Hi Heidi,
Sorry, but there are many inconsitencies in your post. First of all, how have humans changed since the beginning of recorded history?
Here we go again.Recorded history is but a tiny blip in the entire time since the beginning.
We have changed no more than apes have changed since the beginning of recorded history.
Who cares, again that is a miniscule portion of the time involved in evolution of species.
So why do you assume that all this drastic changing from primates to humans all happened before there were any witnesses? That's a little too convenient to be believable, my friend.
This may be a shocker to you, but humans are primates and have been for quite a while. As to withnesses, go down to some museum of natural history and view some of the skeletal remains. Where do you suppose those skeletons of the Neanderthals come from?
There's about as much proof for that as there are that aliens came and deposited human beings on this earth before there were any witnesses. And there is zero proof that animals and people change that much since there have been witnesses!
And what about those fossil remains of Neanderthals? Do you deny they exist or what are you trying to say?
Secondly, cats and dogs both have mammary glands, 4 legs, 2 ears, 2 noses, 2 eyes, whiskers and a mouth and they are separate species which cannot interbreed, nor are they in the same family. Yet they have more in common with each other than primates and humans do!
Again I will tell you that humans ARE PRIMATES. Dogs and cats can not interbreed and that is a given. Now that would be a killer blow to the evolution idea IF and I repeat IF it had anything to do with evolution , but it doesn't.Have you got that now? Evolution is much slower that interbreeding would produce. As I said learn what evolution is first.
So why do scientists say we are in the same family as apes? Do you think that just because people say something then that makes it true? Sorry, but again, calling a human an ape or primate doesn't make him one any more than calling him a plant makes him a plant even though we share common characteristics of plants like needing to eat, drink, reproduce and grow.
You are truly messed up in this family bit. As lay people we often use improper terms in this area. 'Family' is a classification a ways up the ladder.
I'll explain as well as I can and hopefully one of the educated in this field will come in and fine tune.
A human is of the SPECIES sapien, the GENUS homo, the FAMILY homidae, the ORDER primates, the CLASS mammal, the PHYLUM chordate and the KINGDOM animal.
A chimpanzee is in the same KINGDOM...animal, the same PHYLUM chordate, the same CLASS mammal and the same ORDER primates then at the FAMILY level they branch off to pongidae and they differ from humans.
So if a scientist said we are in the same FAMILY as apes he would be wrong, a lay person could easily make that mistake about FAMILY instead of saying apes and humans are both primates
Animals are simply incapable of producing offspring of another species with whom they cannot breed. That is an elementary principle of biology that evolutionists either do not understand or try to lie about. It's one or the other, my friend.
This evolutionist understands it very well. However, this evolutionist knows it has little to do with the evolutionary process. You have made this up or accepted it from someone else and by gum you can find evidence to refute it. Which would be fine if you were right in the first palace, but you're not.
The species of human and ape have evolved FROM some earlier forms of primates.
I'll now deliver the final blow to your arguments just because I can.
You mentioned that man hasn't changed in recorded history.
We have changed no more than apes have changed since the beginning of recorded history.
No matter how long ago you feel that may be it is on your shoulders to explain the massive changes in mans ancestors that the fossilized skeletons show..fossils of these .
Homo habilis, homo rudolfenis, homo ergaster, homo erectus, homo heidlelbergenis, Neanderthals and us.
Please explain why there are massive changes there. Then calculate the time required to produce those changes because you say no change since recorded history.