Brother Mike
Is Paul talking about the effort of his work being perishable, or imperishable--harvested, or cast away? Or the results of his work in God's fields and buildings being perishable, or imperishable? He himself is imperishable. His reward is based on whether or not his work survives the fire, or not. Does this mean the effort of his work, or the results of his work?
1Co 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
Right, God gives the increase. Only God.
Eph_2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
We are God's workmen ship. God created us with his purpose in mind, his plan, his will, His path for us. Paul ran his race and competed it. Paul did everything the Lord asked him to do, was were He was suppose to be, and speak to those He was directed to speak to. That is God's path, his workmanship that we are for his purpose.
1Co 12:16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
1Co 12:18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
Everyone has a part in the Body of Christ, God's path, God's workmanship. God picks what part we are suppose to be.
Being an eye is good work, but if your called to be an ear, then trying to be an eye is good work, but it will be hard, tedious, the funds dry up because your trying to do a good work as an eye, but your grace and empowerment is suppose to be an ear. You do the work of the ear to stay on God's path.
Any man building on that foundation is by their thinking a good thing. For the Work of an eye is good. However, if God created you to be an ear and you lay the foundation of the work of an eye, then your works are burned up because you did your own thing off the path God designed for you.
The only lasting eternal reward is to build upon the path your were given to follow. Doing what we think needs done, our will, our own building, though it seem good will get burned up. There is grace to do what God called you to do.
A Pastor I was working with wanted to do a community Drug program. It's a good thing, seemed good. The problem was it never got the funds, never got the interest, started a few times and flopped. The Pastor came to me and asked what was wrong!! He could not figure out how this good work of the Lord just was not working.
I asked him a simple question. Did God really tell you to do this? Spend all this money? He then said he thought it would help the community and bring people to Jesus. I then said, that was not my question. Did God specifically tell you, for your church to start this program? He then said, no, I did not get God telling me, I just wanted to help the community and thought God would be pleased with it.
I then said, it fails and is hard because there is no grace to get this done. You can't do your own thing, though it's good, and just expect God to go along with it and fund everything. He got it!!! Praise God!!!
If what your doing for God is not working out so great, you have to ask yourself if your really suppose to be doing it? God anoints who he appoints. If God said do this, then the grace and ability will be there to do it, no matter how hard it is.
Building on the good foundation with your own work, your own desires will get burned up. We have to stay on the path, be the body part we are called to be, do what God says do.