As christian we often have to filing systems, light darkness, any thing we do not under stand quickly gets filed or dropped in the darkness file bin.
many feel crop circles are part of a satanic deception, like wise aliens, ufo,s
hearing the account of a helecopter dropping orbs that then created a crop circle , is the tecnology infact a man made deception?
like wise i saw some footage of a helicopter recovering a disc , ufo , was flying with what we class as a ufo ,
beneath it held with wires.
i know its said the milatary are 40 years a head of main stream, regarding technology.
others also mention the technology for instance project blue beam , and the ability to create 3d illusions, deception
for instance the return of a messiah, islam are waiting for theirs, like wise the return of Jesus,
or a false flag alien encounter invasion,some dismiss project blue beam , and the claims being made ? like wise Haarp. , the amount of films made recently, with this theme, now believed by many in main stream belief.
considered a reality.
ie an alien encounter, or the stage is being prepared for the arrival of the anti christ.
so weather man made , satanic deception, some conclude a bit of both ?
thanks for sharing johnny