the "marriage feast", said that "there are many invited, but few chosen."(Matt 22:14)
Heaven. I cannot wait to get there, because this place (Earth) sucks.

Well actually Earth is pretty cool, but it is the people who make me want to leave. People equate to greed, indifference, maliciousness, deceit, hate.

I have met some good people, to be sure. But then I see the vermin set upon them.

I yearn for Heaven, to be with Jesus who will not judge me for my human failings, because of my faith in Him. To be with fellow Christians who are enlightened in His presence.

I will be glad to see family members and friends who are born again, but I will hopefully see many of you here from the Forums as well. Even though we have never seen each other, we will know each other when we meet.

I have so many questions to ask Jesus about how the universe works and why events happen, and I know he will be happy to teach me and show me.

I wish I was in Heaven now, but obviously God wants me right where I am. Whatever God wants is more than good enough for me.

That was a great testament parousia70. Thank you for sharing it. I think it makes us all feel a little closer to heaven.
God's Word reveals quite a bit about the Heavenly. It's just that men's traditions get the way of understanding it.

Ps 2:7-8
7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee.
8 Ask of Me, and I shall give Thee the heathen for Thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession.

Ps 37:9-11
9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.
10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.
11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Ps 78:69
69 And He built His sanctuary like high palaces, like the earth which He hath established for ever.(KJV)

God said He created this earth to be inhabited (Isa.45:18). He is never going to destroy it; cleanse its surface like He has done in the times of old yes, but not completely destroy it. His consuming fire is what is going to destroy this present earth age in order to bring the Heavenly here (2 Pet.3; Isaiah 25; Zech.14).

That's why we see that River in Eden per Gen.2 coming out from His Garden being on earth in that time. And it fed four other rivers on the earth per that Genesis 2 Scripture. That's the same pure River of water of life in Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22. It comes out from under His Throne to heal the earth per Ezek.47.

During this present earth age, our home is not here, for God's Abode is no longer here on earth, but It used to be, for that's what His Garden of Eden represented, Paradise. It will return to this earth in final, for the new heavens and a new earth time period, God's Eternity.

Those who died in Christ, their spirit is with Him now in that other dimension, the heavenly (Eccl.12:5-7). And Paul said Christ will bring those asleep saints back here with Him when He comes at the sound of the trump, the "last trump" Paul taught in 1 Thess.4 and 1 Cor.15.

So why all this thinking that God did not create this earth for His servants that believe? It's the wicked that are going to perish OFF this earth, while Christ's servants inherit it! What does that reveal about the Heavenly in that time? The Heavenly dimension is going to be manifested upon this earth (Isaiah 25). That's WHY we ALL must be changed to the new resurrection type body. But this old solid earth is still going to exist underneath our feet. We will plant vineyards, build houses, and live upon this eartth in God's Kingdom with Christ as our KING on earth with us.
veteran said:
God said He created this earth to be inhabited (Isa.45:18). He is never going to destroy it; cleanse its surface like He has done in the times of old yes, but not completely destroy it.
So why all this thinking that God did not create this earth for His servants that believe? It's the wicked that are going to perish OFF this earth, while Christ's servants inherit it! What does that reveal about the Heavenly in that time? The Heavenly dimension is going to be manifested upon this earth (Isaiah 25). That's WHY we ALL must be changed to the new resurrection type body. But this old solid earth is still going to exist underneath our feet. We will plant vineyards, build houses, and live upon this eartth in God's Kingdom with Christ as our KING on earth with us.
Well, veteran, we agree on this one!

I entirely agree with the view you present here, even though, as you are aware, it is probably a minority opinion in the church.
Drew said:
veteran said:
God said He created this earth to be inhabited (Isa.45:18). He is never going to destroy it; cleanse its surface like He has done in the times of old yes, but not completely destroy it.
So why all this thinking that God did not create this earth for His servants that believe? It's the wicked that are going to perish OFF this earth, while Christ's servants inherit it! What does that reveal about the Heavenly in that time? The Heavenly dimension is going to be manifested upon this earth (Isaiah 25). That's WHY we ALL must be changed to the new resurrection type body. But this old solid earth is still going to exist underneath our feet. We will plant vineyards, build houses, and live upon this eartth in God's Kingdom with Christ as our KING on earth with us.
Well, veteran, we agree on this one!

I entirely agree with the view you present here, even though, as you are aware, it is probably a minority opinion in the church.
we are in agreement here as most christians seem to think we all stay in heaven for ever, if so then why does new jerusalem come down from heaven and it's where the streets of gold are and so on.
jasoncran said:
we are in agreement here as most christians seem to think we all stay in heaven for ever, if so then why does new jerusalem come down from heaven and it's where the streets of gold are and so on.
Excellent point. We need to point out that believers should enjoy their time in heaven since they won't be there forever.....
jasoncran said:
i do read the bible for myself and have asked questions, i should write them down here as i have many.

