So I’m confused.
I guess I can call this as me going through a faith/spiritual/religious crisis. This has been going on months and years now.
I’m going back and forth between belief and non-belief in God, and I just can’t decide. I’m stuck right smack in the middle. It’s the most uncomfortable feeling. I just don’t feel any connection towards God. I’ve asked him multiple time to please help me, help my unbelief. Ive been also just questioning the Bible’s accuracy. What should I do, what should I read, research? Where do I turn? Any advice on how I can deal with this?
I’m just about to give up at this point. I’ve never felt so exhausted.
I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.
I would like to offer a few things to consider; the bible can explain what you are going through.
First our salvation does not depend on us bringing us to Christ, and it does not depend on our efforts.
Jesus is the Vine, and His Father is the Husbandman. The husbandman is the same as the vinedresser, that prunes the branches on the vine and He is patient with us, waiting on the fruit to be produced in us, James 5:7. Therefore, we are the branches in Christ and It might seem painful, but God the Father prunes the branches (US), cut away at our sinful emotional selves in order to bear fruit pleasing to the Him, John 15:1.
We are to bring forth fruit unto God, Romans 7:4, Romans 6:22, Hebrew 12:11, James 5:7.
Another issues that the bible explains is the sin of our fleshly man (carnal man) wars against our mind, Romans 7:23. The flesh also wars against the Spirit, and the Spirit wars against the flesh, and we cannot do what we want to do, Galatians 5:16. So, with this situation, we struggle internally and mentally, trying to understand what’s happening in our inner man. The war is unavoidable because we are carnal, and as Apostle Paul said, sold under sin, Romans 7:14.
What you are describing is described in Romans 7. It’s not just a bible verse about how Apostle Paul struggled with sin. What Apostle Paul is doing in Romans 7 is showing US the connection between the Law of Sin, and the Law of the Spirit of God.
This is an important verse. Romans 7:11, “For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.” Here is sin (sin of the law), which has all the power over us. When we think in our minds to do good, and we try, sin is present with us, Romans 7:21.
Romans 7:23, “But I see another law (law of sin), warring against the law of my mind (wanting to do right) and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members (inner emotions, that is the carnal man, the fleshly man).
Our deliverance from the powerful control sin has over us (BECAUSE IT’S A LAW, WE HAVE NO POWER OVER IT) is in the cross, Romans 7:25, because we have been crucified with Christ. Our flesh (carnal man) was crucified on the cross with Christ to put away the power of sin over us, Romans 6:9.
Our hope is in Christ to be able to be holy before God.
“O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Romans 7:24.
“I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.” Romans 7:25.
With our mind, we want to please God and if it wasn’t for the law of sin, we would be able to: that’s why we serve God with our mind.
But with our flesh we serve the law of sin. That because the flesh is the Adamic nature that is controlled by the sinful nature, that we have no power over – Only Christ has power over it.
So, because we have been crucified, we are told to put off the old man (flesh), and put on the new man (walk by the Spirit).
Study Romans 7 intently, meaning eat the word, focus intently like you really want to listen to the Holy Spirit as you read, and pray for understanding before you start reading.
We all struggle because of the sin nature, even though it has been crucified with Christ on the cross. It’s not easy to put off the old man and put on the new man. But with the help of Christ, we can do it by praying, reading the bible, and asking God for understanding as others here have said.
God bless you!