In the last days… there will be perilous times.


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
Jul 13, 2012
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And you believe that warning is telling us that we should keep people from coming across our borders? I would venture to say that we have a lot more serious 'perilous times' to be concerned with than that. I also believe that Jesus' warning of 'perilous times' is that believers will be persecuted for their faith and not that the world is going to be practicing evil. After all, Paul wrote a fairly complete treatise on all the wickedness that will be, please read that as written 'will be', the natural and promised way that mankind overall, will be going as we march inexorably into the very last of the last days.

Is it your belief that if we stop illegal immigration we will save the earth from it's utter wickedness that Paul writes to us in the first of his letter to the Roman believers? I honestly don't even see any of what Paul warns us of as the sins that will be coming in greater and greater measure upon the earth as even addressing the issue of people actually moving about the earth.
As I see it, human beings have moved about the earth pretty regularly since the beginning of Adam and Eve's generations. I don't find anywhere that God's word condemns that practice. In fact, if we understand the account of the tower of Babel, God seems to have encouraged mankind to move about the earth.