Imagican said:
Do you propose to tell me and TEACH that one that DOESN'T have a 'man-made' CHURCH to TEACH them of Salvation that Salvation is NOT possible?
If I were ALONE with NOTHING other than the Bible, (let's say I new NOTHING about God or His Son and was placed in SOLITARY confinement. Unable to SPEAK to ANYONE concerning God), is it YOUR contension that I COULD NOT BE SAVED?
First of all, the Catholic Church is not "man-made" like Protestant churches are. Historically, the Catholic Church is the one founded by Christ, who said "I will build MY Church", and joined by Paul who wrote "...the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth". It was not founded by a mere man. If the church is simply the "community of believers", how can it be the pillar of truth when there are so many different "communities" all teaching different "truths" which directly contradict each other?
Secondly, I was not talking about salvation specifically. My point is, how is Truth transmitted to us, by Scripture alone, or by the Church, which includes Scripture?
Lastly, your example is a very extraordinary case. You are confusing ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation. One way of illustrating the difference is to contrast the "rich, young man" and the thief on the cross. The man came to Jesus, presumably, healthy with years ahead of him. He asked "what must I do to inherit eternal life"? Jesus told him to keep the commandments and, if he wanted to be perfect, sell everything and follow Him. This is the ordinary means of applying the merits of Christ to the believer. The thief, on the other hand, was hours from death, hanging on a cross. He couldn't keep the commandments or "follow him, yet he was saved because he did all he could when the Grace of God moved him. This is an extraordinary circumstance. God wants us to give EVERYTHING to Him, however and whenever we are called. In answer to your direct question: Yes, you could be saved.
And I have been TOLD by the APOSTLES of Christ NOT to FOLLOW ANY MAN. That through the annointing offered me, REGARDLESS of any 'man-made institution', I AM able to understand and BECOME PERFECT in this understanding.
I don't understand. Are you saying you get this from Scripture, or private revelation?
And in answer to your direct question: I cannot 'show' you ANYTHING that you CHOOSE NOT to 'see'. And YES, there WILL be those that choose to 'follow' their OWN will and reading the Word will NOT change this in the least. Nor will someone 'telling them' what THEY 'think' that the other should KNOW. For knowledge, (truth), can only be 'accepted', it CANNOT be 'created'.
MOST of the WORLD as we know it will NEVER 'choose' Christ. That is NOT something that I NEED to 'make up'. That IS FACT as offered THROUGH The Word. And THAT, my friend, is evidence ENOUGH of what I offer in statement.
Hummm...In answer to the question "Suppose one person "accepts Jesus as Lord and savior", prays for the Holy Spirits guidance, reads Scripture and comes to the conclusion that a person can never lose his salvation. Suppose another person also honestly does all of the above and comes to the conclusion that we CAN lose our salvation. Which "Holy Spirit" guided "born-again" believer is right? And why?" Your answer is the above?...I'm sorry I don't see an answer there. Could you please elaborate? Which "bible-believer" is right and why?
Someone offering that it takes MORE than what has been offered by MY God and My Savior just goes to meet out what we were WARNED would come to be, 'that there WOULD come those that WOULD worship the 'creature' MORE than the Creator.
Something more than what has been offered? Please show where Scripture teaches any SEMBLENCE of SS, any way you want to define it. It was not taught in historic Christianity for 1500 years, nor is it taught in Scripture. So, is SS "MORE than what has been offered by MY God and My Savior"? Are you worshipping "the 'creature' MORE than the Creator"?