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Hope for America: New Contract with America

Do you agree with the eight points of the New Contract with America?

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I feel we should keep the schools closed for good.
Return the teaching of children to their parents, as was since the beginning.

We need Godly teachers, principals and school boards.

Many of the teachers unions are corrupt and taking over by those who are promoting an ungodly agenda.
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Actual history, of how this nation was founded and the people who founded it; who drafted the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, as well as the Bill of Rights.

Why this Nation was founded.

The events of the Civil War; why it was fought, and who was for and against slavery.

How we got involved in WWII, KOREA, VIETNAM.

History such as these things.

If I remember my history correctly....
The Dems were slave owners, not the

I mention this because not only is it forgotten nowadays....the opposite is believed.
Kids of a young age haven't reached the age of accountability yet.
It is the parents that subject the kids to the influences of the world who are devilish.
My 2 children went to Christian schools because even then I didn't like what public schools were teaching our young.
It is written..."But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;" (1 Peter 2:9)
I rejoice in my peculiarity.

I would rather my kids never fraternized with the children of the devilish.
I agree with you.
But, eventually, they will have to deal with the world system.

Hopefully by then their character will be established.
Do you agree with the main points of the New Contract with America?

  • Stop out of control spending
  • Keep taxes low
  • Get rid of COVID mandates; schools closed, masks...
  • Get rid of Critical Race theory
  • Secure our Borders
  • Support Law Enforcement
  • Teaching real American history in schools
  • Abolishing the 1619 Project

This is not a Political discussion about Biden or Trump.

Do not post any negative comments about Biden or Trump.

I believe enough time has passed since the election where we can discuss these things without inflammatory rhetoric.

I don't know what the 1619 project is,,,,
But I agree with the rest.
We need Godly teachers, principals and school boards.

The teachers unions are corrupt and taking over by those who are promoting an ungodly agenda.
Unfortunately, School board members have been voting for ungodly books to children since the 1980's without realizing what they were doing.
We need Godly teachers, principals and school boards.

The teachers unions are corrupt and taking over by those who are promoting an ungodly agenda.
This is why I voted no on your poll. My position is that most of what you said is conditional and some of it is ignoring "real history". Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project are about incorporating more history from the points of view of the enslaved, oppressed, and native peoples of the US.
I agree with you.
But, eventually, they will have to deal with the world system.

Hopefully by then their character will be established.
Those kids taught at home will witness the interaction of their holy parents with the public, and follow suit.
It is written..."Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Pro 22:6)
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Those kids taught at home will witness the interaction of their holy parents with the public, and follow suit.
It is written..."Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Pro 22:6)
I like you Hopeful.
You're so positive.
I certainly hope you're right.
This is why I voted no on your poll. My position is that most of what you said is conditional and some of it is ignoring "real history". Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project are about incorporating more history from the points of view of the enslaved, oppressed, and native peoples of the US.
Who's enslaved in the U.S.?
Who is oppressed?
There are still "native" people around?
Do they still do a rain dance when needed?
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