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How do YOU talk to atheists?


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Over the internet, I see many atheist blabbering about how strict and cold Christians are when talking about proof of the faith. And that they always end up by saying that Christians always end the argument saying "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!!" Personally, I think that's just our infamous side. Most Christians who spread God's word and talk about it almost forget what God says when they argue with an unbeliever.

Instead of continuing the argument you can shrug them off and ending with "have a good day and God bless". That's a more respectful way to treat another one. Correct me if you must if you think I may be wrong or missing something.
I have never told anyone they are going to hell. I DO tell them what I believe, but telling someone they are going to hell only puts them on the defensive. Also, it probably sounds psychotic to them, like total nonsense.

But then, I dont preach to people. I have NEVER felt led to. I am just friends with them, and eventually, something will come up in conversation that opens the door to discuss faith.
It is at that point I slowly reveal my beliefs. But I temper it, I wait for them to ask questions - telling someone something is way more effective if you do it in the answer to a question, because at that point, you already have their attention.

I have also found it effective to tell someone I'm praying for them when they indicate they are going thru something awful. That alone does two things: It tells them that I am concerned, and am willing to put forth effort and spend time doing something that I believe will help them; and it tells them that I believe that God answers prayers.
I usually correct them and say that the concept of hell is a KJV fabrication and loosely interpreted off the concept of Gehenna, which comes after the resurrections in the Book of Revelation. Hell and Gehenna are the same principle, but vastly different. That gets their attention, catches them offguard, and in many cases leaves them speechless because I just took the ammo out of their gun.

But that is just me...

However, on three different occasions I was talking to some very well educated atheists who knew the Bible backwards and forwards. They applauded me on my understanding of Gehenna and admitted that they were fully prepared to debunk hell based off the KJV. That turned out to be a civil discussion and they were far more open minded...since I was.
I have never told anyone they are going to hell. I DO tell them what I believe, but telling someone they are going to hell only puts them on the defensive. Also, it probably sounds psychotic to them, like total nonsense.

But then, I dont preach to people. I have NEVER felt led to. I am just friends with them, and eventually, something will come up in conversation that opens the door to discuss faith.
It is at that point I slowly reveal my beliefs. But I temper it, I wait for them to ask questions - telling someone something is way more effective if you do it in the answer to a question, because at that point, you already have their attention.

I have also found it effective to tell someone I'm praying for them when they indicate they are going thru something awful. That alone does two things: It tells them that I am concerned, and am willing to put forth effort and spend time doing something that I believe will help them; and it tells them that I believe that God answers prayers.

I think your method is quite good, not pushy but ready to witness at an opening. Telling someone you will pray for them is always good.
...Also, it probably sounds psychotic to them, like total nonsense...

Exactly! Some Atheists think because of our faith we end up psychotic. And some people try so hard to prove what we believe wrong! In my opinion, it is nearly impossible to prove God with science. Why? because he wants us to trust him, not to believe only because we're sure he's there.
Most Christians who spread God's word and talk about it almost forget what God says when they argue with an unbeliever.

Instead of continuing the argument you can shrug them off and ending with "have a good day and God bless". That's a more respectful way to treat another one. Correct me if you must if you think I may be wrong or missing something.

Well, it's not as simple as that, we can't just say have a good day when their spreading false doctrine. Remember who we're dealing with here. The devil is the father of lies. John 8:44 - There's a difference between an atheist that wants nothing to do with God and a false prophet preaching Jesus on a forum while ignoring salvation. The false prophet seriously has to question their purpose in life.
I have never told anyone they are going to hell. I DO tell them what I believe, but telling someone they are going to hell only puts them on the defensive. Also, it probably sounds psychotic to them, like total nonsense.

But then, I dont preach to people. I have NEVER felt led to. I am just friends with them, and eventually, something will come up in conversation that opens the door to discuss faith.
It is at that point I slowly reveal my beliefs. But I temper it, I wait for them to ask questions - telling someone something is way more effective if you do it in the answer to a question, because at that point, you already have their attention.

I have also found it effective to tell someone I'm praying for them when they indicate they are going thru something awful. That alone does two things: It tells them that I am concerned, and am willing to put forth effort and spend time doing something that I believe will help them; and it tells them that I believe that God answers prayers.
Pretty much the same here.

I've had debates with atheists on the internet sometimes, but only if they bring the subject up with me or if the conversation I was in was already about debate. Sometimes I've been asked questions based on things I've uploaded to my dA account, and I always answer to the best of my ability.
Well, it's not as simple as that, we can't just say have a good day when their spreading false doctrine. Remember who we're dealing with here. The devil is the father of lies. John 8:44 - There's a difference between an atheist that wants nothing to do with God and a false prophet preaching Jesus on a forum while ignoring salvation. The false prophet seriously has to question their purpose in life.

Well, you have a point. But if there is no way to convince them, we should still respect their beliefs. If they do spread false doctrine, we have to try to keep them to continue to spread it; and as much as possible, try to show them the light.
Well, it's not as simple as that, we can't just say have a good day when their spreading false doctrine. Remember who we're dealing with here. The devil is the father of lies. John 8:44 - There's a difference between an atheist that wants nothing to do with God and a false prophet preaching Jesus on a forum while ignoring salvation. The false prophet seriously has to question their purpose in life.

