The Barbarian said:
Sounds like an atheist explaining why he thinks there is no God.
:roll: The bible is my evidence.
(Barbarian asks what he would consider a transitional, since he argues there are none)
There are transitionals, I even posted a few earlier.
However they prove little to nothing.
So if you have no idea what it would be like, what makes you think you'd recognize it? You guys are all alike. You come on like you know something about it, and then when asked back it up, you run for cover.
You dodged giving an answer with insult. :roll:
Nope. In fact, Bob just tried to refute the transistionals that led to modern horses, and failed. Would you like to give it a try.
Gladly, the first specimen was named Hyracotherium by its discoverer, Robert Owen, because of its resemblance to the genus Hyrax (cony). Later specimens, found in North America, were named Eohippus (‘dawn horse’), but there is no sound reason for linking it with horses. So the horse family tree has a false origin.
The horse series was constructed from fossils found in many different parts of the world, and nowhere does this succession occur in one location. The series is formulated on the assumption of evolutionary progression, and then used to ‘prove’ evolution!
The number of ribs varies within the series, up and down, between 15, 19, and 18. The number of lumbar vertebrae also changes from six to eight and then back to six.
There is no consensus on horse ancestry among palaeontologists, and more than a dozen different family trees have been proposed, indicating that the whole thing is only guesswork.
Fossils of the three-toed and one-toed species are preserved in the same rock formation in Nebraska USA1, proving that both lived at the same time, strongly suggesting that one did not evolve into the other.
Modern horses come in a wide variety of sizes. There is a great difference between the Fallabella horse of Argentinaâ€â€fully grown at 43 centimetres (17 inches) highâ€â€and the massive Clydesdale. Both are horses, and the larger has not evolved from the smaller, nor the smaller from the larger
In 1841, the earliest so-called “horse†fossil was discovered in clay around London. The scientist who unearthed it, Richard Owen, found a complete skull that looked like a fox's head with multiple back-teeth as in hoofed animals. He called it Hyracotherium. He saw no connection between it and the modern-day horse.
In 1874, another scientist, Kovalevsky, attempted to establish a link between this small fox-like creature, which he thought was 70 million years old, and the modern horse.
In 1879, an American fossil expert, O. C. Marsh, and famous evolutionist Thomas Huxley, collaborated for a public lecture which Huxley gave in New York. Marsh produced a schematic diagram which attempted to show the so-called development of the front and back feet, the legs, and the teeth of the various stages of the horse. He published his evolutionary diagram in the American Journal of Science in 1879, and it found its way into many other publications and textbooks. The scheme hasn't changed. It shows a beautiful gradational sequence in “the evolution†of the horse, unbroken by any abrupt changes. This is what we see in school textbooks.
If it were true, you would expect to find the earliest horse fossils in the lowest rock strata. But you don't. In fact, bones of the supposed “earliest†horses have been found at or near the surface. Sometimes they are found right next to modern horse fossils!
There is no one site in the world where the evolutionary succession of the horse can be seen. Rather, the fossil fragments have been gathered from several continents on the assumption of evolutionary progress, and then used to support the assumption. This is circular reasoning, and does not qualify as objective science.
Finally, when evolutionists assume that the horse has grown progressively in size over millions of years, what they forget is that modern horses vary enormously in size. The largest horse today is the Clydesdale; the smallest is the Fallabella, which stands at 17 inches (43 centimeters) tall. Both are members of the same species, and neither has evolved from the other.
Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn’t changed much. The record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky and, ironically, we have even
fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin’s time. By this I mean that some of the classic cases of darwinian change in the fossil record, such as the evolution of the horse in North America, have had to be discarded or modified as a result of more detailed informationâ€â€what appeared to be a nice simple progression when relatively few data were available now appears to be much more complex and much less gradualistic. So Darwin’s problem has not been
alleviated in the last 120 years and we still have a record which does show change but one that can hardly be looked upon as the most reasonable consequence of natural selection.
Dr. Niles Eldredge, curator of the American Museum of Natural History, has said:
“I admit that an awful lot of that (imaginary stories) has gotten into the textbooks as though it were true. For instance, the most famous example still on exhibit downstairs (in the American Museum) is the exhibit on horse evolution prepared perhaps 50 years ago. That has been presented as literal truth in textbook after textbook. Now I think that that is lamentableâ€Â.
He was an evolutionist, correct?
The horse series is often presented as proof of evolution. The number of toes in foreleg and hind leg supposedly decreased as the horse evolved, and the size supposedly increased from a small doglike horse to a large modern horse. Yet three-toed horses have been found with one-toed horses, showing they lived at the same time. And there are tiny living Fallabella horses only 17 inches ( 43 centimeters) tall.
"But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single example of a significant transition.†David S. Woodruff
First directly observed case was in 1904. O. gigas from O. lamarckiana.
Oenothera lamarckiana, de Vries found an unusual variant among his plants. O. lamarckiana has a chromosome number of 2N = 14. The variant had a chromosome number of 2N = 28. He found that he was unable to breed this variant with O. lamarckiana. He named this new species O. gigas.
How is that macro-evolution?
[Barbarian fails to reply]
Once again you've dodged giving answer with insult
Yep, evolutionist.
No. Even the long bones are filled with marrow, as in all other mammals I know about.
What about the avian Z sex chromosome?
No. No avian features in a platypus. You've been snockered on that.
I'm not yet convinced that the platypus has no avian characteristics though you may be correct which is why I put the [perhaps] in there.
Of course, it makes sense for a primitive mammal to have traits associated with therapsid reptiles. They evolved from therapsid reptiles.
Mere speculation, not evolution
Looking at the platypus I would say it would just about have to be It would have to be just about evolved from everything.
If you think the difference between a man and a chimpanzee is microevolution. That's not the ways scientists use it.
The difference is they are 2 seperate beings all-together.
I can tell you're upset to learn about this. But you should not be afraid of the truth.
Upset? Hardly, the sole reason I'm here is to talk to people like you so I can see and learn the reasoning for both sides. ... lution.gif
Afraid of the truth? What truth is there in evolution that was based on facts? I hardly consider a contreversial theory to be the truth. :roll:
Man up, and tell me what characteristics. If you have faith in your beliefs, you shouldn't be afraid of the truth.
(still refuses to acknowlege my response)
Yep. Evolutionist.
Man up, give me somthing that will put my beliefs in question. You can use any of the details you see fit.
Again, I would not know what characteristics to ask for.