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How does your Church outreach?

Outreach is very important and every church should be the center of the community. One thing my church does is hold a late night cafe on a Saturday at 10:30pm through to 2am. This is so anyone who maybe in need, whether they are homeless, night clubbing and lost a friends etc can come and seek the help needed.

There of course are many diffferent forms of outreach which could be just a simple stand selling cakes at a village fete etc.

So what does your church do to reach out to the community?
Our church is very active with outreaches.

1. We have targeted a school for children from a less fortunate community and we assist with food parcels, educational toys, clothes and once a year will sponsor a ‘leadership camp’ for the children. A month or two ago we set up a jungle gym there to help develop the children’s gross motor skills.
2. Once a year we go out to neighbouring countries to help bring relief to Aids orphans and just to make a fuss about these poor things and to make them feel special. I can’t imagine what it must feel like for these precious little kids not to have a mommy or daddy to kiss them good night.
3. We give free sewing classes to help people generate and income from making curtains etc.
4. We have a soup kitchen once a week to feed the homeless
5. We have a clothes ‘bank’ where people from our congregation can drop their second hand clothes off. If someone needs clothes then they can get it for free there.
6. I support a squatter camp by collecting food, linen, and clothes etc and then I go there once a month. Although I’m the only one going, my congregation always gives in abundance.
That is awesome and great to hear so mcuh being done. A lot of churches can learn from ours. I am not saying they are bad but as mentioned before, out reach is as important as holding a weekly service.
We have a half dozen jailers in our church and other members have formed a jail ministry. As a result, we also have some former residents who were saved through that ministry who now attend with us.

Each person develops his own outreach. My husband is a servent helper. One son does the same but with an evangelistic intent. Our other son finds himself counseling distressed christians at work. I am an intercessor.

Our church supports Young Life and a christian pregnancy center. We have several missionaries who have gone out from our church. We also send teams to support christian churches in Africa and in India, where we visit and love on those in a leper colony. We have an adoption and foster parenting outreach as well as a ministry to orphans. But most of these have grown out of personal outreaches that grew and attracted others with the same vision.

A hospitality outreach for retreats, weddings and large gatherings has developed. Some of these are open to unbelieving goups as well.
Our middle school kids have done street evangelism where they also fed the homeless.

Our church's focus in on growing us so that each individual develops his own outreach. This is definitely happening. Here the individual believers are more focused on being servents to others than in any local church I have encountered.
Outreach is very important and every church should be the center of the community. One thing my church does is hold a late night cafe on a Saturday at 10:30pm through to 2am. This is so anyone who maybe in need, whether they are homeless, night clubbing and lost a friends etc can come and seek the help needed.

There of course are many diffferent forms of outreach which could be just a simple stand selling cakes at a village fete etc.

So what does your church do to reach out to the community?

My church has a community services programme, where hampers of foodstuff is collected for the elderly and those who are needy.

We also have a special department for those who are affected by natural disasters, homes that have been lost to fire etc. There is also a prison Ministry programme.

I personally try to do my part announced. I believe that we should not let our left hand know what the right one does. The community services wear a uniform as they go in the community. This is something that I personally do not like. I am of the opinion that I do not need anyone's permission to do good. We can do our part individually too.
Our church is very active with outreaches.

1. We have targeted a school for children from a less fortunate community and we assist with food parcels, educational toys, clothes and once a year will sponsor a ‘leadership camp’ for the children. A month or two ago we set up a jungle gym there to help develop the children’s gross motor skills.
2. Once a year we go out to neighbouring countries to help bring relief to Aids orphans and just to make a fuss about these poor things and to make them feel special. I can’t imagine what it must feel like for these precious little kids not to have a mommy or daddy to kiss them good night.
3. We give free sewing classes to help people generate and income from making curtains etc.
4. We have a soup kitchen once a week to feed the homeless
5. We have a clothes ‘bank’ where people from our congregation can drop their second hand clothes off. If someone needs clothes then they can get it for free there.
6. I support a squatter camp by collecting food, linen, and clothes etc and then I go there once a month. Although I’m the only one going, my congregation always gives in abundance.

This is amazing! This church in manifesting Christ to the world! These is true outreach and true ministry. Where is this church at again?
There of course are many diffferent forms of outreach which could be just a simple stand selling cakes at a village fete etc.

I wouldn't say selling things and making money qualifies as an outreach. Now if they were giving away cakes and things than yes.

Outreach is about giving not recieving. Although the cafe thing you mentioned seemed to be a good outreach.

