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Home...well almost...whew!!!


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Hi all,

Steve has been released from the hospital. We at the folks house in town...not only is it 5 minutes away from an ER, it's also air conditioned...nice since it's 98 degrees outside.

The week was rough. Steve had a pretty hard time with being dropped from the meds as far as going through withdrawals. It was quite the roller coaster. Little to no sleep for either of us, but that's OK. The whole point was to get him to have seizures and he did so. The neurologist was able to get the information he needed.

And the news is good. There is no need for a further brain surgery. Steve is on the medical regimen he needs to be on now and, after his body settles back down after all it's been put through this week, he should be good to go. He is still on one old class med, phenobarbital, but at a very reduced dosage not much more of a 10th of the original dosage that he was on when we first started this journey.

The next step is to get through this next week. Hopefully, over the course of the week, his body will settle into the new regimen, his seizures will cease, the effects of withdrawal symptoms will disappear and he'll be doing good. If so, he can return to driving and working after the 1st.

Then, after about a year or so on this regimen, if he decides, he might go for lowering the phenobarbital even more.

The kids went back home today after school, but tomorrow when they get out, they'll join us here at the house in town and we can be together again as a family. Both of them have been concerned, calling every day, several times, to check on Daddy. Thomas has been great at keeping up with all that Steve usually does. He's turning into such a fine young man. It will be very good to see them again.

We would have had them come today and just go to school tomorrow from here, but with them being soooo excited about being back in school, I think they would have been just too boisterous for Steve, he really needs peace and quiet.

He wanted me to log on today and thank all of you who have lifted him up in prayer. There were so many ways that God blessed us and had His hand on us this week, it's too hard for me to sort it all out now. But, we certainly know that he was being prayed for and appreciate it very much.
so they induced seisure to know what part of the brain is the cause and adjust treatment.?
or was it to verify the "repair" sheesh, his glucose must have low and then had to be replaced. with my dad i wonder...
Home for real now!

Now I'm home again on my mountainside. One of the harder things I've done recently was leaving Steve at the town house and coming home, but he is coming along surprisingly well and wants to try working tomorrow. Only for 2 and half hours and if all goes well, he'd like to put in longer hours on Thursday and Friday. He can't drive, but my in-laws are down there now and they'll be able to drop him off and pick him up...his office is just 5 minutes from the house there in town. Much better than me driving him all the way in for just a couple of hours worth of work. Since the in-laws need their house back, it's up the hill for us. Wish I could have him home with me though.

Physically he's doing very well...he has even been able to weather our daughter's early morning drama (getting her ready for school is really something, she's not exactly a morning person) without having any seizures or "starts"....something to praise God for! The medical regimen they now have him on seems very promising.

So, now I'm back at home...and need to assess what all needs to be done after being gone for this long, and I'm unable to do any housework for another 5 weeks nor lift anything heavier than 5 lbs. :bigfrown Stupid timing for my back to give out, but there ya go.

Again, I really thank everyone who has prayed for's been a long and difficult journey and the 18 hours at the hospital that were really bad was draining to go through. I'm glad we're on the other side of this.

One last note on this...

During the worst of the worst, my husband was going through major withdrawals and was literally temporarily insane. He was seeing all kinds of things and was trying to break things like his hospital bed...won't get into the gory details but it was bad. But, during that entire time he still remained focused on the kids and me. At one point he grabbed my hand and squeezed and it hurt so bad I yelped in pain and he immediately let go and started apologizing. All the the hallucinations and mental aberrations he was going through just brought out how much, in his heart of heart, he truly loves me and the kids. I just praise God for him, for his love, for the kind of man that he is that even during all of that, when he was literally out of his mind, he still was thinking of us.
Re: Home for real now!

During the worst of the worst, my husband was going through major withdrawals and was literally temporarily insane. He was seeing all kinds of things and was trying to break things like his hospital bed...won't get into the gory details but it was bad. But, during that entire time he still remained focused on the kids and me. At one point he grabbed my hand and squeezed and it hurt so bad I yelped in pain and he immediately let go and started apologizing. All the the hallucinations and mental aberrations he was going through just brought out how much, in his heart of heart, he truly loves me and the kids. I just praise God for him, for his love, for the kind of man that he is that even during all of that, when he was literally out of his mind, he still was thinking of us.

It must do your heart wonders to post that. Very touching, Dora.
You're a rock, Dora. Maybe your back going out was a way to slow you down for a while. You probably feel a bit helpless by this, but maybe while the kids are at school, you could use this time to have a little "you" time. I believe you are due some.

Thank you for the praise report! :yes
He wanted me to log on today and thank all of you who have lifted him up in prayer. There were so many ways that God blessed us and had His hand on us this week, it's too hard for me to sort it all out now. But, we certainly know that he was being prayed for and appreciate it very much.
Well you tell him we will still pray for you all and thank him for even thinking of us during all he's been going through. :pray :yes


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