I'm certain you'll receive all the help with your Bible questions that you want, and probably then some. Peace in Christ brother.
parousia70 said:
... His most descriptive term he used was "it's the amazing world of YES!"...he then lost consciousness and about 6 hours later his body coasted to a stop....
You have NO idea how much that reveals to me! Also, my condolences. :pray :yes

Soon oh soon the light
Pass within and soothe this endless night
And wait here for You
Our reason to be here

Soon oh soon the time
All we move to gain will reach and calm
Our heart is open
Our reason to be here

Long ago, set into rhyme

Soon oh soon the light
Ours to shape for all time, ours the right
The sun will lead us
Our reason to be here
The sun will lead us
Our reason to be here
I do not believe in any sort of soul sleep but I am not at all convinced that we go to "heaven" when we die.
i believe in the rapture , when the christ's return the dead that are in him will rise first then those alive shall meet him, until then those that are dead are asleep in christ await that call to come!
jasoncran said:
i believe in the rapture , when the christ's return the dead that are in him will rise first then those alive shall meet him, until then those that are dead are asleep in christ await that call to come!

come again...
If we study all Scripture written about the idea of what happens after death, only then do we have a correct picture within the parameters of God's Word.

1. Eccl.12 says when we die our flesh goes back to the dust of the earth where it came from, and our spirit goes back to God Who gave it.

2. We know Enoch and Elijah were taken up and did not die, but were transfigured, Moses also, since his body was not found.

3. When Christ died on the cross, at that same time some came out of their graves and appeared to many in Jerusalem. Those were resurrected. So what happenned to them, was their flesh raised only for them to die again later? Not likely. Most likely they were changed to a resurrection body then, and appeared in Jerusalem for a while.

4. In 2 Cor.5, Paul taught that if our flesh body is dissolved, we have another body eternal in the heavens, not made with hands (meaning not materialistic). He taught the idea that to be absent from the flesh body is to be present with The Lord.

5. Christ went and preached The Gospel to the spirits in prison (1 Pet.3) that were disobedient back to the time of Noah's flood, which was about a prophesy in Isaiah 42:7. Then in 1 Pet.4 we're told the reason The Gospel was preached also to them that are 'dead', was so they could be judged according to men in the flesh, but live unto God in the spirit (1 Pet.4:6).

6. In the story of Lazarus and the rich man our Lord Jesus gave in Luke 16, He showed that when Lazarus died his soul was carried to the bosom of Abraham on one side of a great gulf fixed, while the rich man died and his soul was placed on the other side in hell. The rich man was able to converse with Abraham and saw to the other side of the gulf. That points to Paradise in the heavenly dimension.

7. In 1 Thess.4, Paul taught that when Christ returns He will bring the asleep saints back with Him. That means they are likely there with Him now. I think the "asleep" usage is a euphamism, because there is a message in God's Word about the idea of the 'dead' meaning those who are to perish and be no more. Lot of times we even use ideas like passed on for a loved one that died, for Christ said His will not pass into condemnation, but pass from death unto life (John 5:24).

8. In Matthew 22 when our Lord was tested about the woman that had seven husbands that died, our Lord said as touching the resurrection of the dead, God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. And in Luke 20 there's more with, "for all live unto Him".

9. In 2 Cor.12 Paul spoke of one that was "caught up" to the third heaven, to Paradise, and heard things not lawful to utter. For him to declare that, it means the one that experienced that did not die. If it was Paul speaking of himself (which I believe it was), then it could have been of the time when Paul was stoned and left for dead. That would mean a near-death experience. It also would reveal a temporary separation of one's spirit (or soul) apart from their flesh body, and being caught up to the heavenly dimension. The "caught up" phrase in the Greek is the same word (harpazo) used for "caught up" in 1 Thess.4 for Christ's coming.

All those Bible examples go against the tradition of treating the Eccl.9 phrase "the dead know not anything" like literal sleep after death. There's certain conditions given there in Eccl.9 about the dead which shows that's actually about the Rephaim which are not to be resurrected at all (Isaiah 26:14 word "deceased" is actually about the Rephaim, the giants of the OT).
(THE) said:
jasoncran said:
i believe in the rapture , when the christ's return the dead that are in him will rise first then those alive shall meet him, until then those that are dead are asleep in christ await that call to come!

come again...
first corinthians says this. the dead in christ shall rise first then those that are alive in his return shall meet him (christ)in the air.