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If I were satan, What Would I do?


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For one to truly understand end time events, and what is being played out in the end time, One must UDERSTANDING ONE'S ADVERSARY! BEFORE I PLAY "Devils Advocate", we need to Take a "spy" into the enemies camp.... What does Satan truly want? What are His goals and objectives?? What are His weeknesses? What are his strengths? What tools of Warfare will he have available to bring on results He desires??? What tools has he used in past "battles", that he may use again?? So Lets Look for an answer to the first Question.. What is Satan"s ultimate goal? what is he after?
Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I WILL SIT ALSO UPON THE MOUNT OF THE CONGREGATION, In the sides of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will BE LIKE (RESEMBLE) THE MOST HIGH
  • We can't even begin to understand what will occur in the end time, until we understand what our adversaries ultimate goal is. Satan Just doesn't want to be "A" God, HE WANTS TO BE GOD! He wants to "sit upon the mount of the congregation" ! He wants to be the "head" over the Body (of Christ). He wants to usurp the authority of Jesus Himself! Why? Worship!!! He wants to be Worshipped!!! This is what caused the rebellion in Heaven in the first Place!!! This is His objective, and also His weekness!!!
  • What Tools does He have, and what tools Has he used in the past to try to bring on results He desires??? We need to look no further, than what occured in the Wilderness, when He met Jesus There to tempt him!! He actually Quoted Scripture to Jesus (although it was a half truth) to try to bring on results He desired!!! He even promised Jesus all the Kingdoms of the World, if He would just " bow down and worship Him! Well, Is a servant above His master??? If I were Satan, This is what I would do...
  • Believe it or not, I know what the Word of God says! I quoted it to Jesus when I tempted him in the wilderness, but He didn't fall for it!!! I will use the Word of God once again, against His own People to convince them I am their messiah!!. The timing of intervining into the affairs of Mankind will be crucial!! I would have to come at a time when Both Jew and Christian, and everyone else, would be expecting the return of the REAL Messiah!! I would come at a time, where I could point to certian events in recent History, and proclaim to all, All prophecy is fulfilled, and I am the returned messiah!!! But this is only the beginning!! As I set up my Kingdom "AS GOD", I would Promise to bring in 1000 years of peace. I would Seperate the "sheep" from the goats, and only those who have accepted ME as the Messiah, will be worthy to enter into my Millinial Reign. I will divide the Land for Gain, and those who have accepted me as God, will be co-rulers with me!! (hee, hee ) I will be their bridegroom, and they will be my Bride! I will have a Marriage supper!! Celebrating my return!! I will give them the authority to "hunt down" the goats... The Virgin bride has Become the great Whore!! They Married the wrong Bridegroom, But I don't care, AS LONG AS THEY WORSHIP ME! I WOULD PROCLAIM FOR ALL TO "COME AND RECIEVE THE MARK OF THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD, SO WHEN I PASS JUDGEMENT ON THOSE UNBELIEVEERS, NO HARM WILL COME TO YOU. IF ANYONE QUESTIONS THIS, I'LL JUST POINT TO 'MY WORD", For Justification!!!! They won't know the difference! They will do my bidding for me. Many will be betrayed!! They didn't Listen to the warning Christ gave!! Yup! We will be eating and Drinking and Marrying in the Marriage Supper!! Little do they know, that Jesus said, "in an Hour that you think not" the Son of Man cometh!! Absolutely no one will be looking for the Lord's return!! Why!!! Simple!!!! I'M ALREADY HERE!!!!!!!
  • OK I'm Back!!! The true 70th week of Daniel, consists of 3 1/2 years of "birthpains" (but the end is not yet), followed by the 42 month reign of the FAlse messiah. Here is the problem.... Will one know the Birthpains ARE JUST the "birthpains", and occur BEFORE THE REIGN OF THE FALSE MESSIAH, OR WILL ONE ACCEPT THE BIRTHPAINS AS THE CONCLUSION OF A LARGER SEVEN YEAR PERIOD, THAT WILL HAVE APPEARED TO BE FULL PROPHETIC FULFILLMENT????
Look at what SAtan has done. He is using what is prophesied to occur, (the birthpains) prior to his reign, combined with what is being held as what is supposed to occur, (a seven year period, made up of 3 1/2 years of peace, followed by 3 1/2 years of war (but the 31/2 years of war are actually the Birthpains, and not the end), and He has fed the Church the perfect 7 YEAR LIE.THE CHURCH WILL RUN TO HIM WITH OPEN ARMS, BECAUSE THEY JUST EXPERIENCE A 7 YEAR PERIOD, THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD, THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO Experience. IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS ABOUT THIS, GO ASK THE PEOPLE WHO HIDE THEMSELVES FROM GOD IN THE SIXTH SEAL!!!!!! Look at the conclusion they have drawn!!!!!
Hi Joshleet,

