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Bible Study Important verse and topic

I would say Genesis, Isaiah, Psalms of the Jewish/Hebrew OT........
I favor the Gospels of Luke and John and the book of Revelation in the Christian NT.....

Jesus is indeed the great I AM.........PRAISE JESUS!

A fairly good Hebrew study site for those interested:

Gene 1:1 In [a] beginning Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth/Land.
Gene 2:4 These are the geneaological annals of the heavens and the earth in to be creating them, in [a] day Yahweh Elohim to make earth and heavens.

Isa 46:10 Declaring from the beginning the latter end, and from of old that which hath not been done, Saying, 'My counsel doth stand, And all My delight I do.'
Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

John 8:58 Said to them Jesus "amen amen I-am-saying to ye, before Abraham to be becoming<1096>, I AM
And Jesus declaring to the 7 1st century Assemblies He is the great I AM of old........

Rev 1:8 'I AM the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end, saith the Lord, who is, and who was, and who is coming -- the Almighty.'
Reve 2:23 and her children I will kill in death, and know shall all the assemblies that I AM He Who is searching reins and hearts; and I will give to you -- to each -- according to your works.

Rev 19:13 and he is arrayed with a garment covered with blood, and his name is called, The Word of God.

Rev 21:6 and He said to me, 'It hath been done! I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End; I, to him who is thirsting, will give of the fountain of the water of the life freely;

Rev 22:13 I AM the Alpha and the Omega -- the Beginning and End -- the First and the Last.
Reve 22:16 'I, Jesus did send my messenger to testify to you these things concerning the assemblies;
I AM the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star!

Learning who the I AM is draws us even closer to Him within our personal relationship.
I would say Genesis, Isaiah, Psalms of the Jewish/Hebrew OT........
I favor the Gospels of Luke and John and the book of Revelation in the Christian NT.....

Jesus is indeed the great I AM.........PRAISE JESUS!

A fairly good Hebrew study site for those interested:

Gene 1:1 In [a] beginning Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth/Land.
Gene 2:4 These are the geneaological annals of the heavens and the earth in to be creating them, in [a] day Yahweh Elohim to make earth and heavens.

Isa 46:10 Declaring from the beginning the latter end, and from of old that which hath not been done, Saying, 'My counsel doth stand, And all My delight I do.'
Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

John 8:58 Said to them Jesus "amen amen I-am-saying to ye, before Abraham to be becoming<1096>, I AM
And Jesus declaring to the 7 1st century Assemblies He is the great I AM of old........

Rev 1:8 'I AM the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end, saith the Lord, who is, and who was, and who is coming -- the Almighty.'
Reve 2:23 and her children I will kill in death, and know shall all the assemblies that I AM He Who is searching reins and hearts; and I will give to you -- to each -- according to your works.

Rev 19:13 and he is arrayed with a garment covered with blood, and his name is called, The Word of God.

Rev 21:6 and He said to me, 'It hath been done! I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End; I, to him who is thirsting, will give of the fountain of the water of the life freely;

Rev 22:13 I AM the Alpha and the Omega -- the Beginning and End -- the First and the Last.
Reve 22:16 'I, Jesus did send my messenger to testify to you these things concerning the assemblies;
I AM the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star!

You seem to be passionate about who God himself is.
And I think the books you mentioned are very well chosen.

Thanks for the link! I already have bookmarked it.
It is interesting to have some understanding of the Hebrew meaning of some Words.
Like they have more names for God. As we usually only use one.
It definitely gives a broader and deeper understanding of things.
Amen. Great stuff.

Repent is its most foundational meaning means turn to God, in submission to Him as Lord.

This is the call of the Gospel.

This is what Jesus sent His Apostles to preach.

Paul recounts his “road to Damascus” experience —

So I said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’
“Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance. Acts 26:15-20

If we are called to turn to God, then by default we are called to turn away from Satan as our lord.

So here’s the beautiful part:

We are God’s enemy, serving Satan as our lord, and members of Satan’s kingdom.

God in His great mercy calls us to Himself, to turn to Him and become His sons, to enjoy eternal life with Him, and to be joint heirs with Christ, WHILE WE ARE STILL HIS ENEMY!

Oh, the riches and depth of God’s great love and mercy towards us.

The way we are transferred out of Satan’s kingdom, into the kingdom of God, is by confessing Jesus as Lord.

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10

Repenting is about changing kingdom’s by changing the Lord we serve.

Confessing Jesus as Lord, is how we obey the Gospel.

Believe means obey.


I believe this to be true and according to the Bible.
Romans 10:10 is one of my absolute favourite verses!:)
Yes! To repent and believe is everything!
It's really what life is all about!

