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Hi! I'm wgp


My name is William Pinard. My last name is french/latin. In French 'pinar' is a common word for wine; the wine that lays in the barrel just below the spigot.

In Latin, a 'pinar' was the lowest denomination coin minted by Rome, a 1/4 penny made of copper.

My forefathers immigrated from French Quebec before and then after the civil war to San Jose, CA. So I'm at least a fifth generation Californian. But they all seemed to have drinking problems; or other excuses for failure. Catholic by birth was as close as they got to God as far as I can tell. Hope I'm wrong.

I left home in a spiritual sense when I was twelve years old; asked God to come into my life, put my life back together early summer 1976 at the age of thirty-two.

I'm a common man whose only strength is to be faithful in what the Lord has revealed to me; to persevere under hardships that afflict any natural man; and to hold fast to the grace that God has given me that I might walk with the Lord in all the fruit of his Spirit.

I have always been a KJV user. In my formative years I had to separate myself from a co-worker who had taken it upon himself to 'oversee' my growth in the Lord. It's a long and painful story but when he decided to switch over to the NIV (this was around 1978 or '79) he pressured me so hard to switch over that I had to disfellowship him. There were many other issues as well. But he did force me to look into the matter of which translation to use. I came to the conclusion that there were only two translations of the bible: the KJV and all the others. And I told him so.

I also had a little epiphany experience with the Lord that really gave me the impetus to go through the slug-fest that I was about to go through. The co-worker was joined with other believers at work so I had to deal with them in their order on the KJV issue as well as other issues. They were all 'spirit filled' charismatics.

But the net result of it all was that the Lord separated me from them and the charismatic church my wife and I were attending; and took me out into the wilderness and gave me a greater revelation concerning the KJV translation and the gospel of Christ.

This is my life's work spanning over thirty years. My ministry heralds the reconstruction of The Declaration Of The Apostles and the restoration of The Gospel Of Christ.

wgp 7.17.10
Hello wgp, and welcome again :yes

It's nighty-night time for me in the the U.S., so I just popped in to greet you for now!

I'm glad you joined! :thumbsup
Welcome William,

Just browsing your "The Declaration of the Apostles " and I must say that you've spent a good portion of time putting that together. No doubt it will be very useful for me in my future studies.

I'm amazed at the detail you've put into this, and I'm especially curious how you assigned dates to the events, and would be very, very interested in knowing how you put some of those exact dates down.


StoveBolts said:
Welcome William,

Just browsing your "The Declaration of the Apostles " and I must say that you've spent a good portion of time putting that together. No doubt it will be very useful for me in my future studies.

I'm amazed at the detail you've put into this, and I'm especially curious how you assigned dates to the events, and would be very, very interested in knowing how you put some of those exact dates down.



Thank you so much Jeff. I have been on a number of boards and your response is the first genuine response I've had. I signed onto the Q-Source Forum and found myself embroiled with proponents of Higher Criticism. I have a seventeen page pdf of the exchanges. It was quite an experience.

I am pleased that you are interested in my work and will do my very best to answer your questions to the best of my ablitiy. But with respect to the dating system let me say this: It is best when first "entering" into the Dec that you first look at the over-all chronology; to wit, the prologue, introduction, and the beginning; then, the first six months of the Lord's ministry; and on and on.

Also make yourself somewhat familiar with the "first-again" events. And on and on…

There's a lot to learn and I'll do all I can to assist you.

But I have to say hi to other members of the board and tell some tall tales about myself.

Your post was an encouragement.

Portland, OR
Caroline H said:
Welcome to the site :wave

Thank you Caroline H. One of these days I hope to write a paper concerning the female nature of God. But I'm still studying my wife to figure it out.

Hi again wpg.

Well, you've put a tremendous amount of work into your paper, so I feel it deserves acknowledgment. You've taken on a monumental task, and to that I tip my hat.

On page 280, you have the last supper on Thursday the 14th and Passover on Friday 15th, which would put the crucifixion and burial Friday the 14th before the 15th. (Yes, I understand the Hebrew calendar, so I know you're following).

This is why I asked you about your dates, because I had heard, and I can't quantify this, but I heard that 30AD was about 6 years off? Also, I've heard that Passover would have been on a Thursday to fulfill the sign of Jonah (3 days and 3 nights).

Just so you know, I'm intrigued by this, and considering the amount of time you've spent studying this, I'd like to know how you came up with these dates.

Thanks, :wave

StoveBolts said:
Hi again wpg.

Well, you've put a tremendous amount of work into your paper, so I feel it deserves acknowledgment. You've taken on a monumental task, and to that I tip my hat.

On page 280, you have the last supper on Thursday the 14th and Passover on Friday 15th, which would put the crucifixion and burial Friday the 14th before the 15th. (Yes, I understand the Hebrew calendar, so I know you're following).

This is why I asked you about your dates, because I had heard, and I can't quantify this, but I heard that 30AD was about 6 years off? Also, I've heard that Passover would have been on a Thursday to fulfill the sign of Jonah (3 days and 3 nights).

Just so you know, I'm intrigued by this, and considering the amount of time you've spent studying this, I'd like to know how you came up with these dates.

Thanks, Jeff

Let me make some statements since your question requires a major written response that would serve as a 'template answer' for all such questions. And right now I do not have time to sit and write a "TCAT/Three Days And Three Nights" position paper explaining all that you would need to know.

So let me give you an abreviated answer as best I can.

