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[_ Old Earth _] Hey Barbarian


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Hey Barbarian, this guy covers everything the flood dating, fossils, dinosaurs, angels and a much much more, you should really watch this. The skulls are something to behold.

Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim
Head binding is evidence for Nephilim?
I was talking about the other stuff like the fossils and the dinosaurs he covers a lot of stuff like the rapid burial from the flood that caused the fossils. and sea shells found on top of Mount Everest. We already know about the Nephilim so I concentrated on the other things he talked about.
I was talking about the other stuff like the fossils and the dinosaurs he covers a lot of stuff like the rapid burial from the flood that caused the fossils. and sea shells found on top of Mount Everest

Actually, Mt. Everest is made of sea shells. It's limestone, formed on the boundaries of Asia before the Indian subcontinent pushed into it. The process is still going on; we can measure the movement of India northward into Asia annually. And the Himalayas are getting higher, as the old continental shelves are pushed against each other, and upward.

Did he actually do any research?
Well with the knowledge that he has he had have done research. When you get the time check it out.
With that video being two hours long could you please tell us at what point in the video he is covering flood, dinosaurs, and those things?
Thank you very much.
I'm pretty sure Barbarian is right. Two continental land masses collide because of plate movement, and thrust up the Himalayas along the line where they collide.
Actually, Mt. Everest is made of sea shells. It's limestone, formed on the boundaries of Asia before the Indian subcontinent pushed into it. The process is still going on; we can measure the movement of India northward into Asia annually. And the Himalayas are getting higher, as the old continental shelves are pushed against each other, and upward.

Did he actually do any research?

We're heading North ~ 7cm/year on the same plate so in about 143,000 years we can walk to New Guinea. :biggrin
There's some irony in that. Wallace's, between Borneo and Sulawesi, was one of the things that led him to natural selection. However, I believe that Australia and New Guinea are on the same plate. If so it will continue to remain separated from Australia for a very long time.
Honestly I tried but I'm finding that video impossible to watch.
The background music may be awesome by itself, but that kind of epic music going on in the bayckground is making it impossible to listen to the guy. Also, he's filmed himself way too close up. His pronounciation is annoying too (all the overemphasised and prolonged vowels) and it's hard to see the structure of the topic.
There's some irony in that. Wallace's, between Borneo and Sulawesi, was one of the things that led him to natural selection. However, I believe that Australia and New Guinea are on the same plate. If so it will continue to remain separated from Australia for a very long time.

Ah ok. What will happen to the sea floor between Australia and New Guinea when we push against the subduction zone. Because New Guinea doesn't dive into the crust do we stop moving ? Or are we riding over the top of the Pacific plate ? Plate tectonics is very cool.
It's complicated.

You're right about the subduction zone, but continental crust isn't dense enough to be subducted. So the Pacific Plate gets shoved under. That's the process by which New Zealand and the other island arcs are formed. Subducted sea floor goes down into the mantle, gets melted, and then rises up to form volcanic islands.
I was talking about the other stuff like the fossils and the dinosaurs he covers a lot of stuff like the rapid burial from the flood that caused the fossils. and sea shells found on top of Mount Everest. We already know about the Nephilim so I concentrated on the other things he talked about.
This is an old thread, but I will reply anyway. In response to the dinosaurs perishing in the flood, that is contrary to what the bible said. The bible said 2 of each animal, not 2 of each animal except some, or 2 of most animals. Dinosaurs are never mentioned in the Bible because they were unknown at the time.
This is an old thread, but I will reply anyway. In response to the dinosaurs perishing in the flood, that is contrary to what the bible said. The bible said 2 of each animal, not 2 of each animal except some, or 2 of most animals. Dinosaurs are never mentioned in the Bible because they were unknown at the time.
Narwhailst are you sure Dinosaurs are not mentioned in the Bible?

The oldest book in the Bible is Job, older than Genesis, how do we know this ?The Hebrew words are strange, older in meaning and suggests Moses copied Job from stories recorded before flood times. Genesis was written as a book later than Job in time, but is of course the story of the beginning .

In Job, there is talking of Dinosaurs' God speaks to Job and the friends, so in context they saw them as animals...

Job 40:15 ¶ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

The Hebrew word behemoth means "beast" in a plural sense, a very large beast. The description tells you its a Brontosaurus like creature....

Most Dinosaurs were smallish reptiles only a very were larger than Adam, so taking on immature animals say up to 9 years old, may have been God's design, for Creation Science tells us that younger reptiles could reproduce at young ages.

Hope this helps...
Job 40:15 ¶ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

Couldn't be a dinosaur. Anatomically wrong. It's a bit indelicate, but suffice to say that it refers to something that would be found on mammals only.


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