I'm a lonely sojourner


Fight the good fight of faith
Apr 22, 2011
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I'm a lonely sojourner in a land that use to be, but is no more to me.
I am fearful of my predators, but protected by my Lord.
Shall I speak with words of kindness to the faces I never see or walk in tolerance of the ignorance of those who be?

I know who I am and that's all I need as the rest of this world in ignorance will be.
When the moon gives up its light and the days grow dark then my Savior will rescue this sojourning Lark.

I wrote this one day as I was reflecting on my life journey here on this earth and all the many things I have faced so far in this life. I look back at where I use to be many years ago and compared to where I am now and it just amazes me how God can love so unconditionally. If not for Gods mercy and grace there would be no hope for any of us who struggle through this walk here on Earth. The victory truly does belong to the Lord who has made us more than conquerors.

May God bless you and protect you :pray
I'm a lonely sojourner in a land that use to be, but is no more to me.
I thought of this song .

I Am A Pilgrim​

I am a pilgrim and a stranger
Traveling through this wearisome land
And I’ve got a home in that yonder city, good Lord
And it’s not (good Lordy it’s not) not made by hand
I got a mother, a sister and a brother
Who have gone to that sweet home
And I am determined to go and see them, good Lord
Over on (good Lordy over on) that distant shore
As I go down to that river Jordan
Just to bathe my weary soul
If I could touch but just the hem of His garment, good Lord
I believe (good Lordy I believe) that it would make me whole
Now when I’m dead, laying in my coffin
All of my friends all gather round
They can say that he’s just laying there sleeping, good Lord
Sweet peace (Lordy sweet peace) his soul is found
