XTruth said:I wonder if you would take anything as a sign, or if you think the signs of the end times are made up.
I absolutely believe that there are signs that we should be watching for, but we have to be careful what we are watching for. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters happen all the time. Just because we see a few disasters on the news doesn't mean it's the end of the world. In fact, a careful reading of Matthew 24 will reveal that Jesus actually stated that these natural events were not a sign of his return.
And Jesus answered and said to them, "See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many. You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs." (Matt. 24:4-8 NASB)
These "birth pangs" have been happening for thousands of years. Christ specifically tells us that they are not a cause for alarm. There are signs we should be looking for but 2012 prophecies, planet X, binary stars, global warming, Y2K and a whole host of other things that Christians have gotten all worked up about aren't among them. Here are just a few signs we should be looking for:
The abomination that causes desolation. Now, stop reading for a moment and think about what the words "abomination" and "desolation" mean and what it means to "cause desolation"....
Ok... Have you thought about it? Remember that Jesus was a Jew and he was speaking to Jews. Now, what is the most holy place to all Jews, both in Jesus' day and now?... The Temple Mount. And what's standing there right now? See any connection to the words "abomination" and "desolation"?
All nations gathering against Israel. Before all nations can gather against Israel, they have to turn against Israel. Over the past couple of decades, country after country has been turning against Israel. Fourty years ago, practically the whole world, except for the Arab nations, supported Isreal, but today she has very few allies. Here in Iceland, as well as some other European countries, there had been talk about severing diplomatic ties with Israel.
An increase in knowledge. Technology and research has advanced more over the last century than throughout all of human history before that.
An increase in false teaching, especiall teaching suited to "itching ears". Although false doctrines have allways been with us (some are even addressed in the Bible), there has, over the last few decades, been an increase in a certain type of false doctines, sometimes called "feel-good Christianity". The prosperity gospel, "seeker-friendly" churches and a number of other things are all designed to keep people from feeling condemned or convicted of sin and to make sure people feel good and are taught what they want to hear.
There are many signs of of Christ's coming that are being fulfilled all around us, but they aren't the ones the world is getting all worked up about. A true sign of the times will only be discerned by those that have the Holy Spirit to help them discern it. The rest of the world won't notice.