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How young are the caffeine addict now?

Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat"

But where in scripture does the lord command we consume EVERY herb bearing seed?

Comparing it to alchohol Ephesians 5:18 "
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;"

Excess to be drunk

I have this weird theory that "strong drink" in the bible might have meant coffee. I got this idea after reading a google book.
You seemingly have no biblical reason for not partaking of alcohol and caffeine in amounts prescribed by science? And since you believe in weird theories you're determined to have me deny myself? :lol
Ritalin is a medication prescribed by a physician and the patient is hopefully being watched carefully.Ritalin has caused complications as well.

I know what ritalin is and have had a family member put on it. He didn't do well.
You seemingly have no biblical reason for not partaking of alcohol and caffeine in amounts prescribed by science? And since you believe in weird theories you're determined to have me deny myself? :lol

I love your picture being there Eugene, I can see your grin as you post.
Yes,their have been Coke addictions.When Coke first came out I think it was in the 1800's it had cocaine in it.That is where they get the name Coke.
Funnily enough it doesn't seem to be a taboo for Fundamentalists...
When I still lived at home, my mother didn't let me drink coffee, except on rare occasions. We didn't have much soda in the house, sometimes just 7-up or Sprite.
I didn't start drinking caffeine regularly until I was 18.

I do think kids these days are drinking it more. Coffee drinks and sodas are so common, and there are so many different flavors out there.
Just a part of our changing world I guess.This might not be the only thing we will see our youth doing in the future.
I have to admit, I am a lover of coffee and have been drinking it for many years. At 20, I think I drink quite an amount of coffee; however I am trying to cut it down to one mug a day.

How much caffeine is in Mountain Dew. I know several people who drink it rather than coffee.

the other things in soda, including mdw, are far far far worse than caff..... and at the checkout at the grocery store it looks like dozens of people(a lot of them parents, with kids in tow already sucking down a soda in the store! even babies!!!) load up with several cases of soda every week or month.... it is very very bad medically as anyone can find out over a cup of coffee while surfing the internet.....

there is another much farther reaching(1 in 4 people on earth) epidimec on earth you might find by searching "the terrible bean" . employs of phrmk have openly admitted it at the health food stores where they sell it !!! (and it was the first poison i was warned to avoid the first month i worked in the phrmk in the hospital in millington tn).

I have to admit, I am a lover of coffee and have been drinking it for many years. At 20, I think I drink quite an amount of coffee; however I am trying to cut it down to one mug a day.

take one B-100 vitamin in the morning, and one in the evening, if you want to help avoid deficiencies and to improve or protect your eyesight and general health in general anecdotally. :)