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[__ Prayer __] Illness troubles


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I'm scared. I want to die peacefully. It hurts. I feel like just not eating. I need prayer.
Thanks :)

The ER won't help. I'm using a buddhist technique, living in the moment. It's helping.
Dear Father, I have no idea what is going on that would lend Sister Angel to be involved with anything Buddhist, but You do and I ask for Your intervention, Your deliverance from the hurt she is experiencing, and especially to apply Your great grace and mercy at this moment to her need. Thank You Father, and I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
mental illness is rough. I'm still paranoid because the neighbors have kept messing with me and I'm...well, prone to paranoia in general, lol.

I kinda sorta (but not completely, clearly) know where you're coming from. Listen life goes better when I listen to Eugene...Buddhist techniques are for people in and of the world.

Sometimes, what I'll do when I'm hearing voices (most of mine are replays of past incidents and/or things I obsess over...) is silently ask Jesus to be with me in my suffering and pain. I don't usually feel better immediately, but I am better able to stick it out and I do feel like I've gotten somewhat closer to The Lord by doing that.

One thing that bothers me...psychology and psychiatry are taking bits and pieces of Buddhism and such and selling it to patients. This is one reason why I've become ever more suspicious of Mental Health, Inc. Clearly, not everything they're selling is terrible--I'm on 4 meds and doing much better because of a Christian, its probably a good idea to flex those discernment muscles, even with "professionals" who are there to "help."

OK. You're in my prayers. Please keep us all posted on how things go for you.
sleep is important. nobody, no matter how "stable," functions well without adequate sleep.

Try to be patient with yourself. Me...I'm trying to re-frame my struggles. Its not "schizophrenia," its not even "Bipolar I," its...well, a messed up reaction to a messed up world. It happens. Meds help, but they only do so much...

Please keep us all posted. You're in my prayers.
All Im willing to say is that Im being oppressed and trauma ties into it.
Also, I was satanically attacked last night. That hasn't happened in a long time.
I'm pretty depressed over it. So, I'm trying not to focus on the pain.
oppression is terrible. Demonic attacks are...awful. I remember being in jail...23 hour lockdown...and having these terrible dreams, and then having a dream within a dream, in which I thought my jaw was broken from clamping down so hard, because of the tension (and I think now...demonic stuff, too)...I'd wake up with a sore jaw, to another day of boredom punctuated by fear.

Satan picks on people who are considered "mentally ill" big time. I'm sorry you're going through all this, and I'll keep you up in ((frequent)) prayer.
I agree that the devil knows our weakness and manipulates us. Sometimes I get sick, but I recognize it is more spiritual.

Thanks for your prayers. I do pray for you often. Sometimes God just brings you to mind.
yeah.....I'm starting to think a lot of my "illness" is holding onto a past I barely remember, and that mostly isn't worth remembering, anyway. Trauma is also an issue. In my case, the "professinals" deliberately traumatized me + damaged my brain in an effort to make me "more manageable." Now, The Lord has stepped in a huge way and...I dunno. I'm beginning to see that psychiatry, psychology...they're just outgrowths of society. For the most part, they don't have a whole lot to offer, and what they do offer you depends a lot on how much $$$ they can make off you and your status.

We're both blessed to be saved. It seems that you have a loving family helping you. I do, too...this despite who I was and what I did in the past, plus my current flaws and sins, sin patterns, etc.

satan seems to love attacking us both. If it wasn't for my people housing and protecting me and all, plus them "moving up inthe world," the former shrinks would have put me in prison, no doubt. Because that's how they treat "trouble makers," apparently.

So, I deal with neighbors and pictures and videos and angry ex-"professionals..." and you deal with trauma and oppression and the way satan comes after you. They say you're "Schizophrenic." Well...most people around here say I'm "Schizophrenic," too, except the people who do my meds and such...they call it "Bipolar I." I don't see much of a difference, but of course...the "experts" insist the distinction is very, very important.

Here we both are, lol. The Lord has worked, is working, and will work in both our lives. To what end, I don't pretend to know. Let's keep praying for each other.

I know what you mean about family being vital to recovery. I don't know what I'd do without them! I am also so thankful for disability.

This forum is the only Christian fellowship I get. My brains too funky to be in a room full of people, Christians nevertheless.

I'm better today. Not ruminating on what bothers me... And,

I agree we should be prayer buds!
I will pray that you CAN find fellowship in a church or other setting somewhere. It is SO helpful and important to have people to talk to. Many times, others simply do not understand - happens to me all of the time. But just hearing and knowing that others are praying for me helps a lot.

People do care, it's just that they often cannot do more than care or pray.
Father, thank You for loving Angel and keeping her close to You always. I trust that You have her best interest at heart and that You are working in her life because You are her Father. I pray and ask in the name of Jesus that you open her heart and mind to You to receive Your love in a fresh, new way - in Jesus’ name I pray and ask. Amen.”
our problems are classified somewhat different and treated a bit differently, but I sense a whole lotta overlap. My "psychosis" waxes and wanes. I was off meds for a while, then given involuntary shock, all kindsa bad things happened...point is, it took over 1 year of meds, including a newer antipsychotic, for most of my voices to simmer down. These days, I have text book tranquilizer-treated psychosis; fewer voices, less of a reaction to the voices; less agitation overall, and the voices I do hear are muffled, harder to make out what "they" are saying.

Point is...I have a sense of where you're coming from. For me, I've been praying that The Lord will "will a way out of myself," so I can get out of my flesh and inner everything and focus on others, real issues, books, learning....anything outside the lingering madness, the past, all that stuff.

Not that psychosis means you're "self-centered," much less "narcissistic," just...well, my experience has been, and I've read this elsewhere...psychosis, especially what the pros call "Schizophrenia," has a strong introspective, inward looking component. When you read older psychiatric material about the tranquilizers, they're quick to point out that 1 thing these drugs do is get people/patients out of their/our inner world, more into what's going on around us/them.

Sooooo....I'm hoping+praying you can get out of your pain, out of your inner world, out of your past, even if its baby steps and then steps backwards at first...and out into the world around you. This is a prayer as much for me (obviously) as for you, so please don't take any of this as criticism or anything. I just sense that a lot of 'Schizophrenic" and (apparently) "severely Bipolar I" people have some similar thought patterns and such fueling the problems.

Done now. As're in my prayers. :)
Thank you.

When I came off the street I lived in the past for a whole year!

I've progressed.

I hope you aren't being harassed lately. How is that going? I've been praying.


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