How was your day described with a meme .

Have you ever had the brake pedal go to the floor board ? Not fun at all . At least this has never happened to me :shock .
Today, got permission from a neighbor to pick apples from a tree on their property. I managed to get about 1/2 of a 5-gallon bucket. Was hoping to fill the bucket but most of the apples had already dropped to the ground and were damaged. Still got enough to freeze two pie's worth sliced and these five pints of applesauce with cinnamon.

Also preparing for some possible rough weather. The red dot is where I'm located. It looks like that storm might scoot by just to our south as it is heading ENE.
Today, got permission from a neighbor to pick apples from a tree on their property. I managed to get about 1/2 of a 5-gallon bucket. Was hoping to fill the bucket but most of the apples had already dropped to the ground and were damaged. Still got enough to freeze two pie's worth sliced and these five pints of applesauce with cinnamon.

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Used to help make apple cider years ago , damaged apples were just fine for apple cider making .Apple cider was so good !
So I mysteriously have a high ankle sprain that appeared out of nowhere, and it's so bad I can only walk about 10 feet per minute. and turning in any direction at all takes serious time, planning and determination.

Then there's the up side:

That looks like how I feel after getting my check book to balance !
I did not say but it is usually my wife's keys that I hoist in the air :lol . I once , with God's help no doubt , found my wife's keys in the bottom of a garbage can :cnfd . She had thrown a defective coffee maker away and her keys went too stinkeye .
I did not say but it is usually my wife's keys that I hoist in the air :lol . I once , with God's help no doubt , found my wife's keys in the bottom of a garbage can :cnfd . She had thrown a defective coffee maker away and her keys went too stinkeye .
Close ?
I once lost my bible on the way to lunch.
When I got back to work from lunch, it was on the ground where I had parked that morning.
Apparently, I had put the bible on the top of my front tire while getting my keys and and forgot it there.
It had a nice tire track across it !
But undamaged !