To believe God with all our hearts and turn away form the way of the world.
To obey and also to have a relationship that is mutual and working all that is good in every area of our lives.
Amen brother/sister
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Learning who the I AM is draws us even closer to Him within our personal relationship.
I do think that this should be a main focus when we read study pray and even always and anywhere.

God I AM is really known thru Jesus. God sendt Jesus much for that reason.
That God thru Jesus might relate to us and us to Him as a human.

Out of many mysteries of the Bible this is one.
What God did to save us and the length He went to do it is something that I don't think many or even any have really realised the measurement of..
I wish I and more Christians could get further and further into our true potential.

I believe that most believers, even pastors and teachers have only been scratching the surface of who we are in Christ and what potential we are given.
You seem to be passionate about who God himself is.
And I think the books you mentioned are very well chosen.

Thanks for the link! I already have bookmarked it.
It is interesting to have some understanding of the Hebrew meaning of some Words.
Like they have more names for God. As we usually only use one.
It definitely gives a broader and deeper understanding of things.
Thks. Here is a fairly good interlinear if you want to see the transliterated Hebrew/Grk.

Note how many different Hebrew words are used for God in Exo 15:1-2

Exodus 15:["Song of Moses" Shown in Revelation 15:3]
1 Then sang Mosheh and the sons of Yisra'el this song unto Yahweh, and they spake saying,--"I will sing to Yahweh for He is exalted exalted,--The horse and his rider hath He cast into the Sea.
2 My might and melody is Yah<3050>, and He became mine salvation/y@shuw'ah.--This is my 'El and I will glorify Him, 'Elohiym of my father and I will set Him on high". '
King James Bible The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.


Why do I transliterate the Hebrew word אלהים (elohiym) instead of translating it as “God” as other translations do? Because the Hebrew word elohiym does not mean “God.” In Exodus 9:28 this very same word is translated as “mighty,” which is the literal meaning of this word. However, this word is used as a name for God, and in the Mechanical Translation all Hebrew names are transliterations of the Hebrew.​
This is screen shot from the ISA of that verse:

Thks. Here is a fairly good interlinear if you want to see the transliterated Hebrew/Grk.

Note how many different Hebrew words are used for God in Exo 15:1-2

Exodus 15:["Song of Moses" Shown in Revelation 15:3]
1 Then sang Mosheh and the sons of Yisra'el this song unto Yahweh, and they spake saying,--"I will sing to Yahweh for He is exalted exalted,--The horse and his rider hath He cast into the Sea.
2 My might and melody is Yah<3050>, and He became mine salvation/y@shuw'ah.--This is my 'El and I will glorify Him, 'Elohiym of my father and I will set Him on high". '


Why do I transliterate the Hebrew word אלהים (elohiym) instead of translating it as “God” as other translations do? Because the Hebrew word elohiym does not mean “God.” In Exodus 9:28 this very same word is translated as “mighty,” which is the literal meaning of this word. However, this word is used as a name for God, and in the Mechanical Translation all Hebrew names are transliterations of the Hebrew.​
This is screen shot from the ISA of that verse:

View attachment 10202
More gold nuggets! ?
Very interesting. And also much to dive into.
Some words even have several meanings. An also corresponding numbers.
I think....
I have heard one speaking of the codes in the Bible. And several layers and meanings of a one and same story.

That's why I try to stay humble and God fearing.
Because sometimes I think that I understand much.
But then I realize that there is more to it..
Thks. Here is a fairly good interlinear if you want to see the transliterated Hebrew/Grk.

Note how many different Hebrew words are used for God in Exo 15:1-2

Exodus 15:["Song of Moses" Shown in Revelation 15:3]
1 Then sang Mosheh and the sons of Yisra'el this song unto Yahweh, and they spake saying,--"I will sing to Yahweh for He is exalted exalted,--The horse and his rider hath He cast into the Sea.
2 My might and melody is Yah<3050>, and He became mine salvation/y@shuw'ah.--This is my 'El and I will glorify Him, 'Elohiym of my father and I will set Him on high". '


Why do I transliterate the Hebrew word אלהים (elohiym) instead of translating it as “God” as other translations do? Because the Hebrew word elohiym does not mean “God.” In Exodus 9:28 this very same word is translated as “mighty,” which is the literal meaning of this word. However, this word is used as a name for God, and in the Mechanical Translation all Hebrew names are transliterations of the Hebrew.​
This is screen shot from the ISA of that verse:

View attachment 10202
Elohim is interesting. Because I have read someplace in the Bible that God made man. And He made them a little lower than Elohim.

I have heard someone say that He is speaking of the Angels..

Do you know?