I'm interested that twice you mentioned God leading you.
How, (specifically) would you feel that would have to occur?
Would walking past, and feeling that you should go in, count as "leading"?
Good question.
The Salvation Army went into barrooms to witness.
They reached out to beggars and prostitutes, etc.
William Booth had a strong urge, a great desire to get these people saved.
When the Apostle Paul got saved on the road to Damascus, he then had a great desire to reach out to people to get them saved.
It was God's leading.
It should always be God's leading.
My wife is a prayer warrior.
In her prayers God has led her out into the streets.
He teamed her up with a woman with the same desire.
My wife does not go into barrooms.
She stays where God puts her.
My wife would never go into a barroom.
God would have to literally push her through the door.
And then she would preach up a storm.