Yes! Back during Thanksgiving of 2018, I was sitting in my recliner looking at the Christmas tree we had just put up. I started to reminisce about how I would grab a little army man and play on the tree. I would get in trouble for doing so. I would wait until left alone, which happened many times at night, and then play. There was no one to stop me so I had hours to have adventures with me and my army man in my Christmas tree universe.
So as a sat there remembering those times, I told my wife that I thought I could write a children's book about a Christmas adventure. She said to go for it and I began writing a story after asking God to please help me. I told Him I would do my best to honor Him and to please bless my endeavor. I had never written a book and feared I wouldn't be able to connect with my 2 main characters. I gave them derivatives of mine and my wife's name to help me connect. The first chapter was an absolute struggle as I had to find a way to fill in the backstory ahead of the adventure. I had to rewrite it multiple times until I felt satisfied. I had to use a series of flashbacks to bring the reader up to date to begin their trek. I had read one shouldn't use flashbacks, but I saw I had little choice without dragging the story out. I do wish I had pointed out that the two main characters begin the story at 80 years of age.
Anyway, you can watch a short video of the preview on YouTube on a video titled Danny & Annie and the Christmas Tree. The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or any myriad of retail book outlets. I would appreciate any feedback you may have as I wanted to write a Danny & Annie series of adventures. The government doesn't seem to want my book out as I added content not approved by the government/ big pharma concerning COVID.
All proceeds have been confiscated and no one seems to be allowed here to comment on it. Funny how we choose and who we choose to serve.