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[ Testimony ] I made it to 3-0!


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LOL...its cool, reba...

..I am excited to be 30. God's been good to me. I'm healthy, able to learn and apply new skills and concepts, and increasingly n-o-r-m-a-l. Imagine that, right?

My 20s were wasted until God intervened. Thanks to Christ, I have been repaid "for the years the canker worm has eaten," or at least my life is no longer a waste.

I am too young to give up, and too old for "the sins of youth."

I get the sense, though, that my community really isn't pleased about all this. When a whole town says somebody's gonna be dead by 23, and then that somebody makes it to 30 healthy, surprisingly "well-preserved" (I keep hearing that...I dunno...I think a lot of 30 year old people are wrinkle free), with a supportive family behind me...that's apparently enough to infuriate a lot of people (namely my neighbors, lol). Sometimes its kinda scary...I realize now how much sheer, visceral hatred there was and is towards me, how its just now been openly expressed, and... I mean, "fret not because of evil-doers," you know? That's what my friend, Verna, keeps telling me. And she's right, of course. But I feel like I woke up and I found that this little town ruined my life, until Christ intervened. Scary stuff, that.
LOL...its cool, reba...

..I am excited to be 30. God's been good to me. I'm healthy, able to learn and apply new skills and concepts, and increasingly n-o-r-m-a-l. Imagine that, right?

My 20s were wasted until God intervened. Thanks to Christ, I have been repaid "for the years the canker worm has eaten," or at least my life is no longer a waste.

I am too young to give up, and too old for "the sins of youth."

I get the sense, though, that my community really isn't pleased about all this. When a whole town says somebody's gonna be dead by 23, and then that somebody makes it to 30 healthy, surprisingly "well-preserved" (I keep hearing that...I dunno...I think a lot of 30 year old people are wrinkle free), with a supportive family behind me...that's apparently enough to infuriate a lot of people (namely my neighbors, lol). Sometimes its kinda scary...I realize now how much sheer, visceral hatred there was and is towards me, how its just now been openly expressed, and... I mean, "fret not because of evil-doers," you know? That's what my friend, Verna, keeps telling me. And she's right, of course. But I feel like I woke up and I found that this little town ruined my life, until Christ intervened. Scary stuff, that.
I think 30 is the perfect age.I really liked being 30 many,many,many moons ago..
Yes now I recall .It was in my early 30's when I became a "Anabaptist".Good thing I was not living in the Reformation Days , being put to death for the "heinous crime" against humanity ,of DOUBLE baptism "sprinkling, as a new born babe, and then intentionally re-baptizing alla Zwingly "submerged" in adult life.
More on this...I think I'm gettin' over everything. And toughening up a bit. Or...well, I pray to God to "give me what it takes to bear up under what comes my way," and He's done so. I don't know if that's leaning on The Lord or general maturation (I have some growing up to do...), but...yeah. Good times.
Im pretty much balding and starting to not understand the younger generation, but only in my case its them.
Brother CE, now comes the battles. When we first enter the kingdom everything seems to be like some form of magical deliverance's; miracles shown us, healing abundant, and all wine and roses as it were. Now grow in grace and knowledge of our LORD, put on His armor, and prepare for the onslaught of battle as God leads and prepares you to have His very best. There will be trials and testing at every turn as you grow in faith, and your testimonies will change to complete glorification of Him as He leads you in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. You with God's work in you will change from the good will of God, to the acceptable will of God, and on to the perfect will of God.
Happy Birthday :wave2
Christ_empowered, i just wanted to say congratulations! I know it was awhile ago, but happy belated birthday! You should be excited, to have exceeded everyone's expectations! God has given you the gift of eternal life, and forgiveness, and best of all His Son. He loves you and wants for you to succeed, and be joyful! The devil is the one that wants to keep you down and feeling condemned, or like your not allowed to get excited because oops your human and you made some mistakes in the past. Which are just that.... the past. But you are a living, breathing overcoming Child of the Most High God! And He has chosen you before the beginning of the earth to live in this time, and be part of the showing of His goodness and His grace. Blessing to You! Rejoice for you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!
I feel empathy towards others now. And I'm smart enough for college-level work. And my parents have forgiven me for a misspent life, especially my youth.

I'm waking up. Suddenly, I keep my room clean. Better hygiene. More inquisitive. I write better. More importantly...

heart of flesh, not of stone. Once I started praying for my enemies, for my nation's leaders, etc., things started changing in a big, big way. Once I confessed to self-centeredness and asked for the ability to genuinely care for others, things changed. I changed.

I now pray for God to "make me a little less me, and a little more Jesus each day," and I think He's answering my prayers, gradually. I think that for my particular set of problems, in particular, dying to self daily is particularly important.
Maybe we should just replace the stained server.



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