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How long after the abomination before the mark is set up?


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I am wondering about the timing of this first vial.

Rev 16:
2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

There can be no doubt that this vial must be after the abomination event, and then time enough after that for the beast and false prophet to set up the mark. So really, I guess I am asking if anyone has any ideas on how long after the abomination it will be before the mark of the beast is set up?

I had thought that the vials would start right at the beginning of the second half of the week, but as I was reading this, I sudden saw that this was impossible, for it must take the beast some amount of time to get this mark set up all over the world.

You know where I stand; I place the vials very near the end of the week. I see the Mark as midweek or soon after midweek. I think he is setting up the mark as we speak. What I mean by that is people are already being conditioned for the mark right now.
vic said:
You know where I stand; I place the vials very near the end of the week. I see the Mark as midweek or soon after midweek. I think he is setting up the mark as we speak. What I mean by that is people are already being conditioned for the mark right now.

Thanks for your answer. I am re-thinking this. Sunday night, as I was reading this verse, I suddenly realized that my belief of the vials being evenly spaced out from the beginning of the last 1260 days to the end, was impossible. Are you going to comment on the midpoint intermission?

lecoop said:
Thanks for your answer. I am re-thinking this. Sunday night, as I was reading this verse, I suddenly realized that my belief of the vials being evenly spaced out from the beginning of the last 1260 days to the end, was impossible. Are you going to comment on the midpoint intermission?

I am constantly thinking and rethinking. While you are retkinking the 1,260 days, may I ask if you see any significance to the additional 30 days Daniel adds to the 1,260?

Hmm, my comments on the midweek? What would you like to know? MAybe this will help you understand whatt I believe, though I'm sure you will disagree. We have completely different views on the Seals.
I have a very different view on the 'end times' prophesies. I tend to believe that the things attributed to certain time spans have been translated wrong. For example Time, times, and half a time. We believe it to be years.
What if the 'time' referred to were more like an inning in baseball or a quarter in a football game. Maybe time = a presidential term in office. In that case the above equation would be equal to ten years. Ten years? A decade. Time, times and half a time would equal 25 years.
I began to wonder of such things after looking up the term thousand years in Revelation, and finding that the root word was uncertain.
I say all of that - to say this:
There are things that John wrote of in the Book of Revelation that I believe have already come to pass. Most of what John saw took place in the heavenlies. One other reason I believe this is because of the Chernobyl disaster. The word that translates into the Russian word Chernobyl, also translates into the English word "Wormwood".
I believe that when John, as well as Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah and the other prophets looked into the future, they saw today. They saw events of a hundred years ago, they saw tomorrow. Then- having never seen so much as gun powder explode, or transportation any faster than horse drawn chariots, they wrote down the things that they saw, using the vocabulary that they had available to them.
Gabbylittleangel, if we had nothing more to go on than Daniel's (and John's) time, times, and half of time, we would undoubtedly be clueless. However, John also mentions the same time frame as 1260 days, and so the mystery goes away. Did you not read:

Rev 12
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

Putting these two verses together gives up complete assurance that this does, indeed, mean 1260 days, 42 months or 3 1/2 years.

vic said:
lecoop said:
Thanks for your answer. I am re-thinking this. Sunday night, as I was reading this verse, I suddenly realized that my belief of the vials being evenly spaced out from the beginning of the last 1260 days to the end, was impossible. Are you going to comment on the midpoint intermission?

I am constantly thinking and rethinking. While you are retkinking the 1,260 days, may I ask if you see any significance to the additional 30 days Daniel adds to the 1,260?

Hmm, my comments on the midweek? What would you like to know? Maybe this will help you understand whatt I believe, though I'm sure you will disagree. We have completely different views on the Seals.

There MUST be a point of reference that we both can agree on, and that is the abomination event. And then, soon after that, the time of great tribulation. Agreed? Doesn't it make good sense then, that the vials come after this abomination event, since the vials are aimed straight at the beasts kingdom, and those that take the mark?

So my question was how long do you think it will take the false prophet to get the mark set up, so that the first vial can be poured out on those that have taken the mark?