I am new to this board and I am so impressed with the quality of the messages. I find your message especially interesting. I hope you will not mind if I add one other trick of Satan that I believe is not very well understood. That trick is interpreting scripture, not with scripture, but with the writings of man.

I would like to say a word about why Satan would and, in my opinion has, encouraged so many interpretations of end time prophecies, not with scripture, but with non-Biblcial people and events. Let me use the example of Dan. chapters 8 and 11.

Almost every commentary on Dan. 11 has the first 20 verses being fulfilled by non-Biblical people and events. Most attribute the king of verse 4 to Alexander the Great who lived around 340 BC and is, of course, not mentioned in God's Word.

But we read in Dan. 10:5-8 "Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphas; His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes are lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude". Who was this "man"? The answer to that question is found in Rev. 1:13-18. In verse 13 we read of the "Son of man" appearing to John. Verses 13b-15 describe the Man that John saw. "clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the papas with a golden girdle. His eyes were as a flame of fire; and His feet like unto the fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters". I believe that the "Man" who appeared to Daniel, as recorded in chapter 10 is the same "Man" Who appeared to John as recorded in Rev. 1. If there should be any doubt as to Who this "Son of man" is, Rev. 1:18 puts that doubt to rest, "I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore. Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death". That Man is, of course, Jesus Christ.

Then we read in verse 13 where Christ said to Daniel, "The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood Me one and twenty days: but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes came to help Me; and I remained there with the king of Persia". Michael is of course, the archangel, i.e. a spirit being as opposed to a human being. So this battle was between Christ with His angels and spirit beings who were His enemies.

Note that this battle was fought for three weeks. Why was it fought? The answer to that question is in verse 14, "Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy People in the latter days....". The battle was fought for three weeks in an attempt to prevent Christ from declaring unto Daniel what shall happen in the latter days. Those events which Christ fought so hard to bring to Daniel are obviously those events recorded in the last two chapters of Daniel, i.e. chapters 11 and 12.

What is in those chapters that someone fought for three weeks to prevent them from being recorded by Daniel? Dan. chapter 8 and Dan. 11:1-20 are the only prophecies in God 's Word that record the events of the 30-40 years leading up to the seventieth week.

But Satan was not finished yet. He could not prevent Daniel from receiving the prophecies so I believe, he encouraged the interpretations that say that the propehcies have already been fulfilled. That way, no one will be looking for a fulffillment in the end times and will not be warned of the coming antichrist. In other words, the entire generation of those who God meant to be warned of the antichrist, will not be aware of the warning prophecies because most have said that they have been fulfilled.

The pity is that Dan. 11 is a more complete prophecy of the vision of Dan. 8 which we are specifically told in verses 17 and 19 are end time prophecies. But that doesn't seem to stop most commentators from decalring that Alexander the Great was the king of Greece and has fulfilled this end time prophecy.

