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Mom will be 88 in about 2 weeks.... She has macular degeneration. She uses hearing aids,, So she cant see well or hear....

Well she wants a computer...For things like photos maybe a face book account...She might get some use of something like esword....

Tim no it has to be the same as mine so i can help her with xp ...classic style

How much computer should we get? in numbers i can understand Dell is not easy to buy from i cant deal with the canned answers and accents any help
Mom will be 88 in about 2 weeks.... She has macular degeneration. She uses hearing aids,, So she cant see well or hear....

Well she wants a computer...For things like photos maybe a face book account...She might get some use of something like esword....

Tim no it has to be the same as mine so i can help her with xp ...classic style

How much computer should we get? in numbers i can understand Dell is not easy to buy from i cant deal with the canned answers and accents any help

windows xp is no longer on any pc and getting updates is impossible. i am on windows seven and its the same for the most part. i can use my older xp based printer with this laptop.

they do have voice activied keep pads for persons like that. a trip to office depot(t isnt silent:lol) would be the place i would advise. this laptop was a steal. 263 usd.
Yes XP is going out but millions are still using it. Most jobs use XP not Windows 7. But don't be afraid of Windows 7 Reba it is not hard at all. You can also use this for her. Then she can speak to the computer to do what she wants, even writing e-mails, anything really.
Nuance - Dragon - Dragon NaturallySpeaking
I need Moms computer to look like mine so i can understand what she is telling me.... sounds like that wont happen for what she needs we might look at used?

voice activated? huh? might be the ticket i must look into this.. I feel more confident buying a car then a computer :sad
I need Moms computer to look like mine so i can understand what she is telling me.... sounds like that wont happen for what she needs we might look at used?

voice activated? huh? might be the ticket i must look into this.. I feel more confident buying a car then a computer :sad
you wont be able to use a lot of programs as the internet and sites. i can use my older xp gateway but this site if i stay on too long locks the thing up(the firefox site cant update my version of firefox)

its really not that different.
Yes Reba the dragon software works for XP too. It give her the option to read a speech like JFK's inaugural address, with head phones on that come with the program, that way the computer learns her voice, and then for about a week you set the times where she will speak to the computer so it will keep getting better acquainted with her voice, this is the learning mode of the software. Then after that you are good to go with the software getting her voice with 98% accuracy. I did a topic on that here some months back, let me find it for you. Found it some very useful stuff here. Windows 7 also has a built in voice recognition thing in it. But it is not as good as Dragon. But here is that link Reba. My former pastor uses this program on his XP because it is great for older people and he is about 88
Mom will be 88 in about 2 weeks.... She has macular degeneration. She uses hearing aids,, So she cant see well or hear....

Well she wants a computer...For things like photos maybe a face book account...She might get some use of something like esword....

Tim no it has to be the same as mine so i can help her with xp ...classic style

How much computer should we get? in numbers i can understand Dell is not easy to buy from i cant deal with the canned answers and accents any help

I got quite an anti-windows reputation around here. :lol

I'm not against windows per se, at least up to Windows 98SE. I actually liked the OS. When XP came on the scene is when I got a little ticked.

But you can get mom XP if you want, but like others said nobody supplies it any longer so you have to buy the software and install it on a clean computer yourself. If she's just managing photos and going on Facebook, Windows can handle that without a problem...... I think. But if it can't then maybe we better admit that if something as innocent as photos and Facebook wrecks your mom's computer with a virus, then maybe we should all learn another OS, as that would be very sad if Microsoft can't handle that much.


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