Death is defined as when a man's spirit leaves the body and returns to God. But with respect to Jesus of Nazareth, he had two spirits amalgamated. Jesus had the spirit of Man and the Spirit of God; and the two were one in Christ, reconciling both man and God by the faith that is in Jesus.

On Friday at high noon being the sixth hour according to the Hebrew calendar, Jesus gave up the Holy Spirit resulting in the temple curtain beginning to rent as a darkness rose up over all the earth, until the ninth hour (being our three pm).

At the ninth hour (being our three pm) Jesus gave up his spirit resulting in his body having no life, he now being dead.

Everything is very spiritual during this time and one must 'rightly divide' the scriptures. What you are wrestling with is the 'parabolic nature' of holy scripture. The gospel is a hologram where God and man can meet and have a relationship that is both finite and infinite, both yesterday, today, and forever.

The nights are counted first because in the Hebrew calendar the night always precedes the day. The gospel's friday 'day' is the sixth 'day' of the Hebrew week. The next 'day' would be the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath Day, our saturday.

It can become somewhat confusing when the two calendar systems are used to 'time line' the gospel account. But it can be done.

Jesus was crucified on Friday being the sixth day of the Hebrew week. Saturday is the seventh day of the Hebrew week. Sunday is the first day of the Hebrew week.

On the sixth day of the week, being Friday, the first 'night' begins at the sixth hour of the day (high noon) after the Holy Spirit leaves Jesus…he now 'dead' to God, being enveloped in a darkness that rose up upon the earth at the sixth hour until the ninth hour.

On Friday, the first 'night' ends at the ninth hour (3:00 pm) when Jesus gave up his spirit…he now being both 'dead' to God and 'dead' to man.

There are two spirits and two deaths: there is the Spirit of God and the spirit of man: and there is "being dead to God and "being dead". There is a spiritual death and a carnal death.

Jesus being dead three days and three nights is reconciled thus:

On Friday the first 'night' begins after Jesus give up the Spirit of God at the sixth hour (high noon).

On Friday the first 'night' ends after Jesus give up the spirit of Man at the ninth hour (3:00 pm) which resulted in his death.

On Friday the first 'day' begins after Jesus give up the spirit of Man at the sixth hour (3:00 pm).

On Friday the first 'day' ends at sundown after Jesus is buried.

The second 'night' begins at sundown being the beginning of the seventh day of the week, the sabbath.

The second 'day' begins at the rising of the sun on the Sabbath day, our saturday morning.

The third 'night' begins at the end of the Sabbath at sundown, our saturday evening.

The third 'day' begins at the rising of the sun on the first day of the week, being our sunday morning…or should I have said, "…at the rising of the Son?"

Well, StoveBolts, I hope this answers some of your questions.

I've never heard it explained that way, (Two deaths)
Thank you for explaining it.

I do enjoy studying the Jewish culture, so the Calendar doesn't pose a problem for me, and what you wrote makes since, although it looks like you've combined the two calendar systems? I'll have to take a closer look so forgive me if I misread.

I'll ponder what you've written a few more times and see how it assimilates. :thumb

What I'm also interested in, is that I've heard that 30 AD was about, if I can remember, 6 years off? Maybe you could clarify for me? Also, Is there a calendar that if we tracked back to 30, or even 24 AD that would put the 15th of Nissan on a Friday?

StoveBolts said:
Just realized you had posted my above in the AP forum... I was trying to avoid that....

Why is that? I was just trying to keep my 'internet world' somewhat organized. I really struggle with the the 'wwweb world'. When I get totaly confused I try to use my senior discount.

With respect to the dating system, to explain the entire 'way' that I could determine the specific year-month-day of the gospel, it would take a book to do so. And I just do not have the time right now to devote to it.

Maybe one of these days I will be able to speak in a public forum concerning the restoration of the gospel of Christ. And then there is the Gospel of God.

As I have said in my writings, the religion called "christianity" does not have a Gospel Of Christ or a Gospel Of God. It has four gospel accounts with a synoptic problem. So it is very difficult for me to navigate these waters without being banned from sites.

The reconstruction of The Declaration of the Apostles and The restoration of The Gospel of Christ is absolutely a huge advance…an increase…to strengthen the born-again believers who are in-tune with the times in which we live.

So hang in there StoveBolts. Keep asking questions. And allow the Spirit of the Lord to be your teacher.

Are you aware you share the same initials with my dad and grandfather? Actually, I saw wgp and was like "wow, my dad found this site?"

Hello there.
Pard said:
Are you aware you share the same initials with my dad and grandfather? Actually, I saw wgp and was like "wow, my dad found this site?"

Hello there.

If you want to know the truth your dad sent me over here to keep an eye on you! So you better be very respectful or I'll tell him everything…

wgp said:
Pard said:
Are you aware you share the same initials with my dad and grandfather? Actually, I saw wgp and was like "wow, my dad found this site?"

Hello there.

If you want to know the truth your dad sent me over here to keep an eye on you! So you better be very respectful or I'll tell him everything…


I am thoroughly creeped out now... :o
Pard said:
wgp said:
Pard said:
Are you aware you share the same initials with my dad and grandfather? Actually, I saw wgp and was like "wow, my dad found this site?"

Hello there.

If you want to know the truth your dad sent me over here to keep an eye on you! So you better be very respectful or I'll tell him everything…


I am thoroughly creeped out now...

You know what the bible says, To fear the elder generation is the beginning of wisdom. Or something like that.
