The real Jesus is subservient to his Father, for he clearly distinguished himself from God. For example, when speaking to the Jews, he said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. If anyone desires to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching whether it is from God or I speak of my own originality."(John 7:16,17) And the apostle Paul wrote of Jesus as having a Father, saying: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ....(and) that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:"(Eph 1:3,17; King James Bible)
The real Jesus is "God the Son"- the Son of God. There is a clear biblical testament to this fact. St. John writes "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God" "Ho Theos eyn Ho Logos"
The God was the Word.
Jesus, God the Son, through the Incarnation
voluntarily takes upon himself a subservient role. He is not subservient by nature, but for the sake of drawing all things to the Father from which both the Holy Spirit and the Son eternally proceed, he, as St. Paul wrote in Philippians, "
did not consider equality with God as something to be grasped but humbled himself and made himself unto a servant".
The Son of God, God himself, becomes the Christ in order to direct all to God in His fullness. This is why every Christian participates in the Trinitarian life. We participate in God's own inner life! The Father moves us towards the Son,indeed, He sends the Son! The Son reveals to us the image of the Father, the Holy Spirit seals in us this faith in the Trinitarian God.
Christ is "the Word of God". The Word of God can not be anything but God himself, for the "Word" is the direct expression of the essence of the Father. Just as our words express our will, our intention and the innermost parts of our being, so does Jesus express these things of God. Our words, in some sense, become an extension of us. Yet God is unqiue in that he does not recieve his language or words from a society, he is not taught how to express himself or how to speak. God's Word is unique to Him in that God's Word is formed fully and totally by Him alone. Nothing outside of Him forms how this Word is expressed, as in the human case where we are taught to speak. God's Word is His Own Essence, undefiled and perfectly made clear.