Yes Brother you are correct. We have been reborn spiritually inside of us where our spirit resides. Now you have to speand the rest of your days on earth trying to overcome your flesh body, mind, will, and emotions so that your spirit man is dominant within you.
The sin nature still dwells within your flesh. But the Holy Spirit of God dwells within you also it is on! And the flesh don't want to lose so get ready, but you know that already, lol.
Your spirit man must become dominant over the flesh. This is done by feeding your spirit a high intake diet of the word of God. The Holy spirit talks directly to your spirit man, but your carnal mind is not allowed to hear it!. But since you have to feed your spirit, you must also exercise him. We exercise our spirit man by focusing upon the Lord in thought, conversation, praying or giving testimony, askinf for healing, help....anything focused upon the Lord.
That is a hard thing to do while living in the natural. I know this! But I also know that it gets easier.
Ok so now you feed your spirit and excercise him. Not sets of 20 Brother, constant reps which never stop, lol, pray without ceasing. Talk to Him constantly. He is inside of you, He is beside you. He goes before you, He has your back.
The more you let Him go first and exercise your spirit, the more dominant your spirit man will become over your carnal flesh. And eventually your flesh will come into agreement with your spirit man and you'll probably be walking under an open Heaven when they do agree finally.