I am only rethinking the last 1260 days, and that not the time, but how soon into the second 1260 days that the beast will get the mark set up, so that no one can buy or sell? It must take some amount of time, to get this system around the world. Therefore, the first vial cannot come right after the abomination, but may be some months later. Perhaps over a year later.

The extra 30 days, and extra 45 days? All I know is that there will be certain things that will have to take place. One would be the cleansing of the temple. One would be the official start of millennial kingdom. One could be King David being set in as King once again! As you can see, I have no idea! However, I have read many other ideas.

lecoop said:
I am only rethinking the last 1260 days, and that not the time, but how soon into the second 1260 days that the beast will get the mark set up, so that no one can buy or sell? It must take some amount of time, to get this system around the world. Therefore, the first vial cannot come right after the abomination, but may be some months later. Perhaps over a year later....
Is that all you wanted to know? I gave my answer above, sort of. I believe since he is already in control at the time we are discussing, it could be instituted in a matter of days. Look at how quick the US and GB were at instituting the new travel and safety laws concerning what can an cannot be brought onto a jet airliner.

vic said:
...I see the Mark as midweek or soon after midweek. I think he is setting up the mark as we speak. What I mean by that is people are already being conditioned for the mark right now.
Vic, I suddenly thought of two very happy events that will take place soon after the 70th week has ended. It could be the 30 extra days or the 75 extra days.

Revelation 19:20
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

There is no doubt that this will be a time of cheering for some! Then the devil will be cast into the pit for the thousand years. This is yet another great event.

Still guessing!


P.S. Additional comment added later: It is my belief that the 7th vial officially closes the 70th week. It starts with the 7th seal, midpoint is the 7th trumpet, and ends with the 7th vial. When Jesus returns on the white horse, just after the week has closed ("immediately after"), there can be no doubt that the battle of Armageddon will start and finish within minutes. Therefore, according to John, this extension has nothing to do with the vials, or the battle of Armadeddon, but other events not mentioned in the scriptures.
vic said:

Interesting web site. But it did not clarify anything for me. In fact, I am a bit concerned about something else I read while I was there.

The commonly accepted interpretation of the verse is that the two witnesses are real prophets, perhaps Moses and Elijah. When you understand that the time period does not represent 1260 literal days, but rather 1260 years, it can be seen that it cannot be referring to real people as witnesses. One clue is in the next verse-

I was a bit concerned with there interpretation of Rev. Ch. 11 ~

"The commonly accepted interpretation of the verse is that the two witnesses are real prophets..."

Rev 11:3 And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy ...
Rev 11:10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

I tend to believe they are real people. I don't believe they are Moses, Elijah, or Enoch. Names that are usually associated with those two. John would have mentioned them by name. Not just quoted God as saying 'my two witnesses'. I am also bothered by the way people have written CNN into verse 9.
No one addressed my comment on Chernobyl. Does anyone else believe that this is the event that was written about as the third trumpet judgment?

Rev 8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

These are just a few web sites that speak of it. I was about to write that Chernobyl might not be done doing whatever it is that it is doing, and what happened in April 1986 may not be over just yet, I came across this web site.

So much of what the prophets have written about take place in the heavenly realm. This event is one of the few that can be seen on earth. Does anyone know if someone has done a study that pinpoints things that we will be able to discern from earth?
vic said:
You know where I stand; I place the vials very near the end of the week. I see the Mark as midweek or soon after midweek. I think he is setting up the mark as we speak. What I mean by that is people are already being conditioned for the mark right now.

Both an :wink: for understanding this! Some are so 'set' in concrete, that God cannot move them! (and) a very sad :sad time! 1 Peter 4:17 See Amos 7:7-8 once again for the Revelation 2:5 Virgin ones. Compare with Revelation 12:17
Gabbylittleangel said:
No one addressed my comment on Chernobyl. Does anyone else believe that this is the event that was written about as the third trumpet judgment?

Rev 8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

These are just a few web sites that speak of it. I was about to write that Chernobyl might not be done doing whatever it is that it is doing, and what happened in April 1986 may not be over just yet, I came across this web site.

So much of what the prophets have written about take place in the heavenly realm. This event is one of the few that can be seen on earth. Does anyone know if someone has done a study that pinpoints things that we will be able to discern from earth?

