bibleberean said:
I find your post enigmatic.
I only agree with a church when that church agrees with the bible.
"Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:23
I don't put my faith in churches but in Christ and His Holy Spirit points me to the bible.
I don't do homework or write essays on request...
My name is Robert not Fido... :D
If you have a point... just make it...
Until now I had no idea what your name was. If you find answering a few basic questions annoying, I can understand. I can also understand you not wanting to part with that vast storehouse of knowledge and wisdom that the Holy Spirit grants to you as the "manifold wisdom of God". Assuming of course you personally are truely "the Church" unto yourself.
That said let us disect and discern your post with basic dictionary
words so we can all understand what you mean.
Main Entry: enig·mat·ic
Pronunciation: "e-(")nig-'ma-tik also "E-(")nig-
Variant(s): also enig·mat·i·cal /-ti-k&l/
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, or resembling an enigma : MYSTERIOUS
synonym see OBSCURE
- enig·mat·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
I find no mystery in the fact the Holy Orthodox Church is the body of Jesus Christ on the Earth. My question is what makes you a member of the Body?
If you agreed with the Church then you would be lead by the Holy Spirit to the Church because the testimony of the Holy Spirit is the "fulness of Him" and according Jesus Christ that is the Church. The Holy Spirit who "proceeds from the Father" will testify of fulness of Jesus Christ. John 15:26, Ephesians 1:22-23.
It is a mystery to those outside.
Jesus said "tell it to the Church" thus Jesus's Church trumps the protestant "bible" they exalt to idoldom. Where did Jesus give all the authority of His Father to a book please? I cannot find one quote of Jesus sending a book like His Father sent Him. Can you please give me a scripture where Jesus or any one for that matter gives the bible we have today any authority what so ever. Jesus was always talking to 12 men basically and if you read John chapter 14 through 17 you would soon see the Holy Spirit only leads and guides a man to Jesus Christ and His Church. Jesus Christ instructed and instructs men, ordains men, builds His Church on men, and conducts His affrairs through men in His Church. There is no other path to the "bible" but through the Church. There is no sure salvation but through Jesus Christ, the Church. No man comes to the Father but through "the fulness of Him", the Church. The "fulness of Jesus Christ" saves!
One "hears" reading a book? or hearing the voice of God through His Church, the mouth piece of the Holy Spirit? No, one hears by oral transmission. Are you saying one must have a bible to be saved and hear the gospel? The Holy Spirit is not going to lead one to "the Body of Jesus Christ" but to a book? Am I reading that right? The Holy Spirit testifies to a book not Jesus Christ?
If you have no faith in the Church then you have no faith in Jesus Christ, sorry but that is the simple truth. The one mystery understood by the Church and explained by Paul was that the Church and Jesus Christ as the Head are one and the same, both in heaven and on the earth. The real mystery is: how is the body of Jesus Christ both on earth and in heaven eternally without change at the same time as Jesus stated. The question is this: does anyone need to be organically connected to this organic body living His life?
You obviously dont want to face reality and investigate the faith you so proudly claim. That is fine but we are warned to "study to find yourself approved" and that is not limited to "bible alone". I did not ask you to write anything. I am asking you to think with your God given brain. I would never call you a dog nor did I treat you in such a manner. I merely asked some hard question. I ask questions to learn and discern the spirit you are from as commanded. If this offends you, I understand your spirit.
I guess my point now would be to you is:
Why do you want to be called "christian"? or maybe I am being forword in assuming you are a "christian". Is it a mystery?