That's the other thing about the Lord. I don't always know exactly what He's talking about. Like this one, All I have is a vague idea of what to do and no clue how to go about it, or even if that was what He was talking about. He spoke of how He gave talents and skills to all but...I dunno what my talents are. Other than I am mechanically inclined. I can fix stuff. That's what I did before retirement, but I don't see how He could be talking about those talents..?
So I have to wait and let Him get me going in a direction or at least let me know what it is I could do. I expect it to be work for the Kingdom, but I'm not doing a whoe lot now. I help people and the poor when I can and have the oppurtunity to.
I just don't want to start something not directly
useful to the Kingdom of God. I can't be an unprofitable servant. I must be good for something with a hurt back and a poor wallet, but what? I guess I'm just resting in the Lord for now and waiting on God for once, lol. (He's been waiting on me for most my life!
Oh, I praise the Lord for being patient and longsuffering!