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How are Angels created? was Heaven male only ?


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We see the Arch angels all appear to be males, God the Father, His son the Lord Jesus,

we see Lucifer the arch angel, satan cast out of heaven, a third of the angels with him,

was Heaven at this time male only?

it is written though the sons and daughters of God, are above the angels, none will be given in marrage in heaven, but be like the angels.

before Eve was created / cloned ? from Adams rib. was Eve the first female. ?

are there female angels ?

it is said some have entertained strangers , have entertained angels, can take human form, the storys ive heard, its always been a male angel,

the one i believe i saw, noticed in Spain, was also male.

how are angels created, or can the Holy spirit create life out side of reproduction.?

We see the Arch angels all appear to be males, God the Father, His son the Lord Jesus,

we see Lucifer the arch angel, satan cast out of heaven, a third of the angels with him,

was Heaven at this time male only?

it is written though the sons and daughters of God, are above the angels, none will be given in marrage in heaven, but be like the angels.

before Eve was created / cloned ? from Adams rib. was Eve the first female. ?

are there female angels ?

it is said some have entertained strangers , have entertained angels, can take human form, the storys ive heard, its always been a male angel,

the one i believe i saw, noticed in Spain, was also male.

how are angels created, or can the Holy spirit create life out side of reproduction.?


For long I have been pondering over a similar issue, the issue of reproduction in heaven. I do not know if it is possible.

I can't say there are females or males in heaven. If we say there are both sexes in heaven then it implies there is the possibility of reproduction.
Afterall Eve was not a product of reproduction. He was simply made out of Adam - there was no sex.

Joseph did not sleep with Mary to product Christ.

Maybe there is no issue of gender in heaven.... I Do not know.

I know some demons are males while some are females. What do you know about marine spirits, mermaid etc.?

This is thought-provoking!!!
You Remember what happened when the Sons of God visited our females? Those women gave birth to giants - the children of the (today's) fallen angels. God sent the rain and destroyed them.

Then, one could think those angels were fertile - and angels beget angels. If they were males then there could be females too. I am just guessing
it could be said , more to life and creating life, than we may understand, again the point you raise, who were the sons of God who came into the daughters of men,

some say some of the fallen angels, satan wanting to contaminate human blood lines with the dna, from fallen angels, another reason for the flood. ?

some say they were the sons of Seth. ? where gaints a natural occurance ? or was there a difference in blood lines dna, ect

we see in the old testement to where a crowd wanted to sexualy assualt , rape, some visitors, who could have been angels, and the man, offered this crowd his daughters, to deter this from happening.



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