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In search of answers...or something


Hello forum. I am posting here because as of late I have given up having hope for humanity. I used to be a Christian until around age 17, when I started to question everything I had been taught in church and questioned mans' purpose here on this Earth. I am now 20 years old and a Junior in college and I have finally lost all hope for this world. I just don't understand why God would make such a terrible creation (humans). I can't stand seeing us destroy ourselves anymore with war and general apathy towards the well being of others, we continue to come up with increasingly complex ways to annihilate those of us we see as different, we think that in order to create peace we must start wars and so on and so forth. I am being completely sincere when I say that I just don't see a point in existence (not only human beings, but anything for that matter). I just don't know what to do anymore...why should I even try to accomplish anything when it's all for nothing...please help

OK, take a deep breath, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in again, out slowly ...

.... ** soothing background music ** ..... relax your mind, calm down ... :sleep

Oooops, don't go dozing off ! ... :poke

OK now let's talk ....

Humans are terrible creations ??? .... :nono

You see God made man "very good" (Genesis 1:31), but due to freewill He gave Adam and Eve, they chose to disobey God and fell into sin ... that's where sin originated, but that was not God's original intention at all ... Wars, calamities, tragedies, sicknesses and adversities are repercussions of that orignal sin.

What exactly do you hope to accomplish as an individual on a global scale?

We can only serve God and serve the world in ways that God empowers us based on individuals' skills, talents and gifts. I live in a peaceful country so I'm not sure what exactly is overwhelming you with great deal of distress and agony. Are you living in a war-torn area ?

Hello Zakky

Hello forum. I am posting here because as of late I have given up having hope for humanity. I used to be a Christian until around age 17, when I started to question everything I had been taught in church and questioned mans' purpose here on this Earth. I am now 20 years old and a Junior in college and I have finally lost all hope for this world.

So you have come to realise that man is cursed. That while man can think great and noble thoughts he cannot put that into action. You have discovered through personal experience and through observing the world that many of the basic teachings of the Bible are confirmed. That being that human beings are flawed and need the intervention of God to come to any form of state of being equal to mans highest thoughts.

I just don't understand why God would make such a terrible creation (humans).

Well in the beginning God did create us as Good, But we came to the knowledge of good and evil and we just don't have the ability to have that knowledge without using both and causing suffering in this world.

Maybe a better question would be why God has allowed this state of affairs to continue for such a long time?

I can't stand seeing us destroy ourselves anymore with war and general apathy towards the well being of others, we continue to come up with increasingly complex ways to annihilate those of us we see as different, we think that in order to create peace we must start wars and so on and so forth.

Yes i agree where on a road to oblivion and we have almost made it there.

I am being completely sincere when I say that I just don't see a point in existence (not only human beings, but anything for that matter). I just don't know what to do anymore...why should I even try to accomplish anything when it's all for nothing...please help

The reason to continue on comes when you accept that mankind is flawed and give up on the vane pursuit of perfection. If one changes from a focus point of wanting perfection to a focus point of wanting to lessen wrongs and seek to do as much right as possible then every personal action that achieves one of these objectives brings satisfaction and Joy. If we can break away from our mourning for the dead perfection we may have been hoping for in this life and world and come at the world with the attitude of i am going to make the best of a bad situation then reasons for living can come.

You may say. What about hope for a better existence? Or even a perfect existence. Well for me that’s where God comes into the picture. He provides both the example of perfection and the promise of granting that perfection to me in the future.

It is safe to invest ones idealism in God, He is perfect, He is the Ideal. But when people invest their idealism in this world, in people, in human leaders, in systems of government, in economic systems, in the systems of law and order in this world. Then one is on a sure path to disillusionment and crushing depression.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If you want to read about suffering, just pick up a history book. Of any culture.

Now think about technology.

If mankind had had the technology that we have today, a few thousand years ago, the earth would have been where it's at now, back then.

People are people.

What controls them is their ideologies. Something bigger then themselves (religion) that forms their basic views on what is right and wrong. Those views define the culture that anyone lives in. The culture that affects them directly around them, and the greater culture of the nation and the society in which they live.

When people discard religion, anything pretty much goes eventually. Because people want to do what they want to do, and it becomes a downward spiral. Hence the moral and ethical slide of the west over this past century since darwin took hold and christianity and it's values declined.
But even within a religion, you can get cultural values that are caused by people interpreting that religion to their own advantage or a religion of convenience.

