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How can you tell fact from fiction?

How can you tell the Bible is true, and not a work of fiction such as Harry Potter or The Hunger Games as compared in this deleted by moderator.
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Psalms 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

God's word is life application as we apply everything He has said to our own lives that we can see Him do a work in us and through us.

It's only a fool who displays these type of videos you keep displaying and for this God sends His judgment upon you.
John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

It would do you well to quit playing a fools game and seek the Lord before it's to late to find him.
How can you tell the Bible is true, and not a work of fiction such as Harry Potter or The Hunger Games as compared in this video:
that's a very good question - probably the 2nd most important question

the most important question is DOES GOD EXIST? - Hebrews 11:6

if you know God exists - then God will help you know the Bible is not fiction

if you do not know for yourself that God exists then the Bible probably will seem like a work of fiction

so how can a non-believer know the Bible is not fiction? - ask God to show you He exists - once that question is settled God will show you the rest - Matthew 6:33
If God is God and Jesus is the son of God, why would he quote from the Bible and not Harry Potter? You can't believe in God but not the Bible, the two are so interrelated that that position is incompatible.

Can I urge you to read a Bible as much and often as possible. Start with Matthew's gospel, a good all round book covering a broad spectrum of Jesus' teaching, miracles and events.

Then get a Bible study app or tool off the web, there are plenty to choose from.

Most importantly, pray before and after reading each Bible passage, asking that the Holy Spirit helps you to understand what God wants to show you.

I really hope all goes well and that you learn to love and enjoy God's word.
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I used to think plenty of parts were not true.
Tho I read it somewhat. Two times God answered me with scripture, tho at that time I did not know it was scripture until I read it later on. His way of letting me know it was true.

Exactly! Until it comes alive IN us, it may not mean so much.

We have not followed cunningly devised fables, but are EYEWITNESSES of His Majesty!

Those poor lost souls that this stuff might as well be arguing over how many Angels fit on the head of a pin -

they are completely out of their depth here and might as well just listen, and ask thoughtful questions.
How can you tell the Bible is true, and not a work of fiction such as Harry Potter or The Hunger Games as compared in this video:
Hi, good, tough question. First, we deal with a God who places a premium on our having His free gift of faith and using it. So as long as we live in these bodies and this world we will never have flat out proof positive. If there was proof then no one would need faith.

now to the secret truth about Scripture. The Bible is the most authenticated book in the history of the world and the second place book the Illyead isn’t even close, spelling?, thanks. People don’t hesitate to accept books as being accurate except for the one Book that is as confirmed beyond all others. Irony is always amazing to me. God bless and by all means research our Lifeline and then don’t forget get that Good News to everyone else.
How does one tell a work of fact from fiction?

Strangly one does not do that by praying, but by doing fact checking.

When one sees a news item that is unbelievable or just odd, one uses the internet to start researching who reported the story, what other agencies are running this story, what they say and comments on the story by any recognised experts.

It is the same with the bible. One does not pray about whether it is true or not, but digs into the history of what the bible is saying.
Is it reporting historical facts?
Can the stories be verified?
What do experts in the bible, archelogy etc say?
Is the bible consistent in what it says and with the facys it recounts?

A true fact or a false one is not changed or verified by prayer. Mormons rely on prayer to verify there false religeon to themselves, Christians rely on facts.
The original poster (OP) was a fly-by poster that has not been seen since starting this thread back in June, 2018. Responding to this person is likely to fall on dead ears or maybe I should say eyes.

We do see a lot of these types, but yet the topics can be good discussions as others also question these type of things, especially when new members see these old topics and want to discuss them.
We do see a lot of these types, but yet the topics can be good discussions as others also question these type of things, especially when new members see these old topics and want to discuss them.

I get a lot of those kind of people on the other website that I'm at as well. ( They'll send me one message saying that they either want to chat or roleplay and then they delete their profile and disappear off of the face of the earth. The human race is extremely strange sometimes and it completely boggles my mind. :rolleyes
We do see a lot of these types, but yet the topics can be good discussions as others also question these type of things, especially when new members see these old topics and want to discuss them.
For this, I would suggest starting a new thread in the appropriate forum. This forum, "Questions From Seekers," is for nonbelievers to ask questions and for CFnet Christians to answer and not for carrying on general discussions.
For this, I would suggest starting a new thread in the appropriate forum. This forum, "Questions From Seekers," is for nonbelievers to ask questions and for CFnet Christians to answer and not for carrying on general discussions.

This is true as I never thought about that. Do you think maybe it should be moved to another forum, or just close it all together.
I used to think plenty of parts were not true.
Tho I read it somewhat. Two times God answered me with scripture, tho at that time I did not know it was scripture until I read it later on. His way of letting me know it was true.
Once I was attending a High School Worship service even though I myself was too young. I was just 13 and wanted to see what the big kids talked about. A troubled single young adult was attending. He was too old to be there but he was desperate for answers. When it was his turn to talk, he spoke of how lost he was because he had no father or any other adult male to help guide him. Right after that the group leader called for a break. We were meeting in the church close to the pulpit. I felt obligated that the Lord had a word for the man and I had to find it so I went straight to the giant Bible at the pulpit and opened it. I didn't have to search at all because it opened to the exact page and my finger went to the exact verse He wanted that young man to hear "I will be his father and he shall be my son" .....It is the Living Word of is REAL