Well, you have a point. But if there is no way to convince them, we should still respect their beliefs. If they do spread false doctrine, we have to try to keep them to continue to spread it; and as much as possible, try to show them the light.
Well, you have a point. But if there is no way to convince them, we should still respect their beliefs. If they do spread false doctrine, we have to try to keep them to continue to spread it; and as much as possible, try to show them the light.

What motivates someone to join a Christian forum and have the nerve to preach God and Jesus and deny His salvation in the same breath. I have no respect for these people. At least atheists have enough respect to know when enough is enough and walk away. These are the same people who would knock on our door when I was child, with their false pamphlets and suits. It never ends. I will fight the devil until the day I die.
This a great question. And there are many reasonable answers including the one you gave yourself. But the answer to this question really depends on motivation.
My motivation is to get the atheist to seriously think about his/her belief system.

Most atheists "I believe what I believe because I believe it" That is the root of their apologetic.

My personal favorite is to take interest in what they believe. Keep control of the conversation by asking questions. Many will say they believe in evolution.
Me "Why do you believe in evolution?"
Atheist "Answer "Because of the scientific evidence"
Me "What evidence do you have?"

At this point it gets to complex to type out. But you can see how I am pursuing what they think to its full conclusion.

More often than not they will eventually will feel like they should ask you what you believe.

And that is where I will use creation science.

You may have already heard about this but I want to share it with you anyway.
(Links will be added soon)

Great place to begin building an arsenal of scientific evidence for the bible account of creation. You can get a real good feel for what they are about.
But here is the nice thing. The family that started the ministry has set copy write rules that go like this. "The mission of salvation is more important than the money"
That means free to copy and give. So here is the next site.
(Links will be added soon) You can download many many of the video's for free and legal.

Build your apologetic the bible says be prepared to give reason for your faith.

I believe in the bible for this reason
Personal conviction and experience.
Science shows proof of creation.
Science written in the bible is just now being discovered (YHVH rolled out the heavens etc.)
Biblical Archeology (Sodom and Goromorah was found Egyptian chariots in the red sea etc.)

Biblical prophesy that has come true. (Isiah predicts Yeshua thousands of years before he arrived including things he would do) The detail was so great that a normal man could have never been able to read what Isiah wrote and then follow it"

Find what interests you and build an apologetic.

Over the internet, I see many atheist blabbering about how strict and cold Christians are when talking about proof of the faith. And that they always end up by saying that Christians always end the argument saying "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!!" Personally, I think that's just our infamous side. Most Christians who spread God's word and talk about it almost forget what God says when they argue with an unbeliever.

Instead of continuing the argument you can shrug them off and ending with "have a good day and God bless". That's a more respectful way to treat another one. Correct me if you must if you think I may be wrong or missing something.
What motivates someone to join a Christian forum and have the nerve to preach God and Jesus and deny His salvation in the same breath. I have no respect for these people. At least atheists have enough respect to know when enough is enough and walk away. These are the same people who would knock on our door when I was child, with their false pamphlets and suits. It never ends. I will fight the devil until the day I die.

I joined to share ideas with fellow christians. And just because people offend the faith, doesn't make them God's enemy. He loves all of us, and a job he has given to some is to reach out to those people. And just by reading your post, I can see you are not willing to be a good samaritan...
What motivates someone to join a Christian forum and have the nerve to preach God and Jesus and deny His salvation in the same breath. I have no respect for these people. At least atheists have enough respect to know when enough is enough and walk away. These are the same people who would knock on our door when I was child, with their false pamphlets and suits. It never ends. I will fight the devil until the day I die.
They are double-minded. James 1:8
I joined to share ideas with fellow christians. And just because people offend the faith, doesn't make them God's enemy. He loves all of us, and a job he has given to some is to reach out to those people. And just by reading your post, I can see you are not willing to be a good samaritan...

Yes it does make them God's enemy Romans 5:10, and if you're asking me if I have more respect for the atheist that walks away than the false prophets who spit on his grave month after month, well you really need to ask.
Yes it does make them God's enemy Romans 5:10, and if you're asking me if I have more respect for the atheist that walks away than the false prophets who spit on his grave month after month, well you really need to ask.

I still spend time with them to show that God loves them

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Over the internet, I see many atheist blabbering about how strict and cold Christians are when talking about proof of the faith. And that they always end up by saying that Christians always end the argument saying "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!!" Personally, I think that's just our infamous side. Most Christians who spread God's word and talk about it almost forget what God says when they argue with an unbeliever.

Instead of continuing the argument you can shrug them off and ending with "have a good day and God bless". That's a more respectful way to treat another one. Correct me if you must if you think I may be wrong or missing something.

I've never told anyone they were going to hell. That's not an effective means to communicate if you ask me. I don't tend to get into debates with atheist. I have found those who are deep into wanting to debate a Chrisitan have no desire to know God or the truth. I just continue to be friends with them and wait for something dramatic to happen in their life. That's when I find their walls come down and they begin to realize there is something missing in their life.
I still spend time with them to show that God loves them

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2

Very true, I just had to blow off some steam. If you can do this and not fall for the devil's tricks, you are a humble person; something I'm striving for in the end. I'm learning from farouk, he might laugh at me though, ha. ;)
The atheisists I separate myself from...only God can change he/she as He did Paul.

If they are sincere I have no problem sharing my testimoney with them or answering any questions they may have. Wanting to "debate my faith" is something I won't do with them.


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