It's quite relative. Hence you can still have child slavery and the oppression of the poor within a supposed 'christian' society.

It works that way to varying degrees under other religions as well.

People can't solve their own problems ultimatly to the point of world peace and fairness for everyone. It's ridiculous even trying. Human beings are just incapable of it, on their own.

Hence our need for God. To know that we are not God and never can be on our own.

It just doesn't work. This world is the glaringly obvious proof.

Why would God do this? So he can trust those who would reject sin - for eternity with free will. Satan had it. But he fell. Badly. And dragged a third of the angels down with him. God has to be sure that we won't.

Hence this world that we live in. The perfect classroom if you like.

It's only hopeless if this is all there is. But 70 years is just a click of the fingers when you compare it to eternity.

If God wasn't just this would be hopeless. Completely. But he is. Completely.
you are right, except that life without God is like a leaf in the wind, the Peace that we search is in God, who only gives strength so we can forward. If we have Him in our thoughts we can resist all, think at the rain who is falling above us, we are here with a purpose.
My only question for you Zakky is:

Do you still have faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God?
Thank you very much everyone for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I guess when it comes to the idea of original sin I just don't understand the concept. Why must we pay for what Adam and Eve did? It just seems unfair that the rest of humanity pays for the mistake made by two people. I never asked to be born, it seems as if things were just fine before I existed, no suffering/seeing others suffer. Granted I still sometimes feel moments of happiness in my life, they just do not seem to outweigh all the bad things that happen...and not just bad things that happen to me, but I can't stand seeing other people sad/suffering. I just don't understand why God would not intervene and relieve that suffering, speaking metaphorically it is like those news stories you see where someone is laying dying in the street and no one even bothers to call 911. I think I really have lost faith in God and Jesus...It just doesn't make sense that if you fail in the classroom of life that you are to suffer for an eternity. What does our creator get out of seeing us suffer or be happy? I wouldn't punish a child for the rest of their life (or eternity) just because they made a few just seems heartless
Thank you very much everyone for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I guess when it comes to the idea of original sin I just don't understand the concept. Why must we pay for what Adam and Eve did? It just seems unfair that the rest of humanity pays for the mistake made by two people. I never asked to be born, it seems as if things were just fine before I existed, no suffering/seeing others suffer. Granted I still sometimes feel moments of happiness in my life, they just do not seem to outweigh all the bad things that happen...and not just bad things that happen to me, but I can't stand seeing other people sad/suffering. I just don't understand why God would not intervene and relieve that suffering, speaking metaphorically it is like those news stories you see where someone is laying dying in the street and no one even bothers to call 911. I think I really have lost faith in God and Jesus...It just doesn't make sense that if you fail in the classroom of life that you are to suffer for an eternity. What does our creator get out of seeing us suffer or be happy? I wouldn't punish a child for the rest of their life (or eternity) just because they made a few just seems heartless

Your right. It does seem heartless. Does not even fit the bill of love as far as that goes. The simple matter is that God is not 'punishing' those who do not believe. People who do not believe punish themselves.

God gave us, has given us, and is giving us all the information we need to make a rational decision that if we will just choose to follow His way, then in the end it is all going to work out for the best. But, if we continue to follow our own way, and our own desires, then things are going to wind up really bad for us. We are not 'paying' for what Adam and Eve did, we are just suffering the outcome of it. The same way a child of a parent suffers if the parent chooses to not work for a living and looses their place to sleep and eat.

So why did God not start over right after that? Great question. Why not just wipe out humanity and start over. Seems logical if I were God. Of course, chances are it would happen again....and again....and again....

See, unless He made robots, He will still have to work around the free will He has given man to either love Him or not. That is what His desire is. Just for us to love Him. But in order for us to love Him, He had to show us how much He loves us. How did He do that? He shows us how desperately wicked we are, then He shows us that even though we are that much against everything He is, He still came to earth and was beaten, punished, tormented, and even killed all to show us His love. He did not have to plan it that way....but He did.

God does not expect you to be 'good'. But rather He has given us the ability to be 'good' because of the sacrifice He made. Its hard to explain unless you are standing on the other side, but if I may, the view from over here is wonderful. I know that because Jesus Christ came and died for me, to show His love for me, so that I can live in newness of life, I can now worship and serve Him out of love. And when I stumble and 'miss the mark'(sin), I know He is right there reaching out to me, to pick me back up.