Is the purpose of the outreach to gain members or change lives? This is how you can tell in what spirit the outreach is in.
I personally believe that we should get beyond the point where we depend on the church to organize outreaches. We should be doing outreach of some kind everyday. It may be a simple as opening the door for someone at the gas station, smiling more, helping someone in your family clean the house or garage, call someone and tell them you love them, make peace with someone you have been fighting with, give to someone in need, etc.

If the Spirit of God is truly in you, than you are a walking tabernacle and you house the spirit of God wherever you go. God is not limited to a church building.

Get out and start your own outreach. Change someone life. Don't wait for your church to do it.
Our outreach is a little different, we normally evangelize our community as a corporate body 2 to 3 times a week. We either make visits (families or individuals), door knock, canvas, or share the Gospel with people we meet along the way.

We often have a few days out of the year in which we reach our whole community by passing out fliers, for a special service/dinner so we can preach the Gospel and feed the hungry.

Some of us will even meet folks at a Starbucks or another coffee house and just have a time of fellowship/ encouragement. Most of us also try to reach out to people at our job, neighborhoods, etc.....
We're a really large church (but small on the inside!) :) So we have a lot more resources than a lot of the churches in our allows us to do more. We help bring women of all ages out of the sex industry here in the US as well as in places like Thailand by building an apartment complex for them where they learn skills and about God's word. We also do a bunch of other things locally in helping the poor and just those struggling in all forms.
We have a relatively small congregation so not much is able to be done. However, we do contribute to support for domestic and foreign missionaries, plus our mens group speaks at a local rescue mission once a month.
My current church has a seedbox ministery--they go into the community knocking at people's doors, inviting them to church, and leaving something at their door.
We in the youth group are going to get involved in some community service this summer. Nothing is set up yet, but it will be.
My current church has a seedbox ministery--they go into the community knocking at people's doors, inviting them to church, and leaving something at their door.
We in the youth group are going to get involved in some community service this summer. Nothing is set up yet, but it will be.

Sounds like you're quite well integrated already to the youth group and its activities, right?

We do a variety of things, including public preaching, regular visiting of a senior home, children's work, etc.

The church I work at talks about outreach a lot and talks about how much they need to do more of it but have failed to do that. For many years nothing has effectively changed and it's all been mostly talk.
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I am down for the count.
I can't find a church in my community.
They all have doctrinal problems.
For the first time in 28 1/2 years, I have no church to go to.
Secularized, that's the key word here.
I am down for the count.
I can't find a church in my community.
They all have doctrinal problems.
For the first time in 28 1/2 years, I have no church to go to.
Secularized, that's the key word here.
I'd rather at any time to remain in the word alone than to listen to some Christian doctrines and their implication of self righteousness saving us. I'm in no way saying they're not Christians, but are declaring them to preach that which I do not believe, and therefore will not support. I came out of Catholicism and love many there as true brethren in Christ, but would never again, nor could I enjoy true fellowship with them. God is going to bring you into His perfect will, and I am reminded of Elijah as he said in 1 Kings 19:10 "And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

1 Kings 19:18 "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel . . " Brother, God isn't finished with us yet and He will bring that which He has for us in due time.

Psalms 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Blessings in Christ Jesus. :wave
I am down for the count.
I can't find a church in my community.
They all have doctrinal problems.
For the first time in 28 1/2 years, I have no church to go to.
Secularized, that's the key word here.
I'd rather at any time to remain in the word alone than to listen to some Christian doctrines and their implication of self righteousness saving us. I'm in no way saying they're not Christians, but are declaring them to preach that which I do not believe, and therefore will not support. I came out of Catholicism and love many there as true brethren in Christ, but would never again, nor could I enjoy true fellowship with them. God is going to bring you into His perfect will, and I am reminded of Elijah as he said in 1 Kings 19:10 "And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

1 Kings 19:18 "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel . . " Brother, God isn't finished with us yet and He will bring that which He has for us in due time.

Psalms 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Blessings in Christ Jesus. :wave

Thank you Eugene, I need to hear that.
I am down for the count.
I can't find a church in my community.
They all have doctrinal problems.
For the first time in 28 1/2 years, I have no church to go to.
Secularized, that's the key word here.

Yep, I can understand that. Seems the churches in my area are all to one extreme or the other. Either they are legalistic fundamentalists (some of which seem to have great "doctrinal statements" but take it way to far in practice), or they are the kind that wont stand up for anything and just want to get a lot of people in the doors by telling them whatever they want to hear. Then there are a few that are just wishy washy, like the one I work at now. If I loose that job I will probably be in the same place you are. Sad really.
Has anyone here REALLY ever attended a church where everything they thought, matched everything you thought? I know I sure haven't.

You know what they say about finding a perfect church........ If you do... don't join it, you'll ruin it.