Just a few thoughts. I don't mean to come across as a zealot, but I do believe that this is an important deception.

In Christ,


Hi Joyce, and welcome....
  • I agree with you 100%!! One of the biggest mistakes that modern day believers make in interprating the Word of God, is they seek other sources beyond God's Word. It is self explanatory, and needs no Help. I see this done through either the teachings of other men, or worse, the interpration of God's Word, through current events in today's World. This is dangerous.
  • Thank you for your interest in what I have been sharing. I have only recently been released by the Holy Spirit to go forward with this message, although it was revealed to me over a three year period from 1990-93. Timing is everything.
  • Satan tried to use the Word of God as a tool against Jesus, to try to bring on results He desired. it will not be any different as we witness these events unfold.
Satan is the author and father of confusion. If we have the Spirit of Christ in us, we shouldn't be confused. Concerning prophecy, I view alot of God's Children drawing conclusions from what they are viewing in the World. Satan is called the "god of this world". Are we going to allow events discern to us the Word of God? I hope not!! A second mistake one makes, is to draw conclusions without taking into consideration all Scripture and prophecy. One mustn't "ommitt" Passages, just to establish what one may think it is trying to project to us!! Lastly, And I think this is the most damaging aspect of studying Prophecy, Is one approaches the subject with a preconcieved Idea of what they want it to state. Doing this actually "shuts out" the Holy Spirit from revealing new truth about the end times. This is usually done without most realizing they are doing it!!
  • That being said, We are heading into Satan's final attempt to seduce the World into accepting Him as God. He wants to be worshipped. He will be willing to pull out all the stops, and do anything that is Needed to Justify His ends. I see alot of what is being held as true today in many Christian theological circles, playing right into his hands.
Hi Joshleet!

Just a couple of mundane questions, please.

You are citing Isaiah 14.12ff.
1. Lucifer....what is a Latin word doing in a Hebrew text?
2. I was under the impression that in Eden, Satan told Adam that if he partook of the
"fruit" that he, Adam, "...shall be as god(s)."

Just curious. Thanks.
Capt. Kirk said:
Hi Joshleet!

Just a couple of mundane questions, please.

You are citing Isaiah 14.12ff.
1. Lucifer....what is a Latin word doing in a Hebrew text?
2. I was under the impression that in Eden, Satan told Adam that if he partook of the
"fruit" that he, Adam, "...shall be as god(s)."

Just curious. Thanks.
[list I don't understand what this has to do with what the motivating factor that drives end time events???[/list]
Joshleet said:
OK I'm Back!!! The true 70th week of Daniel, consists of 3 1/2 years of "birthpains" (but the end is not yet), followed by the 42 month reign of the FAlse messiah. Here is the problem.... Will one know the Birthpains ARE JUST the "birthpains", and occur BEFORE THE REIGN OF THE FALSE MESSIAH, OR WILL ONE ACCEPT THE BIRTHPAINS AS THE CONCLUSION OF A LARGER SEVEN YEAR PERIOD, THAT WILL HAVE APPEARED TO BE FULL PROPHETIC FULFILLMENT????

The 70th week of Daniel 9 has already happened.

I wonder if all those that were killed during the Inquistion would have considered themselves in the midst of "birth pains?" I wonder if those Christians killed in Rwanda the early 1990's would have considered themselves in the midst of "birth pains?"

The fact that there are those that have made millions upon millions teaching the false doctrine of fly away theology should be weighed and considered by the simple fact that these books can be found in the "fiction" section of your local bookstore.

A Study into the "Left Behind Deception"

Its not simply a matter of "what I would do if I were Satan?" Lets be assured he has already done all we can think of like: situation ethics, justifiable lies, one church is as good as another, one can go to heaven without the church, salvation by faith only, once saved always saved, baptism is not necessary to salvation, no hell, the sabbath rather than the first day of the week, counterfeit churches, frequecy of the Lord's Supper. These are but a few!


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