many people find it settling you and darkhorserising.
If a white person had said what I said I would not find it unsettling. I think you and others who seem to be offended need to grow up. Why is it such an unsettling thing for a black person to say what I said.
You cannot control what I think. You think I am coming over as a racist but that is your opinion. God knows my heart so don't come judging me. If what I have written has offended you I am sorry. You want to nitpick go ahead.
Barbados is my homecountry and I enjoy living here. I have never been to school with white folks and the majority of black people from Barbados would say the same thing. Is that a racist statement, I say no..that is a fact. I have lived in England and I have visited the US twice. I have seen interracial couples, but it is not for me. Does that upset you. Even if I did attend school with white folks I still would
prefer to be married to a black man. If you are interested in an interracial relationship go ahead, but don't try to tell me what I should and should not think or do. Who do you think you are. I think you are living in the wrong era of history. You should be living during the time of slavery. You would make a good slave master, not only telling people what to do but what to think and say.
Those days are over Mister. I am FREE
TO EXPRESS MY SELF. I do not insult people whether they be white or not. I made my comments without any malice. If you want to interpret what I wrote go ahead. I have no apolgies to make.