Gabby, Rev 8:10-11 says that a third of Earth's waters will be affected, so Chernobyl (a word meaning Wormwood) was just a partial fulfilment - a warning from God that full fulfilment is near

Nobody has yet said that the techno to control all transactions, as prophesied in Rev 13:16-18, was developed in the '70s

In '74, Washington Uni Prof RE Keith Farrell developed a laser gun to tattoo an 18-digit ID by inserting a soft pastic, under rthe skin of the forehead or right hand, that gives off a one-watt signal, to be scanned by cash till lasers

That signal can be pinpointed anywhere on Earth - even from a plane

In '78, then EEC Chief Computer Analyst, Dr Hanrick Eldeman, announced that Brussels 3-storey supercomputer, BEAST - (Belgian Electronic Accounting Surveillance Terminal) had already allocated all on the globe an 18-digit ID

It starts 666 - just as the Bible says

Must go!

The mark is a financial or political thing.

The abomination is religious.

The AC will come on the scene politically Then get in to the religious later.

So the mark will be first.
It may start out as a National ID system ! Brought about by terrorism and illegal immigration
Darrell dunn said:
The mark is a financial or political thing.

John here: The mark is sun verses 7th day Sabbath. It is nothing New! Its testing anyway. See Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15. God's final 666 test is the same as seen in Exodus 16:4-5, Exodus 16:26-28 with verse 28 finding that [only] the Sabbath being signaled out of all ten for these ones being obedient! Also notice the verse there in Exodus 16:35 that they were tested for 40 years before going into their land of Canaan. I guess that that is our destination also?

The abomination is religious.

This abomination is a total final full cup rejection of CHRIST! See Matthew 23:38 FOR ANOTHER SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST REJECTION. Who took over the churh then? Matthers 25:10 calles it a CLOSED DOOR! You are correct here, it is religous.

The AC will come on the scene politically Then get in to the religious later.

The antichrist is the Catholic fold & her daughters of Revelation 17:5. It is not a love from Rome for her daughters that they want unity. It is that they need the USA ex/Protestants Supreme court + her 'rebel' daughters & POWER to force her false religion. 666 will start in the USA. Revelation 13:11 see's us from a Lamb to a dragon. (freedom of religeon to 2/3 majority change to force sun worship) The last member gives the court what Rome wants. All that now needs doing is being done.

The Holy Spirit is being with/drawn from the earth (look around you! :sad ) & given in showers of refreshing to the ones that have not Grieved & Quenched Him away. See Romans 5:20 "Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.." One cannot see grace, yet, the sincere one can see straight truth given from the Word, (Matthew 28:20) with people agreeing with it! Notice the Showers of Refreshing promise in Acts 3:19, see James 5:7.

So the mark will be first.

No: It takes Rome needing Caesar's Power to force a Christ/less church [first] into satan religion. It will go from USA to the UNITED Nations & the world from here. Are we there yet, pretty close. :fadein: All that remains is for the Lord to release more of His protective care from earth. When God does this, what will the Revelation 17:5 ones do? ANYTHING to stop the judgements of God, except repent! Forced religion will be what they will agree on, and even then they will agree on only one Babylonian thing mostly, huh? Something that they are all already mostly agreeing on, (well? professing anyhow) that of 1st day sun worship!

So you can rest assured that Isaiah 5:4-9 is right now, at the present time, having God's protective care removed from the earth in an escalating process. Look around, read the news, check the T.V. read the forums of the Revelation 17:5 ones. See the thread RCC & ORTHODOX stuff. Then check the message of the Matthew 25:6 MIDNIGHT CRY. :fadein:


In the USA it could be the identity theft that will cause the people to except it.

And terrorism.
Darrell dunn said:

In the USA it could be the identity theft that will cause the people to except it.

And terrorism.

I agree ! many things are right around the corner and it seems easy to see where it is leading.

I got a chuckle out of the "identity theft"..... heh, TV ads and all, yet how many here actually know someone it has happened to ? is it reeeally that bad ?? we sure are told it is 8-) .

That sure makes a case as to why the ID should be physically in/on our bodies and not on a card ..... good point !

I'm sure lawlessness,(real or not) will rise to the point that carrying any form of money,(or ID) will be like having ones bank acct. info. tattooed on the forehead.


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