Maybe not healthier, but you'll sure be fitter that's for sure! And the way I see it, the fitter you are, the healthier you are.
I remember the first time I ran a 5k. I ran it in 30 minutes, went home and slept the rest of the day. My body hurt for the next few days and boy was I sore. I kept running and next thing you know, I ran my first 10 mile race. It took me a week to recoup from that one. I could hardly walk for the next few days.
Now I can run a 5k in under 21 minutes and go home and do whatever I need to do. Last year I ran that same 10 miles at a 7:40 pace, went home and split and stacked wood.
I have no idea what my resting heart rate used to be before I started exericing but my pulse sitting was always in the mid to high 60's. I haven't checked my resting heart rate in over a year, but I recorded it at 46 one morning with my heart rate monitor. Just Friday I checked my pulse right before lunch and it was 52 sitting down. My Blood pressure is also very low, and since I've been getting fitter, my BP has gone down.
This insanity workout is just that. It's insane. Is it worth it? Well, a buddy that's been doing it now for 2 months used to run a 10 minute mile. He ran an 8 and a half minute mile last week and felt great.
So, my body will recover and although I'm tired right now, my body will get stronger, and I'll be able to do more. Maybe I'll even be able to keep up with my 13 year old son.. are at least make him think I can lol!