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how much of life is waiting?

But on the thread topic let me say something.

Job 33:15

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,
17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.../

Romans 8:16
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:../

I think this is still on topic. It's about waiting. I and many other Brothers & Sisters wait on God quite a bit...right? But I was thinking about it and I think that the Lord may be waiting on us more so than us Him? He said He will never leave us or forsake us, so He is always there and always has been. But He waits on us to come to Him...we have not because we ask not, right? So it's all about receiving it. I think when the Lord created this world, that everything for every blessing that we would ever need is already in place and has been.

But sometimes we don't ask. Sometimes we ask amiss, and sometimes we are not sensitive enough to His presence to be able to hear Him. Make sense? So is it possible that God waits on us more than us on Him?

And another thing, the above scroptures show us that the Lord's Spirit bears witness with our spirit and many times it is at night so we are not being distracted and so forth. But think about it...we sleep fully 1/3 of our life they does that mean that the Holy Spirit has been talking to me for a big portion of my life? It would seem so.

We know that scripture says that God has no dealings with flesh man. So it stands to reason that His Spirit can only speak and interact with our spirit and that makes sense to me. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.

So busy today!.
Oh you did not just go there. :hips

Sorry I may have presumed a little too much, lol. But your my sons age and my generation is cooler than my boys for sure. Plus you didn't know that line from that song so idk I guess I presumed too much about you cuz of that. You probably are cooler than my boys are.
But it is a interesting thought that, if the Lord speaks to our spirit every night when we sleep, and we sleep a third of our lifetime then that's a lot! We don't get to hear it in our brain but our conscience does talk to us a lot and that has to be our spirit because our conscience always tells us to do the right thing.

This entire train of thought leads me to think that...we should listen to our spirit more and do what he says, and pray more because this is answering. So pray pray pray. No wonder Paul said pray without ceasing!
How much of life is waiting . . .

The most important things have already happened. Christ lived among us. He taught us. He died for us. He was resurrected. He came back to us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

I waited nine months to be born. I waited 32 years to find God. I waited 35 years to be baptized. I waited 56 years to be loved by a great guy. I am still waiting for my son to grow up, but he is only 49.
Anyway, the waiting is about over.
There's a rumor going around that the end of the world is a week from Tuesday.
So everyone, go take a shower...