See, He is going to start over. He is going to wipe out all humanity. And then, we will be like Adam and Eve were. But instead of being 'tempted' and deceived, we will know just how much God loves us. Adam and Eve did not know that in the beginning. They did afterward though. One day, when/if you have kids you will understand. I have 3. When I tell them not to do something it is usually because it will hurt them. When they go ahead and do it they cry out in pain. Then, I will go to them, correct them, and then more often than not they will run to me and I will hold them in my arms.

What is so confusing to see is that with humanity, when we get 'hurt' by sin we commit or is committed against us, we do not run to God in a desire for Him to hold us, we run to Him and 'demand' Him to make it right, or to tell us why He 'allowed' it to happen. If instead we would just run to Him, ask Him to hold us, He will. I promise, He will. You may not understand, but you just have to trust that He is working a plan out even if you do not understand it. One day, you will. Do not make Christianity too complicated. But do not make it too simple either.

The world is messed up. It's only gonna get worse. God told us this is gonna happen. He is the God of truth. He cannot lie. He could have described an endtimes where no bad stuff happens. Where the world gets better and better and more and more loving. But He didn't. So the question is WHY?

And the answer is......THIS IS A TEST.

The whole life to heaven thing would be WAY too easy otherwise. We MUST have our faith tested. It's the only way to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

Look mate. We could well have the endtimes happen in our lifetime. You say you think you've lost faith. I say......what good is that gonna do you? LOLZ!

The world is still gonna get worse and worse but instead of looking forward to eternity with Jesus you'll be looking forward to.......nuttin.

Listen fella. Buck up.....get your head sorted.....and start thinking about your life like your living in a movie. You are a Christian hero! Cheer up. Things could be a lot worse.

I'm assuming you've read the Gospels in your adult life but if you havn't then definately do that first.

If you have any personal issues that you wanna talk about then your welcome to PM me Bro. Gimme you personal details..age...marital status etc then tell me what the deal is.

Chin up geezer.
Thanks again for the feedback. I guess to sum up the recent points made by you helpful contributors, I guess I have kind of come to the conclusion that while I am on Earth I might as well make the best of it and live my life trying to be as loving and as compassionate as I can be...somewhat like a think globally act locally mentality. I know I can't fix all the problems in the world, but the least I can do is try not to exacerbate the situation. I genuinely like seeing people happy and for the most part I try to do that everyday, although sometimes I mess up. I am still up in the air about my whole opinion of God though. If this life is the "test", I just kinda wish I would have never taken the class. I still just can't grasp the whole "love me and trust in me or suffer forever" ultimatum...I honestly would rather not exist/have to choose between risking an eternity in hell just because I don't love God and appreciate the free will he has given us, granted I wouldn't be able to experience the few pleasantries of this earth, but it still doesn't seem worth the risk of eternal suffering. I never asked for this existence...I wasn't given a choice in that matter( ie; no free will)... if this life is a gift I would rather just return it. It is somewhat like my GE classes at school...If I had the choice I wouldn't take them, but the school says I have to if I want a degree, I have no choice...
Well if we did burn forever if we missed 'the test' I'd agree with you. However scripture doesn't really back that up.

Why don't you ask God if you do want to know.
Humans were originally "very good." That is emphasized throughout Genesis. It was Satan's temptation and man's naivete and weakness that destroyed that. But such is not God's fault. God did tempt Adam and Eve; Satan did. God did not eat the forbidden fruit; Adam and Eve did.
All of humanity after Adam and Eve had to be as they were. Otherwise, anyone else who disobeyed would go to Hell. No second chances; no exceptions. If Eve was that naive and Adam was disobedient, what kind of omen is that for the rest of humanity?
On the subject of this being a test and the Heaven or Hell ultimatium: Heaven is praising and being in fellowhip with God for all eternity. If a person doesn't want to do that here on Earth, what will change in the afterlife? Also, by the blood of Jesus we are made righteous, though as a man in rags; without it we are infinitely filthy. God cannot be in the presence of the unrighteous; they would die. In the afterlife, they are already dead and would be in perpetual agony if God were to allow sinners in His fellowship.

Truth is, Jesus loves you, whether you realize it or not. He died a brutal physical and spiritual death on the cross so that we might have a chance of salvation. The Bible is, in essence, His love letter and instruction manual to us. He has given people every tool they need to reach Him so that they will not go to Hell. All people need to do is use it and He will come. Maybe not immediately; I myself was saved after a month of praying. But God is not biased and He will come. And he is a gift better than anything on this world, trust me.