Hello Obadiah, yes you're right. Cats need to know they can trust you. If you're kind to them and let them know you just love them absolutely and are loyal to them they will repay your love & loyalty. I meant to post this right after your post, Obidiah, but for some reason the 'net appeared to be busy and it wouldn't attach or whatever.
Hello questdriven, you're right too. That's a very touching anecdote! I recall sitting on my front steps in front of the house one summer, depressed about something, many many years ago. This kitten came up the steps and meowed at me and let me pet him. I wasn't depressed after that. It's like they can sense emotion and want to befriend you when you need a friend.
Another time I visited a friend and he and his wife took in a stray injured cat. The kitty stayed underneath the couch for about two days, absolutely terrified of everyone. After about two days the cat came around. I stayed for two weeks, sleeping on the couch, as my friend were just married, starting out and didn't have much beyond the house they were renting. Before I left the cat was sleeping on my stomach at night. My friend told me after I left that the kitty would meow, looking bewildered, wondering whee I was. Not that there was anything special about me, but just show your friend your love and respect and they'll definitely return it!